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Marc (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2006, 03:32

Hello, all,

I said I'd report when I got back from Europe, so here it is, though it's not adding much to the discussion.

In a word, I couldn't get 09 to work at all. It may be that the problem is a conflict between 09 and my phones. The US distributor for 09 says there is a known problem with Nokia phones, and both my phones are Nokias. The one that I was using the 09 card in was unable to call out to anywhere--whether dialling normally or using the 09 menu. Nor could it contact any of the 09 customer services.

When I tried calling TO the 09 phone from my other Nokia (which was using a Bouyguetel prepaid card), the call never went through; it was almost immediately disconnected. Why?

I called 09 customer service from the Bouyguetel phone, and was told I'd get a call back from a tech rep either that night or the next day. It never came.

I guess I'll pursue this now that I'm back in the States, but it's not exactly front-burner material.

Wish I could report cheerier news.

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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2006, 03:46

Originally Posted by Marc
In a word, I couldn't get 09 to work at all. It may be that the problem is a conflict between 09 and my phones. The US distributor for 09 says there is a known problem with Nokia phones, and both my phones are Nokias.
Thanks for the report. Not very promising, to say the least.

What model Nokia/s do you have? How old are they?

Besides FRANCE, where were you?

Is it POSSIBLE that you needed to add an extra 0 to the number to dial it properly? Did you try dialing from a land line with a calling card such as MCI or ATT? They do work in FRANCE if you have the right access #. At least I can attest to the fact that a few years ago the ATT card worked when we were there. FYI when a handful of supoosedly cheap calling cards WOULD NOT EVEN CONNECT TO +423 663 #s, the ATT card always connected --granted the rates are exhorbitant, but at least the service is reliable. I would EXPECT you would get a connection to 09. You could even try it from the US and see if it RINGS. You DON'T have to answer the phone, you know. Just let it ring once or twice to see if you connect.

The 09 site says something like the SIM will work on MOST phones manufactured in the last 2 years.

Who is the US distributor, Telestial?

For comparison, at least from the US, the UM/Riiing/distributors have almost always answered my emails promptly. The 09 has free inbound in Malta whereas with UM I would pay 19 ecents per minute. That is my main interest IF I were to buy another international card.

Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
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albino (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2006, 03:50

Yeh .. it is a shame .... but 09 is a long way from actually being a service. But are improving.

The other problem is that the have huge holes in number take-up by the foreign networks, thus most do not recognise the 09 number, and thus frinds wont be able to call you.

This is infact a general problem with all new roaming companies setting up . The main offender are the smaller discount companies ... it is sometiomes impossible to phone UM with some discount companies (eg telediscount)
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albino (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2006, 03:51

telestial do UM ... (for a little longer) and travel sim
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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2006, 11:09

Originally Posted by albino
The other problem is that the have huge holes in number take-up by the foreign networks, thus most do not recognise the 09 number, and thus frinds wont be able to call you.
Hmm, I experienced the same with my Polish landline operator (400 000 subscribers countrywide) and UM. As calls didn't go through, I complained to the customer care (it was in May 05). They unblocked +423 663 after less than 24 hrs and... in September they raised the rate to Liechtenstein mobile by more that 120% :ranting2:
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albino (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2006, 12:08

Wow ... they are on the ball. Hooking up the service after 24 hours is remarkable. But the price hike is somethign inevitable, it seems as well that as soon as a country becomes more popular, and international call routing increases, providers often hike the price. Cypris is the cheapest counry to call to from at the moment. But if companies started going there to set up international callback ... the volume would increase, and rates would go up.

I do not know why this happens, would love to know why.
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andy (Offline)
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Default 26-03-2006, 19:15

Originally Posted by albino
Appologies Andy ... i was calculating just the Liecht mob leg. Done by using liecht incoming and outgoing, adding up the total (0.34) , and dividing by two (0.17) .. then changed from US $ to euros ... so about 0.14
(ooops ... I made a mistake before with the currency)
Thanks for the info on enlinea ... need to dig a little deeper, but I dont think the service providers reveal to whome they sell.
No, my apologies - I thought you were talking about the Papaya tariff for FL mobile at Enlinea ie 21c US. This is available on two drop-down box selections, so no addition or averaging is necessary. Now I have no idea what you mean.

And why ask info about providers if you will discount the responses?

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DTele1 (Offline)
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Default 28-03-2006, 03:57

Originally Posted by Marc
When I tried calling TO the 09 phone from my other Nokia (which was using a Bouyguetel prepaid card), the call never went through; it was almost immediately disconnected. Why?
It seems that your problem was with the connection between your Bouyguetel and 09. Did you try calling your 09 from other lines (local fixed line for example)?

From what I hear Europe is very stable for 09, although its too bad about the Nokia. I would expect that at least the menu dialing would work for you.
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Marc (Offline)
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Default 28-03-2006, 04:47

Hi snaimon and DTele1,

Sorry to be slow in responding to your questions. I should have tried a few more things while in France (only, snaimon). I especially should have tried from a landline there. I did try adding a leading zero to numbers, but that made no difference.

Well, I tried some of your suggestions back in the States. It took the 09 card maybe 2-3 minutes to find a roaming carrier, but then settled on T-Mobile (which happens also to be my regular carrier). I tried calling the 09 phone from the other Nokia, and indeed it rang, as it did from an SBC/AT&T landline. So, DTele1, you're right there must have been something odd about my Bouygtel connection. But what?

On the other hand, I was unable to call out from the 09 phone--not to another phone number, not to the 09 credit check number (092), with or without a + sign, with or without a leading zero. The phone would say "Please wait, calling" for about a minute, then give me the message "Use the 09 Services menu to call"--except that's what I was doing to start with, since no call could be placed just from the keypad.

The Nokias in question are a 3650 and a 6230i. I've tried the 09 card in both of them.

By "US distributor" I meant I didn't realize there was another.

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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 28-03-2006, 17:55

Originally Posted by Marc
I did try adding a leading zero to numbers, but that made no difference.

I thought it was supposed to be a TRAILING 0. May be wrong.

It is a pity these SIMs (not just 09 apparently) seem to be so on-and-off. Makes me hesitant to go with 09, certainly.

Thank you for your report.


Phones: DASH V3 (3)
Service: US T-MO post paid (2) - US T-MO prepaid (2) - UM+ - TravelSIM DE SIMYO - DE SUNSIM T-Mobile DE
Calling Cards: Onesuite Enjoyprepaid AT&T MCI Mobivox
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