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HappyCamp (Offline)
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Default 06-08-2013, 05:33

Originally Posted by HappyCamp View Post
Are there any other viable options for travelers besides O2? Any MVNOs I should look at? I am possibly going to be in Prague for two weeks. So a plan with at least 1GB of data would be good. Looks like the O2 plan is 550 CZK ( $28 ) for just the 3GB of data and I assume about 150 CZK ( $8 ) for a SIM card. So looking about about $36 to get up and running for data. Cheaper would be nice of course
Replying to myself. T-Mobile seems like a possibly reasonable option if I can trust Google Chrome translate

200 CZK ( $10.24 ) for a SIM card with 200 CZK credit. And then 241 CZK ( $12.34 ) for 300 MB of data which is valid for 30 days. For a total of $22.58. Then if I run out of data I assume I can add another 300 MB for 241 CZK. I kind of doubt I will use more than 300 MB during two weeks as I will be staying in a place with WiFi.

T-Mobile $30 "Wal-mart plan". Unlimited data & text. 100 voice minutes per month.

Europe 2013 vacation:
Piranha-Mobile and Truphone plus the following
AT: T-Mobile, CZ: Tesco Mobile, DE: Lidl & Toggle Mobile, DK: Telia & Toggle Mobile, ES: Toggle Mobile, FR: Orange & Toggle Mobile, HU: T-Mobile, SE: Telenor & Toggle Mobile
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NFH (Offline)
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Default 23-09-2013, 18:34

On O2's web site at it states "The credit on your SIM card is valid for up to one year, depending on the amount of recharge. Up to CZK 99 is valid for 45 days, CZK 100 to CZK 499 for six months, and CZK 500 for one year". If I try to top up by credit card on their web site, the minimum is CZK 200. Does anyone know how to top up by less than CZK 99 or even by CZK 100?
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HappyCamp (Offline)
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Smile Tesco Mobile - 03-10-2013, 10:42

Originally Posted by NFH View Post
Tesco Mobile have just launched in the Czech Republic. Their daily data price of CZK 20 for 50MB is more favourable than O2's price of CZK 30 for 30MB.
I ended up buying this on my first day here in Prague. Using exchange rate as of 1-Oct-2013 of 18.948 CZK per USD

You can find out a lot of this info on their website at:

I used Google Chrome and had it translate the pages for me.

First I signed up for the CLUBCARD program as your credits get doubled when you top up. Luckily there was a helpful lady at the "Tesco Expres" who spoke very good English and was able to lead me through the paperwork, otherwise it would have been very difficult. You could of course take the Clubcard application and find someone to help you translate it and then bring it back. The Clubcard program is free to sign up for. It might be wise to go to a big Tesco store as maybe more likely to have someone who speaks English. I went back to the same "Tesco Expres" later and six people were working the cash registers and none of them spoke English.

The SIM card was 150 CZK ($7.92). It comes with 150 CZK of credit.

Also helpful to have a program which can translate your SMS messages, and likely want to be on WiFi until you have fully activated the data plan. I use Android and used this app:

My steps:
1) Sign up for the Tesco ClubCard program.

2) I disabled cellular data as I wanted to activate one of their data plans later. If you don't do this then as soon as your phone uses cellular data you will be charged 20 CZK and get 20MB of data for the next 24 hours.

3) Buy the Tesco SIM card for 150 CZK ($7.92). Install Tesco SIM card into my phone.

4) Send a text message to 999346 with the string "CLUBCARD ####" where "####" is your clubcard #. In my case it was 18 digits.

5) I received a reply of: "Pozadavek byl prijat ke zpracovani" which means they received the message and are processing it.

6) Within an hour I received a message: "Cislo Clubcard bylo prirazeno k Vasi SIM karte. Nymi pri kazdem dobiti dostanete stejne mnozstvi bonusoveho kreditu zdarma. Prvni prirazen muze trvat az 24 hodin " Which basically means the clubcard has been activated to the SIM and you will get bonus for buying credit.

7) I then went to the Tesco register and bought 300 CZK ($15.83) of credit.

8 ) A few minutes later I get a text message that 600 CZK of credit has been added to my account. I now have a total 750 CZK of credit.

9) I sent a text message to 999346 with the string "INTERNET350 A". Options are INTERNET150, INTERNET250, and INTERNET350 which are 150 CZK for 150MB/30days, 250 CZK for 400MB/30days, and 350CZK for 1GB/30days. I wanted the 1GB of data option (INTERNET350) which cost 350 CZK of my 750 CZK credit. Leaving me with 400 CZK credit. Once you get confirmation it is active you can then re-enable your cellular data.

10) Since I am traveling with another person who also got a Tesco SIM card, I also activated the Tesco package which gives you unlimited texting and calling to other Tesco Mobile customers. Plus 120 minutes of calling and 60 SMS messages to non-Tesco mobile customers. Cost for the package is 300 CZK and they recommend you keep 40 CZK of credit on the account as they first charge you to call non-Tesco mobile customers and then within 15 minutes credit it back if you have free minutes left.

11) To activate the Tesco calling package send a text message to 999346 with the string "BALICEK A". Similar to the Internet activation you will get a message saying the request has been received and then later another message saying it has been activated.

So I paid a total of 450 CZK ($23.75) to get 1 GB of data and unlimited calling to my travel companion. They did the same. We are here for 15 days so it made sense for us.

T-Mobile $30 "Wal-mart plan". Unlimited data & text. 100 voice minutes per month.

Europe 2013 vacation:
Piranha-Mobile and Truphone plus the following
AT: T-Mobile, CZ: Tesco Mobile, DE: Lidl & Toggle Mobile, DK: Telia & Toggle Mobile, ES: Toggle Mobile, FR: Orange & Toggle Mobile, HU: T-Mobile, SE: Telenor & Toggle Mobile
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moshna (Offline)
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Default 02-01-2014, 17:46

Complete pre/postpaid calculator is here:
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NFH (Offline)
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Default 14-05-2014, 22:26

I have an update on O2's expiry policy, given that I've had a SIM card since 2012 and have seen exactly how the expiry works, both online and from warning texts received.

The SIM card, including any credit, will expire 13 months from the last top-up. No chargeable use is possible from 6 months after the last top-up (12 months if the top-up was for CZK 500 or more).

With the requirement to top up once per year by at least CZK 200, you can accumulate an apparently useless surplus credit balance. However, this can be spent on tickets for the Prague metro. Simply send a text to 90206 containing "DPT" followed immediately by the value of the ticket you want. For example, to buy a 24-hour ticket for CZK 110, text "DPT110" to 90206. You will then receive a text back with the ticket number, which you can show to a ticket inspector if requested.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 14-05-2014, 22:48

Originally Posted by NFH View Post
With the requirement to top up once per year by at least CZK 200, you can accumulate an apparently useless surplus credit balance. However, this can be spent on tickets for the Prague metro. Simply send a text to 90206 containing "DPT" followed immediately by the value of the ticket you want. For example, to buy a 24-hour ticket for CZK 110, text "DPT110" to 90206. You will then receive a text back with the ticket number, which you can show to a ticket inspector if requested.
That might be useful. I wish this could be done in the US somewhere. A market for large balance PAYGO SIMs could be created if even one city had this ability.
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