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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 14-12-2006, 23:59

Doubled post deleted
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dem (Offline)
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Default 15-12-2006, 00:32

OK, then it sounds like I should stick with Telestial. Even though the prices are high, they sell phone/SIM packages, which I assume means that they have selected fully compatible phone/SIM options.


(Thanks again for the info.)
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 15-12-2006, 00:35

Two things to keep in mind:

1. You can have easy or you can have cheap. The two are not often found in the same package. If Yackie Mobile has their bugs worked out now, they might be a good solution. They really got off to a rocky start.

2. Almost all of the international SIMs have very high rates in the US and Canada.
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dem (Offline)
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Default 15-12-2006, 02:23

Cheap and easy would be great. But if I have to pick, I will take easy over cheap.

Yackie does sound like the best option but I am very nervous about the bugs. I just don't have the time to deal with problems. Neither does my boyfriend.
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 15-12-2006, 09:55

Originally Posted by DRNewcomb
Two things to keep in mind:

1. You can have easy or you can have cheap. The two are not often found in the same package. If Yackie Mobile has their bugs worked out now, they might be a good solution. They really got off to a rocky start.

2. Almost all of the international SIMs have very high rates in the US and Canada.
And India. I think, however, that the US is not a problem in this case since the SIM will be used by the US resident.
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dem (Offline)
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Default 15-12-2006, 20:47

Yes, I'm sorry for neglecting to mention that I am in the US.
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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default hello - 16-12-2006, 14:46


Some complementary explainations

First; it is trye that the first week was a little hard, but fortunatly we have resolved all of our problems

Now Yackie Mobile is ( i think i dont make a mystake ) the only one SIM card who offer 24 countries for the incoming number includ on the package; and 40 countries for the extra numbers ( up to 8 per sim )

It is also the first GSM sim card attached with a Voip account, if your boyfriend whant to receive a Fax, he can use his Incoming number and he will received it on his email ( just he need to go to his Voip account make this setting)

Off course at his hotel, he will receive also his call on his Voip account, and avoid all incoming fees

The call back system used by our company is not a big deal

For receiving a call it is direct, so you call him ( localy in USA and not in latvia or liechtenstein, like most of many cards, how much will cost you to call your boy friend??) and he will receive directly to his GSM

For him make a call he just need to make the number, to send it, and 5 seconde after he will receive a call and he can speak with his correspondant. Nothing complicated

We charge in US $, we have 170 countries covered now,

And we was selectioned for make one offer to the US forces....
( iraq = 0,79$ for call his US family )

Do finaly, maybe we are one good alternative

And you know what ? it's Christmass....i offer you the Sim if you want for your boy friend..

Have a gret Week end
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dem (Offline)
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Default 16-12-2006, 18:46


Wow, thanks! I really appreciate! I took a quick look at the website and your product does seem to offer about as much as one could hope for. I understand the concept of growing pains -- I started a small business myself and it does sometimes take a while to work out the kinks. The key to success, in my opinion, is how the business responds to its start up pains.

My concerns stemmed from the fact that my boyfriend isn't the most patient person in the world when it comes to having to figure out how to work around things!! (He's got other great qualities though.)

I have two questions:

1. is there a particular phone that would be considered fully compatible with a Yackie Mobile SIM?

2. Does this product work in NZ (he is traveling to NZ in March)?

Also, boyfriend does not have a VOIP account (which, I am assuming is somethng like Vonage.) Also, he does not travel with a computer. For internet access, he visits internet cafes. I don't know if this makes a difference, but I thought I would throw it out there just in case.

Thanks again.
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 16-12-2006, 20:06

Yackie appears to have improved its services. What has thus far stopped me from using them is that the under roaming provider on Yackie is Israeli (your phone number is not Israeli) and this means that they do not have roaming agreements with countries which Israel does not have diplomatic relations with, e.g. the UAE ("Dubai"), Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi, Lebanon, etc. For you this might not be important. For me, it is a deal breaker.

Please note that this is not a political statement, it is a pragmatic concern.
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 16-12-2006, 22:42

Originally Posted by dem
2. Does this product work in NZ (he is traveling to NZ in March)?
Yes, it does.
However, if global coverage is required, please remember Stu's remark about no roaming agreement in some Muslim countries which are "top enemies" of Israel .

Originally Posted by dem
Also, boyfriend does not have a VOIP account (which, I am assuming is somethng like Vonage.) Also, he does not travel with a computer. For internet access, he visits internet cafes. I don't know if this makes a difference, but I thought I would throw it out there just in case.
The VOIP account is provided by Yackie just as an alternative way of making/receiving calls. Your boyfriend doesn't have to use it at all.
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