Originally Posted by Grampa
The card hasn't come yet, but I'll post when I know. The old MAXRoam card had a very long list of places it would forward to for free, as well as a long list of DIDs you could choose. I was even able to forward to my (cellular) UM card for free.
I have two cards. I was able to set them up so that a friend in the US and his parents in Europe could call back and forth to each other for free. Because the credits didn't expire, this was a great use for the cards when I wasn't traveling.
I've been trying to get information on these features in the new card ever since the old cards died. If MAXRoam continues to support these features, it is worth keeping the cards alive. If not, I think I'm done with prepaid roaming cards.
Do you really believe a provider can keep up allowing to make free call and free forwards if you don't use the card. I can only assume that their system did not really work. You could use a did number and forward that for free to a cellphone. As a company you can never make money on this.
Sure you will support maxroam if they continue to offer these features but be realistic do you really think they can do this and make money. They need some money to stay alive.