PrePaidGSM > Operators > Austria > eety!


Voice tariffs

eety classic/türk/balkan
Calls to eety
Mo-Su 0-24
All other calls
Mo-Su 0-24
€ 0.09 € 0.19
Setup fee
for all calls
All calls
Mo-Su 0-24
€ 0.10 € 0.09

eetybasic and easyworld

Every time you top-up your credit of your eetybasic-tariff you are switched to the eetyworld-plan which has the same national call rates but much cheaper international calls rates. If you do not top-up again within 30 days you are again switched back to eetybasic.

eety-türk and eety-balkan

There is also a special tariff "eety-türk" with same rates like eety classic within Austria and a special rate for Turkey, but with a setup fee of € 0.10 for all calls.
Similar tariff is eety-balkan, dedicated to Balcanic people living in Austria, with special rated to former Yugoslavian countries.

Additional services and costs
Messaging National and Internatinal SMS: € 0.09
Voicemail € 0.09/min
Call center (Hotline) Call 83083; € 0.09/min
Data calls not available
International Calls Very interesting rates, see here.
International Roaming not available
Debiting method eety-classic, türk, balkan: 60/30
eetybasic, eetyworld: 60/60
Top-Ups/credit/validity € 10.00/10.00, 12 months
€ 20.00/20.00, 12 months
Eety Prefix 0681.83