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PhotoJim (Offline)
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Default 11-02-2007, 21:14

Originally Posted by MATHA531 View Post
Although the issue is not as strong as once it was, I do remember there were language laws passed in Quebec about 20 years ago requiring among other things that signs could be in both English and French but the French had to be larger, that businesses were required to greet customers in French but could then switch to English etc. I assumed this was true of answering the phone. Have these laws been repealed?
Not repealed, but watered down. When the laws were initially passed, they had to be French only, in fact. The way you describe them is how the law reads today.

There has never been a requirement to answer the phone in French, though. Any company or organization that deals with francophone Quebecers will assuredly answer in French or bilingually, but there is no requirement for thus. If you don't care about alienating the French-speaking community, you can answer only in English if you wish. Bilingual or francophone answering is done for business reasons, not for legal ones.

"Stop" isn't entirely un-French - "stopper" is a casual word for "to stop" - but Quebec tends more strongly to use French words instead of francophied English ones. France has "le volleyball" and Quebec has "le ballon-panier", but strangely it's "le football" and "le baseball" in both.

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bbob (Offline)
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Default 21-02-2007, 21:55

get a isle of man 07624 card
Get a skype in number listed in the USA
Get a skype out account and forward all your calls to the 07624 isle of man number.

According to the skype dialing wizard (use google for a link) the cost are 1,7 cent per minute.

since most calls are free to receive (not usa altough) it only cost you 1,7 cent per minute to receive a call.

Skype offers skype-in numbers in many countries so you could also get a UK, France, German or whatever number.

I have just ordered my 07624 number and will try this next week using skype and call forwarding.
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PhotoJim (Offline)
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Default 21-02-2007, 21:58

SkypeIn doesn't cost 1.7 cents to a UK mobile. It's more like 21.5 cents.

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prion (Offline)
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Default 21-02-2007, 22:51

Calling to +447624 numbers with skype costs 1,7 cents
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 22-02-2007, 01:13

Which one of the IOM outfits still issues +447624 numbers?
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jeffharris (Offline)
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Default 22-02-2007, 14:07

Why shouldn't Skype also charge 1.7c to a +447924 number? Has anyone tried? Does anyone have a number I can try? I tried some random ones, they all failed.
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jeffharris (Offline)
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Default 22-02-2007, 14:10

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
get a isle of man 07624 card
Get a skype in number listed in the USA
Get a skype out account and forward all your calls to the 07624 isle of man number.

According to the skype dialing wizard (use google for a link) the cost are 1,7 cent per minute.

since most calls are free to receive (not usa altough) it only cost you 1,7 cent per minute to receive a call.

Skype offers skype-in numbers in many countries so you could also get a UK, France, German or whatever number.

I have just ordered my 07624 number and will try this next week using skype and call forwarding.
By the way, it should be noted, that in many countries, the combo of US number, forwarding to Skype, then Skype forwarding to Manx, cell forwarding, what not, creates a bit of an annoying lag. It works, but, if someone is calling you from a marginal cell signal, it will be a really crappy, delayed connection.

Yes, it was nice paying only 1.7c a minute incoming while people were calling my US cell while I was in Dubai (forwarded to Skype, forwarded to Manx) , but, the lag made many of the calls unacceptable (for a business conference).
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 27-02-2007, 11:31

to check skype rates for anyone that does not believe the 1,7 cent rate.

I am buying a skype-in UK number this week and will see how that works.

I presume that if you have a us voip in number the signal has to go from the us to the uk through voip, than fowarded to manx through voip again.

I got my card from mail them an ask for a 7624 number, they still have some in stock.
There are also others that still sell 07624 numbers.
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PhotoJim (Offline)
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Default 27-02-2007, 22:54

Just be careful. That 1.7 cent rate can't last. There is no way that Skype can be completing calls to that number for anywhere close to that rate. It's obviously an error and Skype does have the right to correct errors without notice, so you could have a surprise if you count on it to persist.

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bbob (Offline)
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Default 05-03-2007, 09:28

as long as the 1.7 cent rate lasts i can use it.

According to some others this rate has been applied for the last year. So if skype have not found out now, maybe it takes them another year.

I just bought a uk skype-in numer 0208 and forward it to my 07624 number.

I used voipdiscount to call the uk number for free. So it's voip all the way. The quality is ok, no echo.
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