PrePaidGSM > Operators > Israel > Youphone


Voice tariffs

All calls, SMS and 1MB of data
Mo-Su 0-24
ILS 0.25
€ 0.05

Additional costs and services
Messaging National SMS: ILS 0.25 - € 0.05
International SMS: unknown
MMS: unknown
Data Calls ILS 0.25/MB - € 0.05
International calls & roaming roaming is not available, international rates are unknown
Recharge/credit, validity Top ups are ILS 30 valid for 30 days or ILS 50 valid for 1 year
A third tp up possibility is ILS 99 (EUR 20) for 1000 min, 1000 SMS and 500MB, valid for 30 days.

Useful information

SIM cards can be purchased at the MEGA, AMM supermarkets and Alon gas stations