PrePaidGSM > Operators > Croatia > T-Mobile


All prices are stated in HRK, VAT is included.

Voice tariffs

Vipme Start
Set-up fee
for all calls
National calls
Mo-Su 0-24
National SMS
Mo-Su 0-24
Mo-Su 0-24
HRK 0.29
€ 0.04
HRK 0.99
€ 0.13
HRK 0.39
€ 0.05
HRK 0.39/MB
€ 0.05/MB

Zakon! Tarifa

With this option, which has a monthly fee of HRK 50 (€ 6.60) you get 1500 minutes and SMS to all Croatian networks and 1.5GB of data. To activate write A to 13170.
There's also a smaller version called miniZakon for HRK 30 (€ 4.00) including 300 minutes and SMS and 300MB.

Vipme tarifa International

This is a special tariff package dedicated to visitors to Croatia.
- calls to 16 European landlines: HRK 0.44/min - € 0.06/min;
- SMS to Croatia and 16 European countries: HRK 0.75/min - € 0.10;
- calls to all networks in Croatia: HRK 1.02/min - € 0.13;
- Data traffic: HRK 0.10/MB - € 0.013/MB (1MB increments); - Setup fee for all calls: HRK 0.29 - € 0.04 (call increments (60/60).
Cheaper rates and SMS are valid when calling/texting to:
Austria, Bosnia &, Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia Slovenia, Switzerland and UK.

Additional services and costs
Messaging International SMS: HRK 0.90 - € 0.12
MMS: HRK 1.99 - € 0.26
Voice Mail free of charge
International Roaming available, see here (in Croatian)
Debiting method 60/60
Recharges/credit HRK 50/50
HRK 100/100
HRK 200/200
Vip prefixes 091

Vipme Broadband

It's the prepaid data offer by VIP. You can buy a Vipme Broadband Box for HRK 20 (€ 2.71) including HRK 20 worth of data calls.
Data calls are billed at HRK 1.02/MB (€ 0.13) but you can also choose one of the following bundles:
- Opcija S: HRK 15 - € 2.00 inlcuding 200MB, activation: write S to 13177;
- Opcija M: HRK 50 - € 6.60 inlcuding 1GB, activation: write M to 13177;
- Opcija L: HRK 70 - € 9.25 inlcuding 2GB, activation: write L to 13177.

International calls Setup fee Mo-Su 0-24
Bosnia Herzegovina HRK 0.29 - € 0.04 HRK 2.69 - € 0.36
Europe 1 HRK 0.29 - € 0.04 HRK 3.99 - € 0.53
Europe 2 HRK 0.29 - € 0.04 HRK 4.99 - € 0.66
World 1 HRK 0.29 - € 0.04 HRK 5.99 - € 0.79
World 2 HRK 0.29 - € 0.04 HRK 9.99 - € 1.32

International Zones

The B&H Zone does not include calls to the following destinations +387 1x, +387 2x, +387 49 1x, +387 49 2x, +387 49 3x, +387 49 4x, +387 49 8x, +387 49 9x, +387 5x, +387 65x, +387 66 5x, +387 66 6x, +387 66 8x, +387 66 9x, +387 78x. These calls will be charged according to the rate per minute for the Europe I Zone.

EUROPE 1: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Vatican City, Serbia, Montenegro, rest of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
EUROPE 2: Albania, Andorra, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, FYROM-Macedonia, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom.
WORLD 1: Alaska, Algeria, Australia, Belarus, Canada, Chile, Estonia, Gibraltar, Hawaii - USA, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, Thailand, Tunisia, Turks and Caicos Islands, Ukraine, USA, Virgin Islands – USA.
WORLD 2: Rest of the WOrld.