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Showing results 51 to 100 of 500 Search: Posts Made By: snaimon
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 19-12-2008, 18:08
Replies: 34
Views: 12,782
Posted By snaimon
And your source? Seems rather ODD, since the...

And your source?

Seems rather ODD, since the regular carriers are all being FORCED to cut their roaming rates. Not sure what the competition will do, but IF TRUE, this will make UM less...
Forum: Americas 23-10-2008, 17:41
Replies: 56
Views: 25,933
Posted By snaimon
Sorry if my reply was confusing. I was not...

Sorry if my reply was confusing. I was not indicating a preference for either ATT or TUYO. I was only suggesting that you or your group use a calling card INSTEAD of dialing directly to Germany or...
Forum: Americas 23-10-2008, 15:06
Replies: 56
Views: 25,933
Posted By snaimon
Calling Cards

Use a calling card and you pay the US rate + the calling card rate per minute. Should beat the $ 1.49-1.66 DIRECT charges. TRUE, it is a hassle to dial the card number, pin and then finally your...
Forum: Europe 12-09-2008, 19:41
Replies: 2
Views: 4,828
Posted By snaimon
If the phone is UNLOCKED and you can edit the...

If the phone is UNLOCKED and you can edit the proxy-data settings (I don't have an UNLOCKED Iphone so I cannot say for sure), then the answers to 1 and 2 should be YES. That is the essence of...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 11-09-2008, 02:00
Replies: 5
Views: 5,433
Posted By snaimon
I don't believe ANY European or international GSM...

I don't believe ANY European or international GSM phone will send SMS to US CDMA phones. SUNSIM Germany SIM did not deliver to US while we were in GER and FR this summer. I did not even TRY with...
Forum: Germany 30-08-2008, 13:40
Replies: 9
Views: 5,002
Posted By snaimon
Any news on SUNSIM?

Those services were in trouble anyway, so I have read.

Any news on SUNSIM? I bought that one when it came out a few years ago. Do you think they will collapse, too? I read the website did not...
Forum: France 25-08-2008, 19:55
Replies: 4
Views: 4,134
Posted By snaimon
Reasonable for a short stay OR if one is a resident

Seems very reasonable for a short stay OR if one is a resident and just wants telephone service.

I had the TravelSIM and UM+ and I burned up some Euros on those. All sunk costs, so I did not need...
Forum: France 25-08-2008, 19:38
Replies: 4
Views: 4,134
Posted By snaimon
The usual expiration ssues for France

"Durée de validité de la carte SIM :

Votre carte est valable jusqu'à 2 mois après le dernier appel.

Durée de validité des recharges :

* 10 € >> 15 jours
* 20 € >> 1 mois
* 30 €...
Forum: Europe 18-08-2008, 20:30
Replies: 5
Views: 2,923
Posted By snaimon
In about 4 weeks our son burned up $15 on...

In about 4 weeks our son burned up $15 on onesuite to reach us from US while we were in DE and FR. Some to more expensive cell phones. Considering I won't be needing the service for another year...
Forum: Europe 18-08-2008, 16:07
Replies: 5
Views: 2,923
Posted By snaimon
Not much detail on the site about HOW MUCH IT...

Not much detail on the site about HOW MUCH IT COSTS per month or per call.
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 16-08-2008, 01:39
Replies: 12
Views: 5,286
Posted By snaimon
Changing SIM cards is easy. Exactly as you say,...

Changing SIM cards is easy. Exactly as you say, take out the old (local card) and put in the new (international) card.

Travel SIM worked fine for me this month in FR and Germany. Can't say about...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 13-07-2008, 16:15
Replies: 376
Views: 104,795
Posted By snaimon
Clear? TRUE: that is what the FAQ says. ...


TRUE: that is what the FAQ says. That is not what the info back says when you request your balance using the phone and United Mobile Menu.

What does clear mean?

When you request...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 13-07-2008, 03:05
Replies: 376
Views: 104,795
Posted By snaimon

Going to "old Europe" soon, July 17. Logged onto my UM+ account. Says its dormant. I believe I did and SMS back in the winter and was charged for it.

Interesting, while the FAQ tells me 9...
Forum: Germany 12-07-2008, 13:20
Replies: 6
Views: 4,511
Posted By snaimon

Worked perfectly.

FIRST, German T-Mo prepaids now NEVER EXPIRE. There is no need to reload unless you need the balance.

SECOND, buy a spare card when you are there.

THIRD, if you have...
Forum: Germany 09-07-2008, 16:09
Replies: 6
Views: 4,511
Posted By snaimon
Vielen Dank!

Many thanks! I'll try it when I am home later today. Don't have the phone with me.

Forum: Germany 09-07-2008, 12:32
Replies: 6
Views: 4,511
Posted By snaimon
T-Mobile Germany

Does *101*pin number # SEND still work with Xtracash?

Does not seem to be described in latest brochures as an option.

Also, if that method does not work, is there a way to call customer care...
Forum: France 03-07-2008, 17:32
Replies: 24
Views: 15,913
Posted By snaimon
Sorry, I cannot answer your questions. Not many...

Sorry, I cannot answer your questions. Not many French members looking or answering.

I have never LOOKED for SIMs in US ariports, since I am already fixed up. At Dulles (IAD) I recall seeing...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 03-07-2008, 12:00
Replies: 2
Views: 3,022
Posted By snaimon
Welcome message from JAXTR (about 5 days AFTER I...

Welcome message from JAXTR (about 5 days AFTER I signed up):

Hello Stanley,

We're glad you joined. As a jaxtr member, you can now use your mobile phone or landline to:

* Meet new people...
Forum: France 03-07-2008, 02:00
Replies: 24
Views: 15,913
Posted By snaimon
I think you can do better than $300 - $400 with a...

I think you can do better than $300 - $400 with a French SIM. Bouygues Telecom offers Wap GPRS, EDGE: € 2.00/MB (1 KB increments) i-mode® GPRS, EDGE: € 5.00/MB (1 KB increments) all e-mails received...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 02-07-2008, 17:39
Replies: 2
Views: 3,022
Posted By snaimon
I have signed up. CURRENTLY they give you 50...

I have signed up. CURRENTLY they give you 50 jax. You can add jax. I think 1 jax = 1 US cent.

SMS are free, including international. That is why I signed up. You get 65 characters only. It...
Forum: Italy 02-07-2008, 14:49
Replies: 8
Views: 2,485
Posted By snaimon

should be a quad band. I have 3 of them. doubt another carrier would disable that feature.
Forum: France 01-07-2008, 19:39
Replies: 24
Views: 15,913
Posted By snaimon


I would be amazed if Verizon will be "lending" you a free GSM Blackberry.

ONLY GSM service is available in France. Please look at the NATIONAL OPERATORS page for France. Since you are...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 26-06-2008, 17:45
Replies: 21
Views: 7,968
Posted By snaimon
Gentlemen: If I have my facts correct...


If I have my facts correct (please advise) we have as alternatives:

1. SIMYO flatrate 30 days costs ~ 20 Euros (15 + 4.99) for unlimited landline access PLUS VOIP etc fees
2. ...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 25-06-2008, 20:29
Replies: 18
Views: 4,205
Posted By snaimon
The P-280 had a switch for choosing 1900 OR 900 /...

The P-280 had a switch for choosing 1900 OR 900 / 1800. The V-66 may have the same configuration. Daughter may need to select that (900/1800) option for frequencies. Check the manual.

Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 23-06-2008, 15:39
Replies: 3
Views: 2,900
Posted By snaimon

Anyone seen or use this?
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 18-06-2008, 16:35
Replies: 21
Views: 7,968
Posted By snaimon

A NEW card? Would they send it to you in the USA? I think that would be new.
Forum: France 13-06-2008, 01:15
Replies: 4
Views: 3,654
Posted By snaimon

Make sure the phone has 900/1800 (quad-band). Some T-Mo tribands are 850, 1800, 1900 for US. 900 would be better.

Check out the national operators in France and their international SMS rates. ...
Forum: Germany 08-06-2008, 17:52
Replies: 4
Views: 3,596
Posted By snaimon
Seems to still be valid

From their help and support I searched on Web Sessions

As I wrote, if they display prices, etc on their...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 07-06-2008, 22:22
Replies: 18
Views: 4,205
Posted By snaimon
try 088

Sorry, try 088 for recharge. It should prompt you to enter a card #, which you don't have. Sorry, bad COPY and PASTE action. Look at their FAQ.
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 07-06-2008, 17:19
Replies: 18
Views: 4,205
Posted By snaimon
Easy codes

Q: Are EasyCodes charged and if yes, at what rates?
A: Recharge (088) and balance inquiry (089) are free of charge. All other EasyCodes will be charged.


Have you tried the...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 06-06-2008, 17:26
Replies: 18
Views: 4,205
Posted By snaimon
First isn't there a quick code for BALANCE and...

First isn't there a quick code for BALANCE and TOP UP? Try those first.

All of the MOTOs (V188, Razor V3, V330, V360) I have had worked with UM. I had a V66 quite a while ago and cannot remember...
Forum: Germany 04-06-2008, 04:01
Replies: 14
Views: 9,515
Posted By snaimon
Local CLONCOM #s in Germany: (40)2999-9111 ...

Local CLONCOM #s in Germany:

(40)2999-9111 Hamburg English
(30)2555-5111 Berlin English
(69)1200-9099 Frankfurt English
(711)299-9111 Stuttgart English
Forum: Germany 04-06-2008, 03:51
Replies: 14
Views: 9,515
Posted By snaimon
I BELIEVE I ordered the SIM on Tuesday and we...

I BELIEVE I ordered the SIM on Tuesday and we arrived on Friday. No SIM Friday. No SIM Saturday. I think it arrived on the Monday. Now luckily, I had a SIMYO SIM (Germany) and a UM SIM. So we...
Forum: Germany 03-06-2008, 20:31
Replies: 14
Views: 9,515
Posted By snaimon
SUNSIM experience

Two things:

1. Last year I bought a SUNSIM (much like SOLOMO) card from USA shortly before I left and had it delivered to the (small) hotel where we were staying. Took a bit longer than I...
Forum: Americas 26-05-2008, 13:21
Replies: 23
Views: 12,493
Posted By snaimon
caveat emptor

My experience.... Ebay SIMs are often sold when they have very short life spans remaining. Without a refill the cards expire. I suspect the 2 months was too long and the cards had simply expired...
Forum: Americas 24-05-2008, 17:31
Replies: 23
Views: 12,493
Posted By snaimon
OT? - 2003 visit to Canada

Probably off topic....

My wife and children were in Canada in 2003. I had purchased a prepaid Fido SIM from eBay USA. That worked fine. After they returned, I sold it on eBay to someone else. ...
Forum: Europe 20-05-2008, 20:47
Replies: 15
Views: 8,925
Posted By snaimon

I would EXPECT the voice interactions to be en francais (pardon my keyboard). Perhaps there are English-speaking CSRs, but it's NOT Canada where you might have a choice of languages.

Anyway, it...
Forum: Europe 15-05-2008, 01:40
Replies: 7
Views: 2,719
Posted By snaimon
La période contractuelle Article 8 - Durée du...

La période contractuelle
Article 8 - Durée du contrat d’abonnement

Le contrat d’abonnement est conclu pour une durée
indéterminée avec ou sans période initiale minimale
d’engagement, selon...
Forum: Europe 15-05-2008, 01:36
Replies: 7
Views: 2,719
Posted By snaimon
"without contract & without commitment" does not...

"without contract & without commitment" does not seem genuine if you are required to sign up for either 12 or 24 months.

I think we are going to need some French-speakers to untangle this for us.
Forum: Europe 14-05-2008, 19:41
Replies: 7
Views: 2,719
Posted By snaimon
Not listed

"ten" is not listed on our NATIONAL OPERATORS page. Agree, 12 or 24 months of service required. Works on ORANGE. Based on this, I would say NOT suitable for someone on holiday.

I did not read...
Forum: France 13-05-2008, 17:38
Replies: 2
Views: 2,686
Posted By snaimon

Is there a GOOD reason(s) I should acquire one or more SIM(s) for France for a 2-week stay this summer? I don't see any reason myself. Any thoughts?

I have Travelsim & UM+ and a German SUNSIM...
Forum: Europe 09-05-2008, 18:46
Replies: 15
Views: 8,925
Posted By snaimon
Any experts, FR and UK?

Do we have any better advice for our new member from our FR and UK experts?


Forum: Europe 06-05-2008, 21:21
Replies: 7
Views: 2,726
Posted By snaimon
Seems you are spending most of your time in AUS...

Seems you are spending most of your time in AUS (hard to tell as the back to Munich has no day value). I count 12 days in AT (AUS = Australia, but I know what you mean). I would think your best bet...
Forum: Europe 06-05-2008, 19:39
Replies: 7
Views: 2,726
Posted By snaimon
I don't think there is UNLIMITED DATA on prepaid...

I don't think there is UNLIMITED DATA on prepaid in the countries you are visiting. Won't an internet cafe be sufficient? That would simplify matters.... voice only. You might consider the United...
Forum: UK & Ireland 29-04-2008, 19:37
Replies: 14
Views: 7,033
Posted By snaimon
Usually, but not always, the EU cards I have...

Usually, but not always, the EU cards I have purchased, require that you INITIALIZE or ACTIVATE new SIM cards. Sometimes this is as easy as putting the SIM into a phone and allowing the phone to...
Forum: UK & Ireland 28-04-2008, 00:04
Replies: 14
Views: 7,033
Posted By snaimon
no harm

Should be no harm. Just make sure they don't expire before you need them.

Have a nice trip.

Forum: Europe 27-04-2008, 23:02
Replies: 15
Views: 8,925
Posted By snaimon
One more thing about FR. Validity. Days, weeks...

One more thing about FR. Validity. Days, weeks or months. Not very good if you or he want to return in a year or two. Seems you would do well just to let it expire. I had a bad experience in...
Forum: Europe 27-04-2008, 22:25
Replies: 15
Views: 8,925
Posted By snaimon
Pass on France

IF YOU HAVE ACCESS TO A LANDLINE in the UK, I think you will do better with a calling card for calling to your son in FR. I'll have to defer to our British friends for advice and details. The...
Forum: Europe 14-04-2008, 19:50
Replies: 20
Views: 7,651
Posted By snaimon
Inbound calls to a German Cell in Germany is...

Inbound calls to a German Cell in Germany is ALWAYS FREE for the cell owner. Not true if you "roam" outside Germany or if you are near a border and the card REGISTERS on a non-German network.

Forum: Europe 14-04-2008, 15:54
Replies: 20
Views: 7,651
Posted By snaimon

Why don't you try getting a German land line OR MUST YOU USE the mobile?
I will be very surprised if the 5 cent rate CA to German Cell will work. I have never seen rates that low to cell phone...
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