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saren (Offline)
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Posts: 40
Join Date: 10 Mar 2008

Default Vodaphone Spain pay as you go account transfered to UK, and rest of Europe? Possible? - 10-03-2008, 16:01

Vodaphone Spain pay as you go account transfered to UK, and then rest of Europe? Possible?

I have a Tmobile pay as you go account from the USA as well (just in case it's easier to transfer with Tmobile than it is with Vodaphone).

I have an international mobile problem to consider

I have several SIM cards in my collection from traveling around the world (i.e. spending 6-10 weeks in different countries). I have a Vodaphone pay as you go number/SIM from Spain, and a Tmobile equivalent from the USA. I used these numbers on my triband Nokia 3000 series phone througout Spain, and Morocco (no problems, though Morocco was really expensive). In the USA, I have no problems with Tmobile, but it was really expensive in Canada. The numbers are still active, and will be so for quite some time. There is about $20 credit on the prepay account I have with Vodaphone Spain, and $60 with Tmbolie. NOte: The SIM cards are in my pocession. I don't use the services anymore because it's too expensive here in London.

My question is how can I adapt, upgrade, or modify my current Spain Vodafone or USA Tmobile pay as you go accounts, SIM cards, and numbers to to use in Europe (starting here in London). How does it work?

Remember, my goal here to make really cheap calls (no more than 30UScents/minute) to mobile numbers in Europe. I wish to use my current phone, stay on the same network, use prepay, and figure this all out.

I plan to hop around Europe for the next 2 years (spending at least 1 month in each country).

Thanks for any and all advice
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