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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 01:57

Forget all the 3rd party stuff. Comparing receiving and making calls directly on the sim, there are better options than onesimcard. Calling out with onesimcard is about $1 or more from the countries I am likely to visit. Couple that with the insanely high rates most charge to call the +372 number, it certainly makes no sense for my travel needs. If it works for you, so be it!

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 02:32

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
Forget all the 3rd party stuff. Comparing receiving and making calls directly on the sim, there are better options than onesimcard. Calling out with onesimcard is about $1 or more from the countries I am likely to visit. Couple that with the insanely high rates most charge to call the +372 number, it certainly makes no sense for my travel needs. If it works for you, so be it!
Using the 3rd party dialer is exactly the same as using the stock phone dialer. No difference.

But if you feel safer when you pay more, more power to you (but then, why go through the trouble of juggling with your 5 SIM cards when you could just stay with your AT&T contract.)

edit: But many thanks to you. Network infrastructures need a lot of investments, and it is thanks to people like you who prefer to pay more that we, the users of 3rd party systems, can benefit while calling for extremely low rates, often even for free.

Last edited by MBK; 14-08-2013 at 03:00..
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 07:44

Originally Posted by MBK View Post
The Betamax/Finarea/Dellmont group has been in business for a least 10 years. It has been working very well for me for the past 7 years (from home phones, Mobile, on the way using hotel phones, etc...).

To make it very simple here is the procedure to get going:

  1. choose the provider that best fits your rates for the countries you need: Call rates comparison table
  2. make an account on the provider's website (add .com to the name)
  3. charge 10€ credit
  4. install (or for iphone get it from the iphone market).

And start saving big while calling.

edit: call quality can be a little lower than a direct call from time to time depending on the countries. But with such rates I think there's nothing to complain about.
Are you saying: (please give me a straight answer this time):

That the rates you have been quoting do not exist on the OneSimcard site, unless you download a 3rd party VoIP app, sign up and pay $10.00 on top of the $30.00 plus credit lets says another $10.00 you just paid for the onesimcard, before you even start. Then down load another app for SMS, sign up to them pay another $xxx for credit. Tell all your friends family and work to do the same if they want to call you cheaply or sign up to some other callback service, and this is cheap and simple no thank you, when you started this thread i was under the impression that you were talking about onesimcard being so cheap and simple to use, this is clearly not the case and very misleading.

Someone please tell me i have the principle right, i am getting very confused by this thread.
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 09:02

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
Are you saying: (please give me a straight answer this time):

That the rates you have been quoting do not exist on the OneSimcard site, unless you download a 3rd party VoIP app,

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
sign up and pay $10.00 on top of the $30.00 plus credit lets says another $10.00 you just paid for the onesimcard, before you even start.
Airbaltic card is €10 if the onesimcard is too expensive for you.

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
Then down load another app for SMS, sign up to them pay another $xxx for credit.
No. You don't need this. This was just another option to send SMS even cheaper (1 or 2 cents cheaper than MobileVOIP).

(SMS is already in the 3rd party dialer I linked to - MobileVOIP - you pay 2 to 5 cent per SMS depending on the country you are sending to.)

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
Tell all your friends family and work to do the same if they want to call you cheaply or sign up to some other callback service,
No. (But you can if you want).

I am paying for my calls, how much other people pay for their calls in not my concerns (friends/family I give my local dual-SIM number).

But as I said, if you don't want people to call you on +372 and don't have a dual-SIM phone, one option out of several is:

  1. get a US landline number on (Free) (or any other country)
  2. forward the incoming calls to your +372 with (€0.07/min)

So, this way your contacts can call you for free and it costs you €0.07/min to receive the call in 154 countries, which comes out cheaper for incoming calls than Piranha in most countries.

If you have a dual SIM phone even better, the forwarding can cost you as low as €0.005/min in many EU countries including UK (even Free in several countries like Thailand, US, China,...).

Furthermore, this incoming number stays with you for life, even if you move to another SIM card operator you just redirect the forwarding to the new number.

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
and this is cheap
10€ to buy an Airbaltic card (if you don't need the other onesimcard functions)
10€ credit reload increments on (or any other one from the list)

And with single SIM (callback on +372):

0.075€ to call the UK, France, Thailand, US, etc... (landline & mobile)

With dual-SIM
(callback on local SIM):
0€ UK landline, US landline + mobile, Thailand landline+mobile, etc...
0.005€ UK, France, Germany, etc... mobile

SMS: ~ 2 to 5 cents depending on destination countries.

Very cheap
, yes.

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
and simple
If following these 3 simple points is too complicated for you (to be done only once, after this you are setup for life), then please pay for your expensive rates as no one can help you.

For calls & SMS:
  1. choose the provider that best fits your rates for the countries you need: Call rates comparison table
  2. make an account on the provider's website (add .com to the name) and load 10€ credit
  3. install (or for iphone get it from the iphone market).

edit: this callback is the same thing most roaming SIMs do, but you are doing it yourself, much cheaper.

Last edited by MBK; 14-08-2013 at 09:42..
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 10:14

Originally Posted by MBK View Post

Airbaltic card is €10 if the onesimcard is too expensive for you.

No. You don't need this. This was just another option to send SMS even cheaper (1 or 2 cents cheaper than MobileVOIP).

(SMS is already in the 3rd party dialer I linked to - MobileVOIP - you pay 2 to 5 cent per SMS depending on the country you are sending to.)

No. (But you can if you want).

I am paying for my calls, how much other people pay for their calls in not my concerns (friends/family I give my local dual-SIM number).

But as I said, if you don't want people to call you on +372 and don't have a dual-SIM phone, one option out of several is:

  1. get a US landline number on (Free) (or any other country)
  2. forward the incoming calls to your +372 with (€0.07/min)

So, this way your contacts can call you for free and it costs you €0.07/min to receive the call in 154 countries, which comes out cheaper for incoming calls than Piranha in most countries.

If you have a dual SIM phone even better, the forwarding can cost you as low as €0.005/min in many EU countries including UK (even Free in several countries like Thailand, US, China,...).

Furthermore, this incoming number stays with you for life, even if you move to another SIM card operator you just redirect the forwarding to the new number.

10€ to buy an Airbaltic card (if you don't need the other onesimcard functions)
10€ credit reload increments on (or any other one from the list)

And with single SIM (callback on +372):

0.075€ to call the UK, France, Thailand, US, etc... (landline & mobile)

With dual-SIM
(callback on local SIM):
0€ UK landline, US landline + mobile, Thailand landline+mobile, etc...
0.005€ UK, France, Germany, etc... mobile

SMS: ~ 2 to 5 cents depending on destination countries.

Very cheap
, yes.

If following these 3 simple points is too complicated for you (to be done only once, after this you are setup for life), then please pay for your expensive rates as no one can help you.

For calls & SMS:
  1. choose the provider that best fits your rates for the countries you need: Call rates comparison table
  2. make an account on the provider's website (add .com to the name) and load 10€ credit
  3. install (or for iphone get it from the iphone market).

edit: this callback is the same thing most roaming SIMs do, but you are doing it yourself, much cheaper.
All very long winded for something that may or may not work, and the possibly of sacrificing call quality to save a few cents is not worth it.

I would like to add that there is no need to get all defense about it i.e then please pay for your expensive rates as no one can help you.

I like to deal in facts and the fact is you started a thread saying Onesimcard was best Roaming Sim Card on the planet and the cheapest, the facts do not show this, unless you go through many different operations and 3rd party apps, do you not agree. I know you are trying to help people but you have to bear in mind not all users of this website have smart phones or are technically minded, they are just looking for best deal which will save them money while roaming, without having to get to complicated.
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 12:21

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
All very long winded
  1. check rates
  2. load 10€
  3. install dialer
A simple 3 steps procedure, long winded?

I am curious, how do you manage to order an international roaming SIM online and get it to work?

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
for something that may or may not work,
As I said, it has been working with no issues for 7 years for me (longer than some SIMs that were recommended on these forums - i.ex: United Telecom, etc...).

There are forums full of people using this, with no issues.

But you, instead of being glad for having one more option available to every one, even if it doesn't fit your needs, you prefer to be negative.
Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
and the possibly of sacrificing call quality to save a few cents is not worth it.
Not only a few cents, they add up quickly, you now.

Yes, quality is good but can sometimes be a little lower depending on the countries and the time (sometimes perhaps not recommended for a business call, but good enough for everything else). But quality is usually lower on mobile calls anyway, so this really isn't an issue imho.

But you prefer to pay a lot more to be sure to get 100% call quality all the time. No problem with this.

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
I like to deal in facts

Well, you have a problem then. Because your facts are wrong.

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
and the fact is you started a thread

No, I didn't start the thread.

I replied to the thread to offer another option to choose from.

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
saying Onesimcard was best Roaming Sim Card on the planet

No, I said it was imho the best for worldwide roaming if used properly (=with callback). This is not the same.

And once again, you (or some people here) are talking about SIM cards that are good for limited regional roaming. I am talking about worldwide roaming.

Juggling with X number of SIMs (but you said you didn't like complicated) is not the same as 1 SIM.

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
and the cheapest,

When used properly (=with callback)

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
the facts do not show this, unless you go through many different operations and 3rd party apps

What are the many operations and several apps you are talking about?

Again: check rates > load credit > install 1 app

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
I know you are trying to help people but you have to bear in mind not all users of this website have smart phones or are technically minded, they are just looking for best deal which will save them money while roaming, without having to get to complicated.

At last, I get something nicer for all the time I spent.

Please allow me to rephrase your negative post:

Thank you MBK for taking so much time
to show us another option. It is great to have more choices to choose from for everyone so we can all find what suits us best. I unfortunately don't have a smartphone, so what are the best options in my case?

Last edited by MBK; 14-08-2013 at 12:45..
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 12:48

Originally Posted by MBK View Post
  1. check rates
  2. load 10€
  3. install dialer
A simple 3 steps procedure, long winded?

I am curious, how do you manage to order an international roaming SIM online and get it to work?

As I said, it has been working with no issues for 7 years for me (longer than some SIMs that were recommended on these forums - i.ex: United Telecom, etc...).

There are forums full of people using this, with no issues.

But you, instead of being glad for having one more option available to every one, even if it doesn't fit your needs, you prefer to be negative.

Not only a few cents, they add up quickly, you now.

Yes, quality is good but can sometimes be a little lower depending on the countries and the time (sometimes perhaps not recommended for a business call, but good enough for everything else). But quality is usually lower on mobile calls anyway, so this really isn't an issue imho.

But you prefer to pay a lot more to be sure to get 100% call quality all the time. No problem with this.

Well, you have a problem then. Because your facts are wrong.

No, I didn't start the thread.

I replied to the thread to offer another option to choose from.

No, I said it was imho the best for worldwide roaming if used properly (=with callback). This is not the same.

And once again, you (or some people here) are talking about SIM cards that are good for limited regional roaming. I am talking about worldwide roaming.

Juggling with X number of SIMs (but you said you didn't like complicated) is not the same as 1 SIM.

When used properly (=with callback)

What are the many operations and several apps you are talking about?

Again: check rates > load credit > install 1 app

At last, I get something nicer for all the time I spent.

Please allow me to rephrase your negative post:

Thank you MBK for taking so much time
to show us another option. It is great to have more choices to choose from for everyone so we can all find what suits us best. I unfortunately don't have a smartphone, so what are the best options in my case?
It is very clear from your response and not only to my posts but others, that you are very touchy when it comes to +372 high termination rate numbers and onesimcard. Enough said
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 13:04

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
It is very clear from your response and not only to my posts but others, that you are very touchy when it comes to +372 high termination rate numbers and onesimcard. Enough said
Unbelievable. More negativity from you, but I guess you have nothing else to contribute to this forum.

Yes. Enough said.
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 13:16

Originally Posted by MBK View Post
I went to the airbaltic website to check it out:

Free incoming/forwarding countries:

Airbaltic: 134 (they say more than 140 but I could count only 134)
Onesimcard: 154

Furthermore, many of the regions Onesimcard provides free service in aren't even in the Airbaltic rates list.

Of course, most of these regions are considered overseas territories of some countries, but many companies still charge them differently.

The list below of 20 + 134 = 154 which equals the number of free regions served by Onesimcard could have us think that they are considering these regions as parts of other countires.

The question is, does Airbaltic offer service in these regions or not? And are these regions free (as with Onesimcard)?

I have sent them an email to inquire about this. We'll see.


Aland Islands
Canary Islands
Christmas Isl.
Easter Island
Isle of Man
Reunion Island
St. Barts
St. Eustatius
St. Maarten
St. Martin
Here is the reply from Airbaltic customer support (this seems strange to me... no support in Jersey, Isle of Man, Canary Islands.... - I was thinking they were all using the same platform?):

But good point for them: they reply within a few hours.

Good day!

There is network coverage in:

Guernsey ,Reunion Island,St. Maarten,St.Martin,Curacao

In other places there is no network coverage

Kind regards,

support & assistance

Phone| +371 2888 8331
Phone| +371 6727 1711
Phone| +372 5317 3173

Last edited by MBK; 14-08-2013 at 13:36..
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HappyCamp (Offline)
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Default 14-08-2013, 13:44

Originally Posted by MBK View Post
Thank you MBK for taking so much time [/I]to show us another option. It is great to have more choices to choose from for everyone so we can all find what suits us best. I unfortunately don't have a smartphone, so what are the best options in my case?
MBK, actually I appreciate your comments. It is interesting to learn about different options. I'll be honest and admit I likely will not use your technique of a +372 SIM card plus a VOIP provider. But reading about it, it does seem like you can get pretty cheap rates using it.

I think myself and other people see the steps to enable this and think it appears substantially more complicated than just purchasing a SIM card and using it. But I may get motivated to investigate it more thoroughly before my trip.

I do think though to state OneSimCard is better than XXXX, is a bit disingenious. Now saying that you think OneSimCard when used with a VOIP provider (e.g. hotvoip . com ) and then something like callcentric can be the most cost effective solution you know sounds correct. When I was reading things originally I could not figure out why you thought OneSimCard was so good. Not until it became clear that the VOIP provider was needed did it become clear. And it does seem like a very cool solution to do this.

Thanks again!

T-Mobile $30 "Wal-mart plan". Unlimited data & text. 100 voice minutes per month.

Europe 2013 vacation:
Piranha-Mobile and Truphone plus the following
AT: T-Mobile, CZ: Tesco Mobile, DE: Lidl & Toggle Mobile, DK: Telia & Toggle Mobile, ES: Toggle Mobile, FR: Orange & Toggle Mobile, HU: T-Mobile, SE: Telenor & Toggle Mobile
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