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Showing results 101 to 137 of 137 Search: Posts Made By: ronwi
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 13-07-2009, 21:41
Replies: 77
Views: 34,377
Posted By ronwi
Actually, until yesterday they had the same...

Actually, until yesterday they had the same rates.

Obviously they woke up and found out that they were not paying the same price for Jersey, Manx, etc. as for the standard +44 mobile numbers. Or,...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 13-07-2009, 21:33
Replies: 77
Views: 34,377
Posted By ronwi
Adding to My Previous Post....

Localphone, which has very good rates to UK mobiles in general, has much higher rates to Jersey and Manx mobiles - 12.3 US cents to ordinary UK mobiles, 28 cents to Jersey mobiles, and 24 cents to...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 10-07-2009, 07:28
Replies: 7
Views: 4,255
Posted By ronwi
Very strange billing - I just made a 2+ minute...

Very strange billing - I just made a 2+ minute call from the US to the Netherlands, and it charged me a grand total of 1 cent (on Poivy.) So, apparently they are still charging a 1 cent connection...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 08-07-2009, 22:35
Replies: 77
Views: 34,377
Posted By ronwi
OK, I'm wrong about the Jersey part (I believe...

OK, I'm wrong about the Jersey part (I believe some of the other international SIM carriers were based there, and it's not like Travelsim exactly highlights there location on their website), but my...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 08-07-2009, 21:45
Replies: 77
Views: 34,377
Posted By ronwi
Actually, it would be interesting to know the...

Actually, it would be interesting to know the economics of the incoming calls.

While Travlsim are technically correct when they say they give you a UK mobile number, it is from a special range -...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 08-07-2009, 18:37
Replies: 77
Views: 34,377
Posted By ronwi
But, Don't Take them up on Their Offer if you Intend to Use a Callback Service

From the Travelsim ordering page:

The use of the Travel Sim card is expected to be a fair balance between free incoming calls and chargeable outgoing calls. Excessive use of free incoming calls...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 17-06-2009, 18:05
Replies: 17
Views: 9,390
Posted By ronwi
FREE IP Calling with IPKall...

FREE IP Calling with IPKall ( will give you a free US DID.
Forum: Germany 22-05-2009, 22:41
Replies: 13
Views: 9,215
Posted By ronwi
Am I understanding the Fonic website correctly...

Am I understanding the Fonic website correctly that they charge 29 cent per minute to US and Canada mobile phones? If so, that is either a mistake, or a very high rate (Ortel has no surcharge for US...
Forum: UK & Ireland 20-05-2009, 05:46
Replies: 1
Views: 3,685
Posted By ronwi
Vodafone UK Summer Roaming + Betamax = Very Good Deal

The Vodafone UK summer roaming promotion is discussed elsewhere.

Essentially, when you roam in the listed countries, incoming calls are free, outgoing calls to the UK and the country you are in...
Forum: Germany 04-05-2009, 20:57
Replies: 18
Views: 7,295
Posted By ronwi
Thanks very much for the offer. However, I am...

Thanks very much for the offer. However, I am leaving Germany tomorrow morning, so I would get virtually no use.

I think what I will do is write to them after I leave the country, and see if I...
Forum: Germany 04-05-2009, 20:39
Replies: 18
Views: 7,295
Posted By ronwi
I just did. The first representative I spoke...

I just did. The first representative I spoke with spoke prefect English but said that she could not help me and would transfer me to a colleague. The second representative spoke no english, I...
Forum: Germany 04-05-2009, 20:06
Replies: 18
Views: 7,295
Posted By ronwi
It sounds like you bought the topup and then...

It sounds like you bought the topup and then opted for the flatrate data. In my case, since the data was included with the USB card, there is the notation about the 72 hours. My guess is that...
Forum: Germany 04-05-2009, 19:44
Replies: 18
Views: 7,295
Posted By ronwi
Unfotunately, not exactly. I bought the SIM and...

Unfotunately, not exactly. I bought the SIM and USB stick on Saturday, and get directed to a page telling me my credit has expired.

When I went back to the Tchibo site, I read the small print:...
Forum: Germany 27-04-2009, 23:40
Replies: 18
Views: 7,295
Posted By ronwi
Interesting about May Day - the German consulates...

Interesting about May Day - the German consulates in the US are open, I suppose they don't want to offend our anti-communist sensibilities:

German Missions in the United States - Address, Contact,...
Forum: Germany 27-04-2009, 20:58
Replies: 18
Views: 7,295
Posted By ronwi
Is it correct that if I buy the 49.95 Euro...

Is it correct that if I buy the 49.95 Euro special (stick + SIM + 10GB) that once the fax is sent from the store, the SIM will work? No need for SMS to establish service, correct?(going to buy in...
Forum: Germany 22-04-2009, 06:55
Replies: 24
Views: 10,748
Posted By ronwi
Perhaps it's the American lawyer in me, but.... ...

Perhaps it's the American lawyer in me, but....
from everything I have read, Germany has some very pro-consumer rules re mobiles (e.g., right to refund of prepaid balance.) Given that the chart...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 21-04-2009, 21:03
Replies: 77
Views: 34,377
Posted By ronwi
The website indeed shows 20 UKP minimum recharge....

The website indeed shows 20 UKP minimum recharge.

While the prices look reasonable, it is worth noting that for your 20 UKP top-up you get 27 USD in credit, as the card actually charges for calls...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 21-04-2009, 19:09
Replies: 77
Views: 34,377
Posted By ronwi

I'm a little confused by the following from the Travelsim website:

The travel sim card has a fixed service life of 365 days. However to keep your sim card working for the following year, there is...
Forum: Germany 20-04-2009, 21:06
Replies: 24
Views: 10,748
Posted By ronwi
It appears that the Betamax numbers are now...

It appears that the Betamax numbers are now reachable from Eplus.

I am going to Berlin next week and was thinking of buying one of the Tchibo SIMs with USB internet: Tchibo - Internet Stick...
Forum: Germany 14-04-2009, 00:42
Replies: 24
Views: 10,748
Posted By ronwi
Sounds like utter nonsense.

Sounds like utter nonsense.
Forum: Germany 28-03-2009, 00:34
Replies: 1
Views: 3,049
Posted By ronwi
Anyone Know the Specs of the New Tchibo (Germany) USB Stick?

Tchibo in Germany is offering a USB stick and one month prepaid HSDPA access (10GB) for 49.95.

Tchibo - Jede Woche eine neue Welt...
Forum: Germany 26-03-2009, 19:33
Replies: 24
Views: 10,748
Posted By ronwi
What is it in their terms of service that gives...

What is it in their terms of service that gives them the theoretical right? Do they just reserve the right to block any number they choose for any reason they choose?
Forum: Germany 26-03-2009, 19:05
Replies: 24
Views: 10,748
Posted By ronwi
Actually, I have my own Asterisk system, and know...

Actually, I have my own Asterisk system, and know of the local resident restrictions for geographical DIDs in Germany which is why I didn't consider Good to know that the...
Forum: Germany 25-03-2009, 23:43
Replies: 24
Views: 10,748
Posted By ronwi
Can One Call Betamax Gateways In Germany on German Flat Rate Plans?

I see that a number of the German carriers have prepaid flat rate plans of EUR 15 - EUR 20 per month, allowing unlimited calls to German landlines and on-network mobile calls.

Betamax has local...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 26-01-2009, 23:21
Replies: 2
Views: 1,868
Posted By ronwi
Sim4Travel for Occassional Intense Use

I use a roaming SIM about 4-5 times per year, for a week, but fairly intensely for that week,

I have been using UM with a callback service (actually my own callback through my Asterisk server and...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 16-10-2008, 18:21
Replies: 3
Views: 2,782
Posted By ronwi
Billed at the advertised rate. My assumption...

Billed at the advertised rate.

My assumption is that it must work in all sorts of undocumented places, I just happened to try France and the US because that's where I was.
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 16-10-2008, 00:52
Replies: 3
Views: 2,782
Posted By ronwi
United Mobile ICQ SIM Data Works in France and US

I just traveled for the first time using the UM ICQ SIM. I used the SIM for data only as I didn't want to use the Lichtenstein number for incoming calls.

I found that contrary to what is stated...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 10-09-2008, 23:35
Replies: 30
Views: 34,440
Posted By ronwi
Lebara has since gone down in price. It now...

Lebara has since gone down in price. It now appears to be 6 cents per minute to the US at any time with a 19 cents per call connection charge. International SMS is now 19 cents. All prices include...
Forum: Europe 11-02-2008, 06:26
Replies: 10
Views: 5,227
Posted By ronwi
I would be shocked if the voice path to the...

I would be shocked if the voice path to the voicemail box was actually home country to roaming country back to home country voicemail. It makes more sense that if there is no answer/busy in the...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 06-06-2007, 15:48
Replies: 11
Views: 4,227
Posted By ronwi
Problem Fixed

After a few emails back and forth and the passage of time, I received an email today telling me the system had been modified and to try again. I did, and it now works fine.
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 21-05-2007, 20:44
Replies: 11
Views: 4,227
Posted By ronwi
I logged in with my original password (not the...

I logged in with my original password (not the modified one) and it allowed me to log in and see my account.

It took my credit card number and went through the process, but my balance has not been...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 21-05-2007, 19:18
Replies: 11
Views: 4,227
Posted By ronwi
Yes, I did try topping up on the Globalsim site. ...

Yes, I did try topping up on the Globalsim site.

I just looked at the other site you referenced, which appears to be for a different card with different pricing and now way, as far as I can tell,...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 21-05-2007, 18:45
Replies: 11
Views: 4,227
Posted By ronwi
Can't Top Up Globalsim, and They Won't Respond

The title about sums it up. I've been using a Globalsim for a while, and am reasonably happy with the quality and consistency of the calls.

However, a few weeks ago I tried to top up, and got an...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 29-01-2007, 17:44
Replies: 1
Views: 3,551
Posted By ronwi
How to Get 12 EUR from Vodafone Spain Without Local ID?

I just bought a Vodafone ES SIM on ebay. I logged in on the Vodafone website, and if you fill out a registration from with all of your particulars you get 12 EUR added to your account.

Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 24-11-2006, 11:50
Replies: 1
Views: 2,251
Posted By ronwi
While there seem to be some small differences in...

While there seem to be some small differences in pricing for call prices for the IOM cards, Globalsim seems to the only one where you can pay for time (minimum 25 GBP) and get a free card. The only...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 02-10-2006, 03:06
Replies: 18
Views: 5,476
Posted By ronwi
It's not clear to me which of the cards listed at...

It's not clear to me which of the cards listed at ('') are the "ekit SIM." I also don't know if any of...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 01-10-2006, 01:19
Replies: 18
Views: 5,476
Posted By ronwi
I'm looking at these 3 cards because of their IOM...

I'm looking at these 3 cards because of their IOM incoming numbers (which at least for the time being seems cheaper to call than Estonia, Lichtenstein, etc.) Does anyone have any experience with any...
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