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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 12-08-2013, 23:09

Originally Posted by MBK View Post
The link is hidden?
Sorry. No link. I used the color to highlight the most important thing for those who want a simple solution.
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 12-08-2013, 23:55

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
OK, I can't help myself. I almost started a new thread but decided not to. I am curious about the SIMs on the 'Travelsim platform'.
Is this all of them?
I think, yes.

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
OK. What are the differences? Only Onesimcard is in US dollars[& based in the US], everything else in Euros?

XXSIM is based in Switzerland, but charges in Euros.

  • Travelsim: no credit expiry, active 2 years after last recharge
  • Airbaltic: no credit expiry, active 2 years after last recharge
  • Onesimcard: credit expires if not recharged after 10 months, the SIM remains active for 2 years even if not recharged. Accepts incoming calls for free even with 0 credit.
  • XXSIM: expires 12 months after last reload (credit and number is lost).

So, the worst regarding validity seems to be XXSIM.

There are several other differences (too many to list?). Example:

  • I think XXSIM is the only one of the bunch to offer a 0800 toll free access number in Switzerland.
  • onesimcard is the only one with US based support.
  • email-to-SMS is onesimcard only (You can send SMS for free to a onsimcard by email at
  • XXSIM offers the US PEN for free (the others charge a yearly fee, not sure if Travelsim and airbalic charge for it or not)
  • Onesimcard offers 3 android/iphone apps (VOIP, etc...). Travelsim does too (they are the ones that make them in the 1st place). Not sure about airbaltic and XXSIM.
  • Travelsim as the backend sets the new rates and new free incoming countries first. Onsimcard is the 2nd to get them right behind (usually on the same day as Travelsim as they announce them in advance). XXSIM and airbaltic are slower to activate new rates / free countires.
  • Travelsim has worldwide WIFI support (charged from SIM credit)

This is what I can remember right now, there's probably more...

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
They all seem to have a way to get decent US rates.
Do all use both AT&T and T-Mobile for US networks?
I think yes, as they are using the same backend.

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
What have been your experience if you are a user?
My worldwide roaming experience has been excellent with onesimcard ( Europe, Asia, Middle East). Network roaming switching is seamless when crossing borders (compared to EKIT which can sometimes take 30 minutes) and stable (compared to EKIT which sometimes loses the signal on the same networks using the same phone - this was also tested driving on highways with the 2 SIMs side by side in a dual-sim phone).

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
Any one that should be avoided at all cost??--what happened?
Other than the above differences, I think you should expect the same network quality from all of them, considering they are all using the same backend.

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
How well do they work in Europe?
Excellent seamless roaming for 2 years now.

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
Where do they not work?

Click on the continents to see where they don't have coverage.

Roaming in Europe, Asia and the Middle East I never had any issues with the Onesimcard (It works a lot better than EKIT). Network stability is as good as the local SIMs (I have local SIMs next to the Onesimcard in a dual-SIM phone), with the added benefit of complete seamless roaming / network switching.

Actually, with the Onesimcard I have better availability than the local SIMs, as it is most of the time roaming on several of the networks that are available within a given country (vs the local SIMs only having access to 1 network).

Last edited by MBK; 13-08-2013 at 00:11..
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 02:04

Wow! This thread seems to have more mention of onesimcard than all the other onesimcard related threads combined. It seems onesimcard works well for you. However, their sim is just not attractive to most folks here. Mainly due to the already mentioned reason.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 05:21

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
Wow! This thread seems to have more mention of ..........
Anybody who has been on this forum for more than two years probably knows more about international SIM cards than 98% of international SIM card purchasers. I suspect that more than half of the international SIM cards bought are done by people at the first website they come across when they need one. Sometimes they are lucky and find an appropriate one. Many time they do not and end up here if they are lucky.

We, here, are so able to fine tune what it is that we want that some solutions are just not seen by us as a 'good' one. Some people can actually afford to roam with their american cell company. --and don't realize the options they are missing. Most of us here are not in that category.

I was basically unaware of these other options other than onesimcard of which I got one in exchange for a United Mobile SIM and was quite thankful for that. Unfortunately, I lent it to someone and it was lost.
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 08:51

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
Wow! This thread seems to have more mention of onesimcard than all the other onesimcard related threads combined. It seems onesimcard works well for you. However, their sim is just not attractive to most folks here. Mainly due to the already mentioned reason.
I use Onesimcard due to the options that fit my use better, but all of the Travelsim +372 options are good as they are almost the same.

This thread is about international worldwide roaming. Most other mentioned SIMs (Piranha, etc...) are only good regionally (due to the high incoming rate, min is €0.05 in some EU countries) or as backups, and eventually as 2nd SIM for cheaper outgoing calls (but also regionally). Of course you need a dual-SIM setup, but seriously, nothing beats (not even talking about the other features):
  • Free incoming in 154 countires
  • Free call forwarding to 154 countries

Then to this you add a 2nd SIM to your dual-SIM phone depending on the region you are in, mainly for cheaper outgoing calls or data. (with some SIMs - i.ex. Maxrom - you can even set the caller id you want in the web interface, so you can use them to call cheaper in Europe while maintaining your +372 caller id. The same goes for callback services of course.)

As shown, with a proper callback (and dual-SIM) setup your +372 also gives you the cheapest outgoing calls worldwide (even free to many landlines and mobiles) while always showing the same caller ID and maintaining free incoming calls in 154 countires. --> 1 number worldwide.


The 2 reasons you are referring to where:

1. +372 is expensive to call

I don't agree, as I have shown you can call +372 travelsims for between €0.07 and €0.11 depending on the providers.

(and I also give the close family & friends the 2nd sim number, so for example they call me in Europe on Toggle Mobile for €0.005 - yes half a cent. Those with an EU package even call me for free. Anyone who is not close friends & family gets only the +372, so I am reachable worldwide on 1 number and never pay for incoming calls.)

In many countries +372 mobile is charged at the same rate as EU mobile. For example the no 1 and most expensive national operator in Switzerland (Swisscom) charges +372 at the EU rate (= same rate as UK, France, Germany, etc...). Even the cheap prepaid local SIMs (M-Budget Mobile,...) charge +372 at the local rate (EU rate = same rate as local domestic calls).

If people still prefer to rely on companies that charge them more ( and you are saying some aren't even able to terminate calls properly for those prices? ) it is their choice, so they shouldn't complain. Some people just love to pay more for less service; it makes them feel safe.

If you use the cheap operators mentioned in this thread, in most countries it is cheaper to call +372 than it is to receive calls on Piranha (the cheapest to receive calls with Piranha is Europe, and they charge in Europe €0.05 to €0.10 Switzerland).

2. Some networks don't call +372

In my experience this was an issue a few years ago. Not anymore.

It happened to me 1 year ago; since then that company has corrected the issue they had (it was because they hadn't adapted their systems to some newly released Estonian mobile area codes).

In the rare cases when people couldn't call my +372 we discovered that they had international calls disabled on their service.

Seriously, are some people still relying on some lousy Telecom operators that aren't even capable of terminating calls properly - even more so to an EU member country (charging the sky while they are at it), and complaining?


Anyway, to each their preferences and individual use cases. I am just sharing with you guys what has been working great, stable and cheap for me for the past 2 years (after testing several other more expensive, less convenient or less reliable services).

As far as I can see, this setup with callback (dual-SIM or not) is the only option giving proper and cheap worldwide coverage. With all the other options you have to juggle with too many SIMs and hand out several different numbers, and they aren't even cheaper.

Last edited by MBK; 13-08-2013 at 09:45..
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fsotirop (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 11:43

This thread seems more like a onesimcard promotion page from some new registered users!

Airbalticcard: NO credit expiry, active 2 years after last usage (JUST 1 chargable call or sms)... is the best +372 simcard for EU travellers.
they also have per second billing for outgoing calls within EU... both xxsim and onesimacard charge per minute.
airbalticcard simcard costs just 10euro... a lot cheaper than onesimcard.

ATTENTION: onesimcard expire the credit after of just 10months of the last recharge! they also require the ridicilus amount of $25 for minimum recharge. lost credit is NOT refundable!

Last edited by fsotirop; 13-08-2013 at 12:20..
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Somebody pays: Just not you! Why Estonia phone numbers put us off. - 13-08-2013, 18:45

Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
This thread seems more like a onesimcard promotion page from some new registered users!
A former user and a 2 year user apparently. I am curious about an area that I am not familiar with. And this forum is an excellent place to find out and also real life experiences.
Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
Airbalticcard: the best +372 simcard for EU travellers.
they also have per second billing for outgoing calls within EU...!
Your observation [recommendation?] is what direction I hoped to steer the thread. Thanks.
Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
ATTENTION: onesimcard expire the credit after of just 10months of the last recharge! they also require the ridicilus amount of $25 for minimum recharge. lost credit is NOT refundable!
This is a serious fault of onesimcard, I agree. It would not be so bad if the $25/10 month refill paid for a US phone number instead of the current fees.[Hint to anyone from onesimcard reading this thread.] Of course, we all want more for free.
Somebody pays: Just not you! Why Estonia phone numbers put us off.
'Free incoming calls' are just free to you, not your callers.

Originally Posted by MBK View Post

The 2 reasons you are referring to where:

1. +372 is expensive to call
Anyone who is not close friends & family gets only the +372, so I am reachable worldwide on 1 number and never pay for incoming calls.)
...........In many countries +372 mobile is charged at the same rate as EU mobile. .........
2. Some networks don't call +372
In my experience this was an issue a few years ago. Not anymore.
One objection about Estonian numbers has been their cost. They can and have been expensive.
You even use it to discourage people you would rather not call you.
Some users here do not think it right to put the burden of the call cost on the caller in this way.
Things are now changing in the EU and certain call costs are going down and if that includes calls to Estonian mobile, great.
There are still those outside the EU who will pay more.
That calls to Estonia are trending downward make these options more attractive than they have been in the past.

The ones who frequent here prefer intricate and cheap solutions over simple solutions which tend to cost more. I understand and appreciate that.
More choices give us more options and that is why knowing about this niche is helpful for those of us here.
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 19:51

Originally Posted by fsotirop View Post
This thread seems more like a onesimcard promotion page from some new registered users!

Airbalticcard: NO credit expiry, active 2 years after last usage (JUST 1 chargable call or sms)... is the best +372 simcard for EU travellers.
they also have per second billing for outgoing calls within EU... both xxsim and onesimacard charge per minute.
airbalticcard simcard costs just 10euro... a lot cheaper than onesimcard.

ATTENTION: onesimcard expire the credit after of just 10months of the last recharge! they also require the ridicilus amount of $25 for minimum recharge. lost credit is NOT refundable!
Yes, thanks for your feedback.

I have already agreed with you in a post above that airbaltic could be the better one of the +372 travelsims thanks to this credit expiry, lower price and 1sec increments in Europe.

I'll take another look at it. My Onesimcard will be arriving at credit renewal time, but perhaps I'll order an Airbaltic instead.

Last edited by MBK; 13-08-2013 at 20:34..
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MBK (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 20:24

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
One objection about Estonian numbers has been their cost. They can and have been expensive.
Of course, if you use them to call out normally they are much too expensive (but very convenient).

But there is nothing cheaper and more convenient if you use them with a good callback and dual-sim system.

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
You even use it to discourage people you would rather not call you.
Some users here do not think it right to put the burden of the call cost on the caller in this way.
This is why I also give close friends and family the number of the other regional/local sim I have in my dual-sim setup.

Everyone else gets only the +372 number. The advantage is that I can give only 1 number where I am reachable worldwide. I don't need to give X different numbers to my contacts and I don't need to update them with new numbers every time I land in a new country.

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
The ones who frequent here prefer intricate and cheap solutions over simple solutions which tend to cost more.
This is why I went with the +372 SIM: it has both advantages you are referring to:

1. it works out cheaper than anything else if you take the time to learn how to use it properly (callback + dual SIM).

For example, Piranha (one of the other SIMs suggested here) is useless to me as it charges for incoming calls and outgoing calls are much more expensive than what I pay with my +372 SIM with callback + dual-Sim setup. Piranha is even less recommended in my case as its rates are only good regionally, so I would have to juggle with X number of SIMs.

2. and for those who don't want callback (+ eventually dual SIM) the +372 SIM can also be very simple, but then it will cost more.

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
More choices give us more options and that is why knowing about this niche is helpful for those of us here.
Absolutely. I started with international SIMs thanks to this site and I am still learning new things every day thanks to you guys.

Last edited by MBK; 13-08-2013 at 20:36..
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 13-08-2013, 21:34

Originally Posted by MBK View Post
Of course, if you use them to call out normally they are much too expensive (but very convenient).

But there is nothing cheaper and more convenient if you use them with a good callback and dual-sim system.

This is why I also give close friends and family the number of the other regional/local sim I have in my dual-sim setup.

Everyone else gets only the +372 number. The advantage is that I can give only 1 number where I am reachable worldwide. I don't need to give X different numbers to my contacts and I don't need to update them with new numbers every time I land in a new country.

This is why I went with the +372 SIM: it has both advantages you are referring to:

1. it works out cheaper than anything else if you take the time to learn how to use it properly (callback + dual SIM).

For example, Piranha (one of the other SIMs suggested here) is useless to me as it charges for incoming calls and outgoing calls are much more expensive than what I pay with my +372 SIM with callback + dual-Sim setup. Piranha is even less recommended in my case as its rates are only good regionally, so I would have to juggle with X number of SIMs.

2. and for those who don't want callback (+ eventually dual SIM) the +372 SIM can also be very simple, but then it will cost more.

Absolutely. I started with international SIMs thanks to this site and I am still learning new things every day thanks to you guys.
I use Piranha, Tru and Toggle (Toggle only in Toggle countries) and have compared prices with Onesimcard and Airbaliticard and the maths works out, that overall the Onesimcard and Airbaliticard are more expensive, not only for outgoing calls but especially for the caller. You mentioned calls to +372 numbers are $0.06, but only from certain VoIP providers, therefore all of my friends and family would have to sign up and download a sip client and no doubt pay a minimum top up when signing up, if they did not they would have to pay anything between £0.50 and £1.00 to call me on a +372 number.

I personally have about 50 very important contacts from family to friends and business, and i do not think many would sign up and pay maybe £10.00 for top up only to ring me. So overall my assessment is not so simple or cheap to use. And if the Estonian call rates fall in line with EU regulations, then there will be no free roaming, unless both companies are willing to subsidise incoming calls. I have been following the thread and this is only my observation and research, hopefully with valid points.
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