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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 27-01-2007, 11:56

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
Yes. Thay charge for busy calls, even if you call a number that's no longer in service, you still get charged for it. At least that's the way it was about 2-3 months ago when I last used the sim.
They charge any callback you pick up. so you always pay for the "connecting... please wait...". The same occurs for incoming calls. They pick up immediately and then start to connect your call. Thats not good at all :P

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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 28-01-2007, 15:57

hello mister the admins and Moderators

We went you two cards before christmass, and we was not sure you got them, you dont sent us as usualy a short message for say, we have them...

So we do not have activated your DID....
You will have monday your did working

We dont have any issue with oyr system since few months ( October )

We can provide instantanetly around 24 countries include with the SIm card and a total of 40 Countries for any additional number

Our SIm card work in bundle with a Voip account who offering you to receive your call ( At home or to your office or to any hotel who offert you a WiFi spot ) on your computer or to any Wifi device ( Like our GSM WiFi phone )

This avoid the incoming fees off course when you switch on your Voip account

We will increase our roaming coverage in February and we will also decrease some countries rates

Our system is a call back system, for the outgoing call, when you want reach one person, you send you call to our server ( with a triggger ) and our system will call you back and in the same time he will call your correspondant.

Because you have reach the system, we charge the first leg ( the system who call you ) because you use the IVR, and we charge you the second leg when you reach your correspondant, because if the number is busy, wrong or doesn't reply, you can still be online and using one other service by using the IVR fonction, you are charged

But we work on our rates for finding a solution regarding how much we charge for this and be more competitive at the end of the day
( We are allready competitive, but we understand a certain confusion when you read your billing statement )

Thank you for your remarck, they are very important for us, and thank you also to be our customers


The management
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Effendi (Offline)
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Thumbs down 29-01-2007, 08:34

Originally Posted by YackieMobile View Post
hello mister the admins and Moderators

We went you two cards before christmass, and we was not sure you got them, you dont sent us as usualy a short message for say, we have them...
Please don't write false things. You sent us 2 cards and I received mine the day before I was leaving for France. I wrote you at once since the card didn't work at all and you had to activate it. Unfortunately you answered me after 2 days, and I was already traveling in France so it was not easy to check e-mail every hour. Fortunately I had my Wind card with wap-pass so I could read your PM and the card kept on not working since there was no credit on it. After another day you refilled it and it worked for outgoing calls and SMSes, like I wrote. I could NEVER receive an incoming call, and I told you that at once, but you never wrote me back. And the issue is still not solved. So don't say that you don't have problems, since me, AndreA and other guys here on the forum ALL have problems with incoming calls. I didn't complain about the rates, which are the highest ones BTW, since I got the card for free, I just wanted to understand how the traffic details works, and it seems you still have big billing problems as well.

So by now what I can say about Yackie is:
- incoming calls don't work
- outgoing calls usually work but are expensive
- you pay also for busy calls
- customer care seems to be more interested in repeating that everything is ok, but unfortunately it isn't

I'm sorry, I've nothing agains Yackie, but unfortunately (for you and your customers) it seems your service is still not reliable at all. I hope to test this card once again in Ireland at the end of February, then I'll go to Germany and I'll test it again. But if I cannot receive any call it's really not much useful...

Working Prepaids: IT: Wind, Vodafone IT, UNO Mobile; SM: Prima; UK: 3, Virgin; INT: TravelSIM, Truphone.
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2007, 14:11

Originally Posted by YackieMobile View Post
Our system is a call back system, for the outgoing call, when you want reach one person, you send you call to our server ( with a triggger ) and our system will call you back and in the same time he will call your correspondant.

Because you have reach the system, we charge the first leg ( the system who call you ) because you use the IVR, and we charge you the second leg when you reach your correspondant, because if the number is busy, wrong or doesn't reply, you can still be online and using one other service by using the IVR fonction, you are charged
What do you mean by IVR - sending DTMF tones?
Moreover, even if your product is callback-based, it doesn't mean that you must charge for uncompleted (unanswered/busy) calls. There are many callback solutions in which there's no charge for unusuccesful calls.
Moreover, I wasn't able to find on where it is explicitly stated that uncompleted calls are also charged.
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2007, 14:13

Originally Posted by Przemolog View Post
What do you mean by IVR - sending DTMF tones?
he means this:

But i dont see any functions that i could access there. Neither balance check nor sth else..


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2007, 15:00

Besides, I am not aware of any other callback based product that charges for incomplete/busy/disconnected numbers, etc. calls. Also, this is the only sim that I have that does not allow you to check the balance from the phone(only on the web). I'd say yackie still has some work to do!

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
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andy (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2007, 15:51

I think it's a moot issue about whether the incoming first half of an incomplete call is charged; some do and show slightly different call lengths for all completed calls.

Perhaps those that do not are being unduly generous as they still incur cost (but it's a good thing, especially when someone kept triggering callback to my UM number at 2 am here as they couldn't remember their own CBW DID)

It appears that the Betamax companies charge the 5c connection fee, which has caused some complaints, but not the incoming time on the first leg while the second number is or isn't connecting.
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2007, 20:13

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
Besides, I am not aware of any other callback based product that charges for incomplete/busy/disconnected numbers, etc. calls.
I knew one - roaming with USSD-based callback in Simplus GSM prepaid in Poland. It was in spring 2002. They abandoned this stupid policy after a few months...

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
Also, this is the only sim that I have that does not allow you to check the balance from the phone(only on the web). I'd say yackie still has some work to do!
So they haven't fixed this feature yet? "Congratulations", Yackie!
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Jibku (Offline)
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Default 29-01-2007, 23:49

Excuse me, Gentlemen, I hope you won't mind my question, but as we're talking about Yakie : did anyone here receive the refund they promised us some 6 months ago?
Well, maybe that was a stupid question...
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 30-01-2007, 01:00

I don't think anyone got a refund. The suggestion was to do a credit card chargeback, and that worked for me.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile

Last edited by Bossman; 30-01-2007 at 02:07..
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