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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Good info to know. - 12-11-2010, 07:31

Originally Posted by Sophia View Post
What I like about Truphone is you pay per second, and my calls are always short and sweet... I usually pay less than 70 cents for a call or so.
This is good to know. Finding the SIM that 'works right' for you like that is very nice.
Originally Posted by Sophia View Post
Oh, rfranzq, it costs a minimum of $10 + tax + emergency fees per month to keep a local prepaid sim alive here in Canada, and you don't get any data possibilities at all.
OUCH! 20 minutes and a year service for $30 new or a $15 refill is pretty nice versus $120+.

Thanks for responding.
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Sophia (Offline)
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Default 12-11-2010, 17:45

You too, thanks I forgot to mention that you can't roam outside of Canada with the local prepaid sims here (though I believe you can with WindMobile, but it'll be years before we get to have it out here in the "rurals").
And don't forget the CAN$120 per year, including tax, fees, nickling & diming and converted is probably closer to US$150 - a steep fee for (not even) one or two necessary calls per month
That is why I would always consider an international sim first, even though they may have higher fees per minute. Hope that helps
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 12-11-2010, 22:05

I had no idea that prepaid SIM's can have such fees associated with their existance. Are these fees regardless of their useage? If you spend $30/month on credit, are they still going to debit another $10 for all these unseen costs? How do post paid contracts compare?
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Sophia (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2010, 01:53

Well look for yourself at the Rogers, Bell or Telus site... don't take my word for it
Subscriptions are even worse, you are locked into a 3 year contract and the minimum is $30 per month. At least with the prepaid you get to use your credit

Anyway, let me not derail this thread any further, back to Truphone discussions, let's keep the "Canada mobile fees are horrible" discussion to another thread from now on
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bartolo5 (Offline)
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Default 13-11-2010, 23:41

Originally Posted by Sophia View Post
Well look for yourself at the Rogers, Bell or Telus site... don't take my word for it
Subscriptions are even worse, you are locked into a 3 year contract and the minimum is $30 per month. At least with the prepaid you get to use your credit

Anyway, let me not derail this thread any further, back to Truphone discussions, let's keep the "Canada mobile fees are horrible" discussion to another thread from now on
Well hopefully Truphone will bring Canada soon as a local anywhere country and then you will have a very very competitive product.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 15-11-2010, 10:58

Originally Posted by bartolo5 View Post
Well hopefully Truphone will bring Canada soon as a local anywhere country and then you will have a very very competitive product.
Yes, sometime in the next 10 years I suppose!

I very much doubt that even the "coming soon" countries will be here before the end of the year. I just noticed that Australia has moved back to this pile again.
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masr4779 (Offline)
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Default 15-11-2010, 15:07

Thought I'd follow up on my prior post...

I received the TLA SIM from an online vendor last Thursday. After several phone calls and emails, I was finally able to activate the SIM this morning. The only issue now is that the credit card authorization is still not working. The truphone website is still saying that the activation is not accepted, while my bank is telling me that they are authorizing the charges. Seems like truphone has some problems with their online payment systems. I've emailed the helpdesk a couple of times to see if they were still looking in to this problem, but I received no response yet.

As far as the phone service goes, it appears to work well. Dialing is very simple, and there is no callback process (as advertised). Here in the US the reception seems to be strong. It looks like it uses T-Mobile bands, and it gets equal reception as my regular T-Mobile phone/account. I have set it up with my google voice number, and that seems to work well. So, when I travel abroad now, at least the phone service appears that it will work well. The only problem is that when I run out of my starter credit, I may be out of luck. Hopefully truphone fixes these glitches. If not, I cannot see them lasting long.

I'll post back if something changes regarding the payment process and report how the service works for me abroad.
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bartolo5 (Offline)
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Default 16-11-2010, 08:59

Originally Posted by petkow View Post
Yes, sometime in the next 10 years I suppose!

I very much doubt that even the "coming soon" countries will be here before the end of the year. I just noticed that Australia has moved back to this pile again.
I noticed that.

Seems like they botched the Australian launch? I mean, they had a big banner on the front page announcing Australia as a new country, most of the stuff on the TLA section was updated, you could get a number .. and it has all been rolled back .. without saying a peep, which makes you question the seriousness of this company.

Searching on Google for "Truphone Local Anywhere" gives also a pretty bleak picture about the traction of all this. Seems like no one is talking about it, at least online, which is not too surprising anyway given its supposed to be a global product that only works in two countries.

Hoping for better news from TLA soon, I really want them to succeed.

Just went back to their press release about launching Spain and Netherlands which you can see here and it says there: "The service will become available to customers in the Netherlands and Spain in the autumn.". So technically Truphone still has until december 21st if they want to abide by their own press releases

Last edited by bartolo5; 16-11-2010 at 09:32..
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bartolo5 (Offline)
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Default 16-11-2010, 09:07

Originally Posted by masr4779 View Post
The only problem is that when I run out of my starter credit, I may be out of luck. Hopefully truphone fixes these glitches. If not, I cannot see them lasting long.

I'll post back if something changes regarding the payment process and report how the service works for me abroad.
Actually now that I remember last time I recharged the SIM, I was in Greece and I did it simply calling 404. Pressing '1' after it tells you your remaining balance will directly charge the credit card on file instantly. Worked for me first time and without problems. Maybe you could try that?

404 is a free call no matter where you are in the world. neat.
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Truphone (Offline)
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Default 16-11-2010, 10:04

Hi Masr4779

Please feel free to PM us on here and we'll get the problem looked into.

Re: Australia - news very shortly!
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