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money69 (Offline)
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Default 25-11-2006, 22:55

Well, this past week I was able to really test the yackie card when I set off for a weeklong cruise to central america. I stopped in Belize, Mexico and Honduras. Im going to get to the meat of the review since everything I want to report is pretty straight forward.

Belize-Card worked when I first became in range of the towers for Belize, Belize's only network (BTL) worked at first, later the same day i could not get any callbacks to work, since there is no other network there I could not tell specifcally if it was a yackie thing or a Belize network issue. Before I left it began working again and worked well when it functioned.

Honduras-I was actually on Roatan which is an island off of Honduras, there were three networks available but only 1 was able to be logged into by Yackie. It was listed as "ALO" on my phone's display. Coverage seemed good through the island and I was pleasantly surprised by the coverage because I really didnt expect to have any since Honduras is not listed under "Coverage" on their website but is able to be selected as a country your calling from under "Rates". Worked well and didnt have any trouble receiving callbacks, quality was good back to the US and Colombia when I tried calling there.

Mexico-I already knew it worked well in Mexico when I went to Monterrey. Coverage in Cozumel by Movistar and Telcel worked without a hitch. Coverage in Costa Maya by Telcel only also worked without a hitch.

I checked what I was charged and it seems everything was charged in order, I dont see any billing problems. Overall I have to give it a big thumbs up. If anyone has any specific questions just ask.

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jeffharris (Offline)
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Default 27-11-2006, 02:44

This is nice to hear.

I looked over the new rates, and, if it really works well, it is a perfect compliment to the other (IoM, UM, etc..) Euro-centric SIMs, as the countries that are not free roaming on the those seem to be the cheapest that Yackie has (most Yackie non Euro roaming is 19c or 29c in Asia, and India, etc.. where the other SIMs are quite costly)

Too bad it is 60 second billing
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 28-11-2006, 07:38

Too bad they can't do a good US rate. I don't know what the problem is with my country. Are Yackie numbers still Ohio numbers?

I'm in India for a couple of weeks in February and am thinking about them.
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prion (Offline)
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Default 28-11-2006, 10:09

When using Yackie from India please pay attention to a note in the rates page:

RPP may be applied to this country depending on the local provider

So I would not be surprised if actual rates were higher than those advertised....
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 28-11-2006, 11:54

Mine is a Miami, FL. number. Areacode 786.

Originally Posted by Stu
Are Yackie numbers still Ohio numbers?

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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 28-11-2006, 12:47


Regading the US price, USA are one of the country who charge a RPP and for this country the cost is 1 $ per minute, so the price can not be competitive

With our solution to mixt a Voip service with this GSM card, you can localy, when using the Voip service for forwarding your incoming call to you local provider, still receive your call, but without the Yackie incoming fees.

Also, because your number attached to your SIM card is also the same of your Voip account, if you use a GSM / Wifi ( availlable on yackiemobile in few days ) you will also be able to select the best solution for you to receive your call, and to make a call off course.

At home, at your office, use the WiFi connection and make your call or receive your call with the Yackie Voip account, off course in any WiFi spot if you have access.

And when you dont have any internet Connection for using your Voip account, you can use the GSM connection.


Yackie Team

We make your Money Mobile

Sent from my Iphone with my Paytoo Mobile Sim Wallet
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 28-11-2006, 13:30

Originally Posted by YackieMobile
Regading the US price, USA are one of the country who charge a RPP and for this country the cost is 1 $ per minute, so the price can not be competitive
The call calculator shows 0.19 incoming rate for Alaska - is it back in Russia :P?
And about RPP rates in the USA: here I see that incoming call rates for "national" US prepaids are usually about 10-20 cents. Do you really have to pay so much (=$1) for calls terminated in US networks, or, is it just a pricing policy? I mean that the prepaid with something around 20-30 cents for incoming both in the USA and abroad and a US number would be too competitive and the US carriers would refuse to allow it on their networks :whistle:
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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 28-11-2006, 14:18


Unfortunatly, The RPP is basicly charged on the Incoming calls by the Local Operators

So because YM is based on a Call back system ( you make your call, the system call you back and call your correspondant ) we are charged on Outgoing, local and Incoming

It is because we have working for mix our GSM with our Voip service for trying to avoid through the Voip service as maximum as possible this inconvenient to have to pay this RPP

But YM is basicly is a Roaming Pre paid Card, so excepted using this card for receiving his Incoming call localy, the YM is normaly for be used in travel.

The fact that teh DID attached to this GSM is also attached to a Voip accountm can offer the incoming forwarding on his local number, so normaly a customer can use " his Yackie Mobile " GSm card without the incoming fees.

Yackie Team

We make your Money Mobile

Sent from my Iphone with my Paytoo Mobile Sim Wallet
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andy (Offline)
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Default 28-11-2006, 15:42

That's interesting. Would customers have access to the settings to do this, or would they contact CS to do it for them? And could they use their own DID to forward to Yackie SIP address or similar?
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 28-11-2006, 17:28

Originally Posted by andy
That's interesting. Would customers have access to the settings to do this, or would they contact CS to do it for them? And could they use their own DID to forward to Yackie SIP address or similar?
You can log in to your Yackie VoIP account which now comes together with the card.

1) if the phone is switched off you can let your SIP software ring or
2) you can forward your DID to any phone around the world (and pay the Yackie VoIP rate to this destination of course)


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