Thread: Toggle Mobile
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fawinds (Offline)
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Default 03-01-2017, 09:23

Originally Posted by bourbonkiller View Post
I've raised that question to Customer Support quite some time back and got the answer, that any number but the one of the network the SIM was booked in latest, could be transferred to a new SIM card.

In my case this means, if my SIM was registered in the swiss network (home network) they can transfer my UK, German, Spanish and US number to the new SIM, but not the Swiss one. Therefor I never spread my local numbers to anyone, only the UK number....

I have contacted cs again and here is their reply:

Further to your email, we would like to let you know that you can transfer you Toggle mobile number and the credit to your other Toggle SIM card. However, the process of transferring the number and the credit takes up to 5 working days and local numbers cannot be retained.

I'll test with a secondary card where I don't mind losing the local number, and see what happens.
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