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andy (Offline)
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Default 12-03-2007, 13:48

Originally Posted by deiraq View Post
Hi - thanks for your help. But what I am finding is that the first (Riiing) call doesn't disconnect quickly enough and the CBW callback then goes straight through to the Riiing answerphone!
Perhaps it depends on where you are - I'm in the UK - but you managed to get it to work OK in your travels . . .
It's odd you're having that. It was happening a couple of years ago when people here first started using them together. I think CBW adjusted some delay settings that sorted it. Maybe you could contact them.

You could use another phone to dial, but beware there are one or two countries where this trigger gets metered as a two second call, which isn't nice when roaming with per minute billing. This hasn't happened with UM doing the double callback.

It's also possible (or was) to adapt a URL address from the online callback form as a bookmark in another phone with wap/gprs. There used to be info on this in a couple of old threads, but I think they may have been pruned when the forum was moved. I haven't used it for a while, and I think the IP address may have changed since the bookmark I just found in an old phone, so maybe someone else can comment ...
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