PrePaidGSM > Operators > Slovakia >


Voice tariffs
Calls to Orangeclick
Mo-Fr 6-16
Calls to Orangeclick
Mo-Fr 16-6, Sa-Su 0-24
All other calls
Mo-Su 0-24
€ 0.2954 € 0.0963 € 0.2954

Additional Services and Costs
Messaging National SMS: € 0.083
International SMS: € 0.13
MMS to Orangeclick: € 0.14
Other MMS: € 0.30
Data Calls Wap CSD: € 0.06/min
GPRS SKK € 0.89/MB (1KB increments); 3G is not availabe
Voice Mail € 0.14/min
International calls and Roaming see Orange page
Billing National calls: 1/1
International roaming: 30/1 (outgoing), 1/1 (incoming)
Refills/credit € 2.00 to 3.00, 1 day
€ 4.00 to 6.00, 30 days (10 bonus SMS)
€ 7.00 to 9.00, 60 days (20 bonus SMS)
€ 10.00 and more, 90 days (30 bonus SMS)
There's always a 9 months "grace period" after the expiration of the credit