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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 22-05-2009, 06:47

Thanks for your questions. ekit reviews pricing quarterly and may make changes subject to wholesale telecommunication rate changes, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, and also market conditions. Foreign exchange rates, as you will have seen in the financial markets in recent months, can fluctuate widely.
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default 22-05-2009, 07:39

Can you receive calls on both UK and US numbers worldwide? Even if service is deactivated ie - no calls or text in a week - ? So Just to clarify in EU incoming calls to UK number are free and incoming calls to US numbers are 19c a minute, no other charges, fees etc. In other countries for calls received on US numbers the charge is normal incomimng call fee + 19c. Am I correct?
How long the sim is valid and its credit?
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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 22-05-2009, 08:56

You are correct, you can receive calls and text messages on both the UK and US numbers world wide, regardless of the US service being active. The US service is required to be active for you to make outbound calls form the US and Canada. If the US service is not active you can still receive calls to this number.

Incoming calls to the UK number for the Dual IMSI Passport Service are free in 51 countries, including the majority of the EU (I would have to check if it covers all the EU). You are correct that a call to the US number incurs the normal incoming call fee plus 19c.

The SIM card is valid and credit does not expire provided you make at least one call or send one text once every nine months.
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default 22-05-2009, 09:21

Would like to know then if US service is not active and I go to US how can I make calls from US and reactivate the service to be able to make calls.

Originally Posted by JDekit View Post
You are correct, you can receive calls and text messages on both the UK and US numbers world wide, regardless of the US service being active. The US service is required to be active for you to make outbound calls form the US and Canada. If the US service is not active you can still receive calls to this number.

Incoming calls to the UK number for the Dual IMSI Passport Service are free in 51 countries, including the majority of the EU (I would have to check if it covers all the EU). You are correct that a call to the US number incurs the normal incoming call fee plus 19c.

The SIM card is valid and credit does not expire provided you make at least one call or send one text once every nine months.
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 22-05-2009, 10:18

A call coming into my mobile phone (which has a US number) is forwarded to the US number and I am in the UK......what do I pay to receive the call in the UK?

(Inother words, if somebody calls the US +1 number, do I simply pay 19¢ to receive the call in the UK?)
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default 22-05-2009, 11:54

A couple more questions. On my account online what features are available? Is a detailed list of calls made and received and its prices for both numbers available? Is voicemail retrievable on my account online? Is the connection fee applied in EU to receive free incoming call on UK number or on US number at 19c?
To listen to voicemail on the phone is free or is like a outbound call charge?
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 22-05-2009, 12:38

It looks like so from the post above. It says incoming on the US number incurs 19c plus whatever the incoming rate is in the country. So, since the UK is free incoming you pay just 19c. If it were another country that is NOT free incoming the cost will be 19c plus whatever the incoming rate is for that country.

Just speculating though, so we'll wait on JDEkit to clarify.

Originally Posted by MATHA531 View Post
A call coming into my mobile phone (which has a US number) is forwarded to the US number and I am in the UK......what do I pay to receive the call in the UK?

(Inother words, if somebody calls the US +1 number, do I simply pay 19¢ to receive the call in the UK?)

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 22-05-2009, 22:50

I have an EKIT (Telestial) Passport account now. They provide very good details of the SIM activity. I assume it will be the same with their Dual SIM.

They list calling history by month. Then each call is listed by date, the number called, minutes and amount charged.They also show a running account balance. Text messages are shown the same way. They also show a billing history.

Additionally, once you log in, you can recharge, change account setting, trigger a call back, and see a host of other services.
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 22-05-2009, 23:13

Can you print a report that resembles a classic phone invoice which would be suitable for reimbursement?
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 23-05-2009, 00:37

I think the layout for the "call history" is satisfactory to submit for reimbursement to a company. Each call is on a separate line. Each line says the date, call details, minutes of the call, and amount charged. It will also say if the call was outbound or inbound. Outbound calls have the number dialed as well. Here's a sample of what the call details say from some of my call history:

Outbound call from your mobile phone in France (Cellular) to +44792441**** in United Kingdom (cellular)

Inbound call via +447924****** to your mobile phone in Ireland

Outbound call from your mobile phone in Turkey (Cellular) to +1858******** in United States
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