PrePaidGSM > Operators > Croatia > bonbon
All prices are stated in HRK, VAT is included.
Voice tariffs
bonbon | |||
National calls Mo-Su 0-24 |
National SMS Mo-Su 0-24 |
National MMS Mo-Su 0-24 |
Data Mo-Su 0-24 |
HRK 0.88 € 0.12 |
HRK 0.33 € 0.04 |
HRK 0.88 € 0.12 |
HRK 0.88/MB € 0.12/MB |
There are 4 packages available:
- Mali: HRK 10.00 (€ 1.35): 50 mins, 150 SMS, 120MB of data;
- Srednji: HRK 30.00 (€ 3.95): 200 mins, 500 SMS, 800MB of data;
- Veliki: HRK 60.00 (€ 7.90): 1000 mins to BonBon, 1000 national mins, 2000 SMS, 3GB of data;
- Jako veliki: HRK 90.00 (€ 11.90): same as above but with 5GB on LTE;
Call 0970 700 to enable different packages and build your own bonbon monthly package.
Additional costs and services | |
Messaging | International SMS: HRK 0.63 - € 0.08 |
Voice Mail | same as voice calls |
International calls & roaming | Available, rates are similar to T-Mobile, for a complete list see here (in Croatian) |
Debiting method | All calls: 60/60 Data: 100KB increments |
Recharges/credit | HRK 10/10 HRK 20/20 HRK 40/40 HRK 80/80 HRK 160/160 Your number will be active for 90 days from activation and if you want to reactivate it next year when you return to Croatia you’ll need a top up of additional HRK 160 kn |