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Effendi (Offline)
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Arrow We changed forum board once again: do you have some problems? - 20-12-2006, 08:30

I apologize for moving to a different board for the second time in 1 month, anyway this one should be the best (and most expensive!) one, so I hope there won't be any big issues.

Of course, as every time I set up a new board, there will be some little problems, and surely some differences compared to the old ones. If you see something "wrong" let me know in this thread. I'm going to add some "mods" to make the forum better and better, but I need some free time, maybe tonight I'll put on something else.

I put the "last posts" on the homepage, but unfortuantely it's at the bottom of the page, which makes it a bit unuseful. Tonight, if I'm not too tired, I'll try to find the way to move it at the top.

If you have any other suggestion please let me know.
I apologize for the loss of some avatars, I just put back the ones I knew (Przemolog, Triband, Malkav and few others), the linked ones must be re-linked by yourselves.

There could be also some personalization problems which you have to set-up by yourselves looking at the "User CP". vBulletin is very powerful and customizable, so don't be lazy!

I hope you'll enjoy the new board and I promise not to change it for long... also because we payed it quite a lot, so now we must use it!

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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2006, 08:38

A couple of issues I noticed.

1) By default you get the subscription to ALL the threads you open/write into; you won't receive any e-mail for them, but if you are not interested in the subscription you have to delete it from your User CP.

2) Check your PMs. I found there were some very old ones (1, 2 years ago) in my sent box. It happens that old messages re-appear when we change the board. So I suggest to delete the old messages or your quota will be probably already at maximum (=no new PMs)

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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2006, 10:05

My only suggestion is to play with the colors a bit. I'm not a big fan of this particular shade of lavender or what ever it is.

Also, add a link back to the site homepage.

Last edited by DRNewcomb; 20-12-2006 at 10:11..
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2006, 10:29

Yeah, surely I have to add the links to the homepage and other sections of the site. But that's a hardest job modifying the templates, so I hope to do it tonight if I'm not too sleepy.

About the colours... I'm sure AndreA likes them!

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EllasDevil (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2006, 12:58

Yes.... I have problems with the 'signature' function. I wanted to play around with mine and alter the colors and sizes but I was told:

1. You can only have up to five lines (fair enough but it was the code taking up the space, not the text so it would be nowhere near five lines)

2. Too much BB code? (Basically meaning it doesn't like the fact I want to put bold, change colors, change sizes)

I think this is not good. I don't have this problem elsewhere.
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Talking 20-12-2006, 14:06

Originally Posted by Effendi View Post
Yeah, surely I have to add the links to the homepage and other sections of the site. But that's a hardest job modifying the templates, so I hope to do it tonight if I'm not too sleepy.

About the colours... I'm sure AndreA likes them!
oh yeah pleeease think of adjusting the colors.. I already thought of switching my screen to monochrome hehe

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andy (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2006, 15:15

yes, I had the PMs issue - back to when I joined

Are the older posts archived somewhere, so you could add them back in eventually? There seem to be about 6000 here at the moment, going back a year, out of a total of 12,000 I seem to remember

(edit - in fact these posts are numbered 12,xxx, but it's stranger than that as I've just found a post numbered 6xxx from Feb 2004)
Originally Posted by EllasDevil View Post
2. Too much BB code? (Basically meaning it doesn't like the fact I want to put bold, change colors, change sizes)
I'm not sure if it's what you mean, but I found that no formatting options were shown around the text entry box. On the bottom of the User CP > Edit Options page, I changed the Message Editor Interface setting

Originally Posted by Effendi View Post
I put the "last posts" on the homepage, but unfortuantely it's at the bottom of the page, which makes it a bit unuseful.
About new posts - there is also a button on the toolbar at the top, so don't worry too much about this box being at the bottom

Last edited by andy; 20-12-2006 at 15:50..
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2006, 17:09

I updated the limits for characters in the signature, now there should be no problems (2000 without BB Codes, 5000 with BB Codes, I think it shoud be more than enough).

Talking about the colours what's the problem? I mean, I see it well on both my laptop and on my desktop PC; what don't you like most?

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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 20-12-2006, 17:22

All posts with no answer from more than 1 year have been deleted when we moved to the previous board. That's quite a logic pruning activity since the database of the forum must be kept not too big (expecially when you need to re-upload it by phpmyadmin).

So the oldest posts you can find now are dated December 2005.

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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 21-12-2006, 03:59

The date on postings now defaults to dd-mm-yyyy. Any way to update that to what we want. For example, since I am in the US, I would like it to be in what we use here (mm-dd-yyyy). Just like it was before (and with every other forum I visit)

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