PrePaidGSM > Operators > Netherlands > Telfort


Voice tariffs

Telfort Standaard
National calls
Mo-Su 0-24
National SMS
Mo-Su 0-24
Mo-Su 0-24
Debiting method
€ 0.36 € 0.08 € 0.31 60/1
Telfort 15
National calls
Mo-Su 0-24
National SMS
Mo-Su 0-24
Mo-Su 0-24
Debiting method
€ 0.15 € 0.15 € 0.15 60/60


There's plenty of bundles including minutes, texts and data. All information here (in Dutch)

Additional costs and services
Messaging International SMS: € 0.16
Voicemail same as voice calls
Data Calls € 0.25/MB
International calls & roaming see KPN page
Recharge/credit € 10.00/10.00
€ 20.00/20.00