PrePaidGSM > Operators > France > Bouygues Telecom


Voice tariffs

National calls
Mo-Su 0-24
National SMS
Mo-Su 0-24
Mo-Su 0-24
€ 0.38 € 0.09 € 0.30/MB

The tariff above is valid when refilling with the "Carte Classique" refills, but there are different recharges which can be used, with different bonuses. We all list them here below.

Refills & validity
Refill Credit Minutes National SMS Data Validity
Classique 2€ 5€ 5m - - 2 months
Classique 10€ 10€ 26m unlimited - 3 months
Classique 20€ 20€ 52m unlimited - 6 months
Classique 40€ 40€ 1h 45m unlimited - 6 months
XL 2€ 1€ unlimited unlimited 500MB 2 days
XL 10€ 5€ unlimited unlimited 500MB 10 days
XL 20€ 10€ unlimited unlimited 500MB 1 month
XL 40€ 25€ unlimited unlimited 2GB 2 months

Additional costs and services
Messaging International SMS: € 0.30
MMS: € 0.30
Voicemail free of charge (660)
Data Calls € 2.00/MB (1 KB increments)
International calls & roaming see here (in French)
Debiting method National calls: 1/1
International calls/roaming: 60/30
Card validity validity of the card is always 12 months from the last recharge, while the credit has the validity stated up above