Forum (Archived)

Showing results 51 to 100 of 137 Search: Posts Made By: ronwi
Forum: Europe 30-05-2013, 22:06
Replies: 6
Views: 4,540
Posted By ronwi
You might want to get a Vodafone Italy SIM in...

You might want to get a Vodafone Italy SIM in Italy. Vodafone Italy has Smart Passport for travel in Europe outside of Italy - 3 euro per day gives you 50 MB of data plus 25 minutes of incoming and...
Forum: Europe 30-05-2013, 17:50
Replies: 609
Views: 343,287
Posted By ronwi
Are you certain that Tmobile still excludes Lyca...

Are you certain that Tmobile still excludes Lyca from it's commercial rates? I saw a thread elsewhere stating that Lyca calls were now treated by Tmobile (and other UK mobile providers) the same as...
Forum: Europe 30-05-2013, 02:19
Replies: 609
Views: 343,287
Posted By ronwi
Some Toggle Mobile Thoughts

As this seems to be the most knowledgeable discussion going on Toggle Mobile, I thought I'd post these miscellaneous thoughts/questions here:

Seems Toggle will really become most useful when...
Forum: Europe 29-05-2013, 02:50
Replies: 609
Views: 343,287
Posted By ronwi
This blocking is a good thing. I was in Spain a...

This blocking is a good thing. I was in Spain a while ago and for some reason my SIM did not go automatically to the Spanish IMSI - it stayed in roaming mode and charged me quite a bit more than the...
Forum: Europe 08-04-2013, 02:11
Replies: 609
Views: 343,287
Posted By ronwi
Interestingly, the rates on the Dutch Toggle card...

Interestingly, the rates on the Dutch Toggle card are mostly higher - even with the conversion. Looks like calls in the Netherlands have a 9 cent setup fee, and when in the other Toggle countries...
Forum: Europe 07-04-2013, 08:48
Replies: 609
Views: 343,287
Posted By ronwi
I am in the US now, where the Toggle SIM has free...

I am in the US now, where the Toggle SIM has free incoming calls. Very unusual for a roaming SIM to have free incoming in the US.

I am going to Spain next week, so I set up the Spanish DID. I...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 04-04-2013, 01:13
Replies: 0
Views: 6,860
Posted By ronwi
Registering/Activating a Lebara or Lycamobile SIM in Spain?

I am going to Spain in a week, and was thinking of having a free Lebara or Lycamobile SIM delivered to my hotel. Both websites allow one to order a free SIM online.

However, it seems I still have...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 23-03-2013, 00:27
Replies: 26
Views: 11,448
Posted By ronwi
Lycamobile US?

I was looking at the Lycamobile Spain site, and saw they were offering free calls to Lycamoible US. I had no idea it (Lycamobile US) existed, but the website exists.

It's very strange.

If you...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 02-03-2013, 02:03
Replies: 8
Views: 3,010
Posted By ronwi
I don't know, might be cheaper to just buy a new...

I don't know, might be cheaper to just buy a new SIM. I used to see very cheap AT&T SIMs on ebay, but no more. Except it seems they can be bought in bulk for about $2.50 each on ebay.

Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 28-02-2013, 07:04
Replies: 8
Views: 3,010
Posted By ronwi
AT&T Prepaid Data Roaming Worth Considering

AT&T has prepaid international data roaming, and the pricing is not all that bad.

Each plan is good for 30 days and is 120 MB for $30, 300 MB for $30, and 800 MB for $120. This price includes...
Forum: Italy 14-02-2013, 20:15
Replies: 1
Views: 2,809
Posted By ronwi
Vodafone IT Twitter Good Option for Help in English

I have a Vodafone SIM from my last trip to Italy 5 months ago.

I wanted to select a data plan for my upcoming trip using the web interface, but I kept getting the message "Il servizio non è...
Forum: Italy 12-02-2013, 04:50
Replies: 0
Views: 2,462
Posted By ronwi
Question re Vodafone Smart Passport and Square Smart

I'm coming back to Italy, and, still ignoring Effendi's good advice and keeping my Vodafone SIM (arriving on a Saturday night, don't want to try to find a WIND SIM on a Sunday, and I still have money...
Forum: Italy 23-10-2012, 22:00
Replies: 7
Views: 5,217
Posted By ronwi
I meant the cheap data roaming packages (e.g.,...

I meant the cheap data roaming packages (e.g., the Vodafone 50 MB for €2.50.

I have also found that I can add credit to the Vodafone SIM online on the Vodafone website using my US based Visa or...
Forum: Italy 23-10-2012, 21:58
Replies: 2
Views: 2,727
Posted By ronwi
While I can't change the prompts, I can access...

While I can't change the prompts, I can access the account online and more or less figure things out (easier to figure out the written Italian than the spoken), and also use Google Translate.
Forum: Italy 20-10-2012, 09:09
Replies: 2
Views: 2,727
Posted By ronwi
Possible to Get English Prompts on Vodafone IT SIM?

I just bought a Vodafone Italy SIM.

Does anyone know if it is possible to switch the prompts to English, and, if so, how?

The guy in the Vodafone store said no, but, of course, he may be...
Forum: Italy 20-10-2012, 09:06
Replies: 7
Views: 5,217
Posted By ronwi
I ended up buying a Vodafone SIM at another store...

I ended up buying a Vodafone SIM at another store - EUR 25, includes 20 Euro of credit, and one month of data - up to 1 GB. I believe I am on Vodafone 12.

Opted for Vodafone rather than Wind as I...
Forum: Italy 17-10-2012, 14:40
Replies: 7
Views: 5,217
Posted By ronwi
Answering both questions - I can't top up...

Answering both questions -

I can't top up by credit card as I do not have a UK based credit card. Yes, I know there are places I can buy topup on the internet for a fee, and I might well do...
Forum: Italy 17-10-2012, 11:54
Replies: 7
Views: 5,217
Posted By ronwi
Possible to Buy Vodafone Scratch Card or PIN in Italy?

I'm in Italy now.

I tried to buy a local Vodafone SIM in a Vodafone store, but they would only sell me some SIM for EUR 20 with 250 minutes ans EUR 5 credit. They would not let me buy with the...
Forum: Germany 05-10-2012, 01:17
Replies: 2
Views: 8,987
Posted By ronwi
I tried this recently using my US credit card and...

I tried this recently using my US credit card and Paypal account and received an error each way.

However, as my goal was to get a Vodafone topup for my Vodafone UK SIM (you can apply topups from...
Forum: Italy 03-10-2012, 22:00
Replies: 4
Views: 3,173
Posted By ronwi
Well, perhaps they cannot offer it, but are still...

Well, perhaps they cannot offer it, but are still offering it on their website.

It is also strange that they have two data plans - 100MB for €2 per day, or 150 MB for €6 per day. The way that the...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 01-10-2012, 23:06
Replies: 26
Views: 29,407
Posted By ronwi
I noticed that both Voipgain and Voipyo (and...

I noticed that both Voipgain and Voipyo (and probably the other Dellmont/Betamax brands, I did not check) now have dual-tiered pricing to UK mobiles - one for "main" and one for "others." Presumably...
Forum: Italy 01-10-2012, 18:11
Replies: 4
Views: 3,173
Posted By ronwi
Is There a Vodafone SIM I can Buy In Italy that has the Europasim Rates?

Europasim sells a "European Roaming" SIM that I have read is really an Italian Vodafone SIM. The website shows rates of 100 MB for €2 per day, and 150 MB for €6 per day - Europa SIM-Card - Mobiles...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 05-03-2012, 20:21
Replies: 26
Views: 29,407
Posted By ronwi
I have a IOM number beginning +447924.... ...

I have a IOM number beginning +447924....

Using the Mobilevoip app a few weeks ago, I had intermittent problems with calls to my IOM phone.

Reading this today, I tried making a few calls...
Forum: UK & Ireland 17-02-2012, 02:32
Replies: 0
Views: 2,510
Posted By ronwi
Is the Vodafone UK Freedom Freebee Not Free Like the Others?

I've been reading about the Vodafone UK "Freebees", which I understood to be free - you top up by the requisite amount, you get the free stuff, and you keep the topup for other things. Hence the...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 07-11-2011, 17:51
Replies: 14
Views: 12,439
Posted By ronwi
MobileVoip Now Works With Callback

I just downloaded a new version of Mobilevoip from the Android Market (ver. 3.11.) The callback is now clearly implemented, and there is a whole new (better) interface. I believe that this product...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 29-10-2011, 05:20
Replies: 14
Views: 12,439
Posted By ronwi
I just downloaded and installed based upon your...

I just downloaded and installed based upon your recommendation in another thread. Seems to work well.

Easycallback has very attractive rates-but, if there is no portability from SIM to SIM, it is...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 28-10-2011, 18:04
Replies: 14
Views: 12,439
Posted By ronwi
I'm using the Android version, and not seeing the...

I'm using the Android version, and not seeing the option for multiple numbers.

It seems that you can log out and create a different account with a different number.

The catch would seem to be...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 28-10-2011, 17:40
Replies: 1
Views: 7,375
Posted By ronwi
How to Use MobileVoip App for Callback. Not VOIP?

I have downloaded the latest Android version of MobileVoip from Finarea (Ver. 2.94)

On the "settings" screen if you press "call options" you get an informational screen (not a menu that is...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 27-10-2011, 19:49
Replies: 2
Views: 3,586
Posted By ronwi
OK, the I guess I will use Yoigo, which can...

OK, the I guess I will use Yoigo, which can apparently be bought at retail stores in Spain.

Anyone know if the 1.20 EUR per day "Browsing Without Limits" is at 3G speed, and if it throttled after...
Forum: Spain & Portugal 27-10-2011, 19:24
Replies: 2
Views: 3,586
Posted By ronwi
Any Way to Order Simyo Before Arrival in Spain?

I tried to have sent to hotel, but I think the order is being rejected because my credit card billing address is not the hotel address.
Forum: UK & Ireland 24-07-2011, 19:44
Replies: 5
Views: 6,575
Posted By ronwi
My Recent Experiences in Ireland - Minutes and Data

I posted a few questions on this Board before my trip to Ireland. Having just been there, I will post my findings now.

Best for Voice: Hands down the best option was Tesco Mobile. Tesco is...
Forum: UK & Ireland 18-07-2011, 01:50
Replies: 8
Views: 4,528
Posted By ronwi
Tesco is the Way to Go

If data is not a consideration (the OP did not mention data), then Tesco is the way to go. They are an MVNO or O2.

There effective rates are 10 cents per minute for national calls (due to a...
Forum: UK & Ireland 05-07-2011, 02:59
Replies: 6
Views: 5,960
Posted By ronwi
I understand that mobile numbers are more...

I understand that mobile numbers are more expensive to call. My point was that the roaming SIMS frequently have mobile numbers in special prefixes in the UK that are more expensive to call than...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 04-07-2011, 00:03
Replies: 2
Views: 3,730
Posted By ronwi
Ryanair Maxroam SIM and the Non-Ryanair Version Have Different Rates

I didn't put a "beware" in the title, as that would seem ominous.

However, anyone buying a Maxroam SIM should be aware that the Ryanair version and the version sold on the Maxroam wesbite have...
Forum: UK & Ireland 03-07-2011, 23:44
Replies: 6
Views: 5,960
Posted By ronwi
The free voice roaming is interesting - the...

The free voice roaming is interesting - the dedicated roaming SIMs have free incoming calls, but the caller must call an expensive number in the IOM or some other expensive +44 number.

I travel...
Forum: UK & Ireland 01-07-2011, 19:34
Replies: 6
Views: 5,960
Posted By ronwi
I also looked into Tesco Mobile, which now uses...

I also looked into Tesco Mobile, which now uses 3G data.

The attraction is that they have very cheap calls to the US - 2 cents per minute, within Ireland 10 cents per minute (the official rate is...
Forum: UK & Ireland 27-06-2011, 02:43
Replies: 6
Views: 5,960
Posted By ronwi
Confused About Minimum Buy-In for Meteor Data in Ireland

I am going to be in Ireland for only a few days. I see that a Meteor SIM card is free.

I am primarily interested in data, for voice I can use my ekit SIM and callback.

I see here:

Pay As...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 27-01-2011, 20:27
Replies: 1
Views: 4,432
Posted By ronwi
Poivy/Voipgain No Longer Take Paypal or Credit Cards

I tried to add credit to both today and found that there no longer is a Paypal or credit card option. None of the other options seem to allow credit card payment.

Has anyone figure out how to use...
Forum: Africa, Asia and Pacific 27-05-2010, 20:02
Replies: 8
Views: 3,839
Posted By ronwi

I have had good luck with Lebara in Europe, and they seem to have a good offer in Australia. The Lebara website is at Lebara Mobile - low cost international phone calls from your mobile...
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 03-05-2010, 18:48
Replies: 8
Views: 12,127
Posted By ronwi
The DISA module does give a dial tone. So, the...

The DISA module does give a dial tone. So, the caller calls the trigger number, then the Asterisk system calls back and give a dial tone.

There are other variations. For example, if you will...
Forum: Americas 02-05-2010, 23:02
Replies: 16
Views: 8,128
Posted By ronwi
I did state there was little danger of an...

I did state there was little danger of an inadvertent "outgoing call". An inbound roaming call is probably more likely.
Forum: Americas 02-05-2010, 05:21
Replies: 16
Views: 8,128
Posted By ronwi
Isn't there zero danger of an inadvertent...

Isn't there zero danger of an inadvertent outgoing call, as the dialing codes are different in Mexico, and the standard 1+area code +7 digits would not go through?
Forum: Callback, VoIP, Satellite and all other technologies 01-05-2010, 21:50
Replies: 8
Views: 12,127
Posted By ronwi
Callback Module Works (finally!) in Freepbx

If you are a Freepbx user, you can now easily make your own callback system.

The callback module, which has been present but not working in older versions, now works!

Just set up the module,...
Forum: Europe 30-12-2009, 17:04
Replies: 5
Views: 5,628
Posted By ronwi
I was thinking of doing that with,...

I was thinking of doing that with, which seems less expensive than rebeltel.

However, with either localphone or rebeltel you call multiple local numbers, meaning that you can't use...
Forum: BeNeLux 30-12-2009, 05:57
Replies: 2
Views: 3,740
Posted By ronwi
Any Way to add less Than 20 EUR to a Vodafone NL Sim?

I have a Vodafone NL Sim with 9.30 EUR credit. In the Netherlands, I use Lebara, which has much better rates for calls. However, I would like to use a Vodafone Blox for data, which is 9.50 EUR for...
Forum: Europe 28-12-2009, 09:58
Replies: 5
Views: 5,628
Posted By ronwi
Betamax Number from Hungary or Other Way to Call Cheap?

My stepdaughter is about to spend 5 months in Hungary. I'm looking at ways she can call the US cheap via prepaid.

Looks like one option is to call the local Betamax access number. Anyone know if...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 10-08-2009, 04:08
Replies: 201
Views: 80,566
Posted By ronwi
Based on the remaining balance after I answered...

Based on the remaining balance after I answered the call ($9.56), it appears I was charged 44 cents for the incoming call. Not quite sure how that was computed - e.g., the ebay page says there is a...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 06-08-2009, 15:00
Replies: 201
Views: 80,566
Posted By ronwi
I just tested mine in the US. I called the +44...

I just tested mine in the US. I called the +44 number, and answered the call. I was charged for the incoming call. I thought that incoming calls on the +44 number were free in the US?
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 21-07-2009, 21:58
Replies: 77
Views: 34,377
Posted By ronwi
Easyroam- And, I edit mine. I wasn't...


And, I edit mine. I wasn't suggesting there was anything wrong in editing your post.

I think it is very good that you don't hide the ball on your signup/order page. You state very...
Forum: International GSM prepaid cards 21-07-2009, 17:15
Replies: 77
Views: 34,377
Posted By ronwi
Note that in the current version of the prior...

Note that in the current version of the prior post, there is no explanation of the "very heavy abuse" regarding the U.A.E. However, if anyone is interested in what constitutes "very heavy abuse" in...
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