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PaytooMobile (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2010, 12:00

Originally Posted by GadgetKen View Post
Agreed, Paytoo should not list countries on their website that their backbone carrier does not currently have roaming agreements with. Bermuda is listed both in the "mobile rates" and "mobile coverage" sections. Most people will go by the countries covered list and rate calculator on the Paytoo website rather than by roaming agreements listed on the 3rd party gsmworld website. Appreciate the quick response from Paytoomobile, but it sounds like the Paytoo website needs to be tweaked a little

Fortunately I have a Digicel Bermuda prepaid sim chip for calls home at a reasonable price, plus ekit simplecalling and Iridium as somewhat pricier backups.

TOTALY AGREE, we wonder why we have Bermuda in our roaming listing provided by Vodaphone IF they dont have any roaming agreement.....

We will check countries by countries, but maybe the confusion came from the contries WHERE we can do the terminaison.....

We will keep ou posted

Sorry for this Error

Paytoo Mobile
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borjeg (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2010, 13:11

Originally Posted by ygeffens View Post
I wrote this to PaytoomobileCS (via PM) about a week ago (after waiting since may 4th for my card):

Now, I can be wrong, but I remember a statement from a Paytoomobile employee that everybody would get a new card (it was even in this thread if I remember well).
So, why was I issued a phonenumber in the first place?
Exactly the same thing happened to someone I know personally, she got a phonenumber, but no card.

You're doing very well Paytoo... not.
I tried to point out the problems with paytoo mobile, but I was told to shut up, by two moderators.
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PaytooMobileCS (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2010, 14:36

We welcome everyone's feedback, negative or positive, as this is an open forum where information should flow freely. It is important to note that in order to protect everyone's privacy in the forums, we often reply by Private Message so please make sure to check that section of your site to ensure that you are not missing any feedback we are providing you.

It is important to keep in mind that everyone's account situation is different and 1 customer may not receive the same offering as another, based on circumstances surrounding their original subscription.

We give each customer the individual attention they deserve. Please continue posting your opinions freely in the forum, but bare in mind that the best way to get assistance with your individual account is by sending a Private Message or contacting customer service and speaking to one of our representatives.

Paytoo Mobile
Customer Service Department
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ygeffens (Offline)
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Default 02-06-2010, 20:55

Originally Posted by PaytooMobileCS View Post
We welcome everyone's feedback, negative or positive, as this is an open forum where information should flow freely. It is important to note that in order to protect everyone's privacy in the forums, we often reply by Private Message so please make sure to check that section of your site to ensure that you are not missing any feedback we are providing you.
We do, but in my case it took you just 4 weeks to read my PM. Just hours after making our conversation public, you respond. Coincidence?

Originally Posted by PaytooMobileCS View Post
It is important to keep in mind that everyone's account situation is different and 1 customer may not receive the same offering as another, based on circumstances surrounding their original subscription.
May I remind you of what you wrote here in a reply to borjeg:

Originally Posted by borjeg View Post
So, do all old Yackie card owners get new Paytoo cards?
Originally Posted by PaytooMobileCS View Post
Yes, all previous Yackie Mobile customers will be offered our new Paytoo SIMs. Everyone will receive correspondence, via e-mail, outlining the instructions for getting your Paytoo SIM. If you had a credit remaining on your old SIM, this will be transferred to your new Paytoo SIM.
Paytoo Customer Service
I'm just reading the word "all", in your reply, right?
The fact that I initally got my card for free, but then added credit to it can't be the issue here, can it? And I'm talking two cards in an identical situation, both were added credit by us. I informed you about that in my PM.

We give each customer the individual attention they deserve. Please continue posting your opinions freely in the forum, but bare in mind that the best way to get assistance with your individual account is by sending a Private Message or contacting customer service and speaking to one of our representatives.
No comment on this, please think again about what you do, and what you say. Some people don't forget that easy, I'm one of them.

Mods: Not as borjeg (sorry mate) I will keep my mouth shut, and will not start a war


Belgium: Proximus Smart+ 15 (+32 496 contract)


Apple iPhone 32Gb 5S
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PaytooMobileCS (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2010, 23:44

Dear Mr. Geffens,

We apologize that you have had a negative experience with us thus far. We truly do strive to bring you the best in Customer Service & Intl Roaming SIM services. We have worked tirelessly on improving our product to ensure a high quality of service & stability.

During the upgrade certain policies and procedures were still being formulated and outdated information may have been communicated in the past. We sincerely appreciate you baring with us during this transition.

We are sure you will be happy with our new product and wanted to follow up to let you know that your SIMs have been prepared for shipment and should leave our warehouse in the next 24 hrs. Once they have been confirmed shipped, we will provide you the Tracking #s for both SIMs.

Thank you again for your feedback and patience.

Paytoo Mobile
Customer Service Department
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snidely (Offline)
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Default 04-06-2010, 08:17

Originally Posted by GadgetKen View Post

As for computer data, the hotel I'm staying at has free wifi for members of their hotel loyalty club, so I'm fine for high speed data...might try Skype and see how it works.
Don't forget, if you have T-Mobile US as your home carrier you can make free calls to and from the U.S. if you can access wifi anywhere in the world. You need a UMA capable phone. (All recent T-Mobile Blackberry phones have this feature along with a few others. Calling is exactly the same process as though you were connected to a local cell tower.


Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
A/o Oct 20, 2013 no need for intl prepaid as T-Mobile U.S. includes voice roaming at 20¢/min (in and out)., unlimited text (in and out), and unlimited data in 140+ countries.

My Plan -[6 lines] U.S. T-Mobile unlimited minutes (incoming and outgoing), unlimited text, fast data on each line. that $145/mo. total! . (In U.S. no surcharge for calling a cell.) If a line exceeds 2G of data in a month, pay $10 more for that line. [That only happens a couple times/year.
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benjeff (Offline)
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Default worked well in Spain, but... - 04-06-2010, 22:15

I received a replacement for my old Yackie SIM, which I had in 2007-2008 before it stopped working. I was happy that they transferred the $8 credit, but I did not receive a US number at no cost as I requested, even though my Yackie SIM originally came with a (free) US number.

Also, when you add credit to your Paytoo SIM over the Internet using a credit card, they charge you an extra $1.50. I guess this is their "processing fee."
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 04-06-2010, 23:09

Wow! $1.50 proccesing fee. Is there not another way to topup, say via the web? They will probably still charge the fee if one uses a credit card via the web. They should at least mention that somewhere.

PaytoMobile, when do you/don't you charge a processing fee to topup?

Originally Posted by benjeff View Post
I received a replacement for my old Yackie SIM, which I had in 2007-2008 before it stopped working. I was happy that they transferred the $8 credit, but I did not receive a US number at no cost as I requested, even though my Yackie SIM originally came with a (free) US number.

Also, when you add credit to your Paytoo SIM over the Internet using a credit card, they charge you an extra $1.50. I guess this is their "processing fee."

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GadgetKen (Offline)
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Default 05-06-2010, 00:20

Originally Posted by snidely View Post
Don't forget, if you have T-Mobile US as your home carrier you can make free calls to and from the U.S. if you can access wifi anywhere in the world. You need a UMA capable phone. (All recent T-Mobile Blackberry phones have this feature along with a few others. Calling is exactly the same process as though you were connected to a local cell tower.

Only T-Mobile chip I have is the prepaid Tuyo MVNO sim chip and I don't think it has that feature. However Skype VOIP does work over the hotel wi-fi though with very good clarity..just tried their test call feature using my MacBook Pro and a bluetooth headset.

Using the Digicel Bermuda sim chip for phone calls instead of Skype because I'm away from the hotel (and their free wifi) during the day when it's convenient to call home, the rates are reasonable for calls and it's quick and easy to use (I just direct dial home). It's actually a regional sim chip because I've used it in several Digicel countries in the Caribbean with good results. I add a few dollars every couple of months to keep the sim chip live and to build up a balance for my next trip.

Call back sim chips also have their place. I used the ekit sim card in Nevis back in February/March...was cheaper than Digicel and wifi could not support good quality VOIP there. Will see if PayToo will work in Grand Cayman early next year (hopefully with better results than Bermuda).

On the PayToo convenience fee I've seen that with other carriers, but don't particularly care for it. Maybe one of the paytoomobile people can clarify for us when they do or don't charge this fee.

Phones/Wireless Devices: Doogee S90, Isatphone Pro, Amazon Kindle 3G, SkyRoam MiFi device, Karma MiFi device, AT&T Liberate MiFi device
Sim Cards: T-Mobile (Mint), AT&T (Mifi device or Kindle), Koko
Satphone: InMarSat
Broadband US Wireless Data: AT&T postpaid, Sprint (Karma Mobility prepaid)
Broadband International Data: SkyRoam
VOIP: Skype
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Carina (Offline)
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Default 18-01-2012, 17:15

I write this message hopefully someone in charge would do something.

I have a reseller account on Paytoo - We make your money mobile and i wanted to withdraw money from my own account.SURPRISE!!!!For more than a week nobody from paytoomobile is likely to answer nor help.It's a considerable sum of money, their limit is 500 /week so I think they did this on purpose so money can cumulate and than disappear.
Just like epassporte!
I wonder there is nobody capable to help and not steal?I need an advice if possible,
Thank you in advance
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paytoo, teleena

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