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snidely (Offline)
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Default Do these "Super SIM" cards work? - 02-06-2007, 18:55

I assume many of us here have multiple SIM cards - some of us w. multiple phones.

I ran across an item that claims to have the ability to combine several of your SIM cards into one "Super SIM" so you don't have to swap SIMS. Has anyone here used these?

I also see it for sale on Ebay:


Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2007, 21:24

I understad that it works, but only for "old" SIMs which were made before they upgraded the SIM encryption scheme. The multiple SIM images are only active one-at-a-time, not all at once. In other words, this won't give you multiple active lines for incoming calls.
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razfaz (Offline)
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Wink 02-06-2007, 21:29

Don't waste your money on those. They can only emulate the first generation of SIM cards used before 1999 and only by some (few) companies. With the original GSM design came a proposal on how to implement security. Instead of using their own brain a few companies actually used this propsal. The CCC (Chaos Computer Club) demonstrated first how the hack works. In Germany only D2 (today =Vodafone) used COMP128V1 but soon changed to better security. No German SIM today will work with this "Super SIM" the same is true for most other countries on the planet.
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snidely (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2007, 21:52

Thanks for the quick replies. Since my SIMS are all after 1999, it wouldn't work for me. Personally, I carry multiple phones rather than having to switch SIMS. I leave the phone(s) i'm not using in my suitcase. They take up no room and i can handle the few extra grams of weight.


Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
A/o Oct 20, 2013 no need for intl prepaid as T-Mobile U.S. includes voice roaming at 20¢/min (in and out)., unlimited text (in and out), and unlimited data in 140+ countries.

My Plan -[6 lines] U.S. T-Mobile unlimited minutes (incoming and outgoing), unlimited text, fast data on each line. that $145/mo. total! . (In U.S. no surcharge for calling a cell.) If a line exceeds 2G of data in a month, pay $10 more for that line. [That only happens a couple times/year.
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