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petkow (Offline)
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Default 10-03-2008, 18:49

Originally Posted by saren View Post
By the way, I think Tmobile prepay tariffs are cheaper than Asda, no?
Well it all depends on how many minutes you will talk in a day. T-Mo's cheapest deal is 15p/min. Asda is 16p/min but after 3 mins of collective calls in a day the rate halves. That does not happen with T-Mobile. It stays at 15p. If you are expecting to make more than 4mins of calls on any day Asda is cheaper. If not, it is only 1p/min more expensive! See: and look at the call costs to call other networks!

With regards to your other points:

You are right: Voipwise (part of Betamax) will give you the cheapest calls by far for landlines etc. There are many brands of the same company to chose from. For a smaller outlay you could consider voipraider. The min topup is US$10 (less than €10 needed on other brands).

As I said, by the time you are ready to go to Norway, bin your Asda card and research what local SIM will be best for there here on prepaidgsm. If you are really only considering making very few calls "emergency-only" type calls throughout your whole stay in any country and not getting to be using it for incoming or SMS, you could really consider a single roaming SIM. There are quite a few that will let you call from anywhere in Europe to anywhere for around 40c/min.

With regards to what you can do with your other cards why not flog them off here or on ebay?
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