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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 29-05-2007, 13:40

Originally Posted by andy View Post
The SIM has a mobile number, according to a link in very recent post on this thread,
Yes, according to
+447 is for mobile phones, pagers and and personal numbers and +4476 in particular is for UK/IoM pagers and IoM mobile phones. I don't know if pagers still function in +44 but definitely it's not a landline number.
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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2007, 00:56

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
Yes I see the link now. So Yackie is just another service now like all the other companies offering a +44 mobile number.

It's not about to like or not to like the product, it's more about how reliable a provider is when they are changing there service everytime or when a functionality is momentarily closed.

Yackie is not.....yackie is Still the same Service

YOu can select one Number from 40 countries, AND also using a UK number

So you can select YOUR incoming option

You use the UK number , your incoming are free

You you a DID number, Your caller will not pay anything ( local number and call ) and you will pay 0,39 $ flat fees.....

Add to this the Voip account and soon a coverage with 130 000 Hot spot....and you still have the best solution

We have also the DATA roaming

And very Soon....the content and valet service be continued
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andy (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2007, 02:48

Originally Posted by YackieMobile View Post

Yackie is not.....yackie is Still the same Service
Well that is a pity, as most of your users were hoping for an improvement

How do you manage a flat 39c connection fee for forwarding to a UK mobile? Or did you mean 39 cents per minute?

Some of us can manage to reach these numbers for a quarter of that
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2007, 09:51

Originally Posted by andy View Post
Well that is a pity, as most of your users were hoping for an improvement

How do you manage a flat 39c connection fee for forwarding to a UK mobile? Or did you mean 39 cents per minute?

Some of us can manage to reach these numbers for a quarter of that
good question 39c per minute or 39c per call.

I think they mean 39c per minute and this is not a cheap solution. The only thing they are doing than is to forward a voip did number to the UK mobile number and asking 39c for this.

This forwarding can be done a lot cheaper as I explained several times. Calling a UK mobile number should not cost more than 10 to 20c per minute.

So Yackie's service is not really that cheap. Also the prices they are asking for their voip did numbers are very high. This is although normal there are huge diffences in voip did numbers. For some providers you can get them for free, or pay a low fee.

For example a dutch did number cost me 10 euro per year, a belgium did number only 15 +10 (credit) per year. UK numbers can be free (when living in the UK) US number (new york) Free, Italian number Free, there are more examples of the free or low cost did numbers.

The real question is how low will they keep this card working before switching to yet another card.

Andy I know that you think my system is complicated but I can swtich card, providers and my system still works. It's just not for a novice user. Also it is part of my total office call systems which works on voip and mobile.
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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2007, 18:14

I think you still not understand

strange for some professional peoples of the GSM world


i will repeat again



One outgoing rate = 0,49 $ from every where ( excepted from the RPP countries ) this is simple ?

One incoming rate IF you use the DID selected from 41 counties for your incoming calls ( you select a french number, a US number, one spanish number, and your correspondant call you ON this number, NOT the UK 4476 provided with the card.....and you will pay 0,39 per minutes for your Incoming calls in any countries ( excepted again the RPP countries where you will have to pay a surtaxe )

AND you have also the possibility, if you provide the UK number to your correspondant, to have your incoming calls free


You buy a SIm card with a US and a French number....for your friend and your family, when they will calling you to this Number, you will pay 0,39 $ per minute for your incoming calls

and if you give the UK number to your clients, or any one, they will pay a surtaxe because the UK 4476 is a premium number, BUT your incoming calls will be free......

Do i make this more clear ??

Yackie is the global solution

You can select how receive your calls by providing the UK ( incoming free ) or any number selected ( incoming 0,39 )

and off course if you have a GSM Wifi.....incoming are allways free with the DID number by using your Voip Yackie account attached to your SIM

Have a great week end

Last edited by YackieMobile; 03-06-2007 at 18:48..
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2007, 18:45

Just want to mention that I received the new yackie sim. Can't really test it right now because it has $0.00 credit balance. The credit I had on my old sim did not get transferred over. Somewhere in the thread YackiMobile mentioned that the credit should be transferred did not happen so.

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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2007, 18:58

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
good question 39c per minute or 39c per call.

The real question is how low will they keep this card working before switching to yet another card.

We have stoped to work with Linku, the israeli solution because their services and products was not relieables, they maybe are partner with orange...but i dont see any future for their solution

We will open one European and australian subsidiaries with some real professional from the Mobile GSM world, our technologies now is one of the best and our partners beetween the most efficients of this business

Let's see what the next week will bring for our customers and see if the quality and the services are on the " Rendez vous ".....

We see every day a new company coming with the new revolution....
and many advertising.

On the paper, anyone are the any business we will see in in few months....who will still be in this GSM business

We will not make any advertising here, because some peoples acting in this forums are also in the board from one other company, and we will allways have this in front of us, we will let the clients be the judge.

I know we have the right product, so we dont have any doubt.

this is a long run business....i hope to see all of you in our customers.

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bbob (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2007, 22:18

Yackie, i fully understand you and you only confirm to me that your service is expensive.

Like any other provider receiving a call on a +44-76 number is free of charge in lots of countries.

You also offer voip did numbers that are forwarded to the +44-76 number. To forward this call you are charging 39 dollarcents per minute.

Now like Andy said this is VERY EXPENSIVE.

Forwarding this call should not cost more that 20 cents and even 10-13 cents would be a normal price.

I am using the same way you are offering your service. I have voip did incoming numbers that also get forwarded to my mobile +44-76 number at 10 eurocents / 13 dollarcents per minute. Your forwarding for 39 cents is just too high.

You wrote: We have stoped to work with Linku, the israeli solution because their services and products was not relieables

So when you decided to use Linku was their service reliable ? or did you just take them to offer a product.
Again your new provider is even better, but maybe in 5 month's he is not good enough and you will come up with yet another better solution.

Yackie the only thing I really hear is just marketing.
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andy (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2007, 23:24

Originally Posted by YackieMobile View Post
I think you still not understand

strange for some professional peoples of the GSM world
I've suggested before you've hardly earned the right to patronise us, especially when it should be noted that we are the amateurs and you supposed to be professional

bbob and I both pointed out that we can arrange incoming diversion and outgoing calls cheaper than your prices, which doen't earn us the chance for you to treat us as idiots.

And yet again, you promote the product but blatantly ignore someone pointing out a problem, a SIM card with a lost credit balance that hasn't been transferred from the predecessor.

As well as changing SIM, you appear to be on your third DID supplier. Until you've stopped this using this forum's members as involuntary beta testers and costing them more than they should be paying for your intermittent service, and blaming other parties, then try adopting some due humility.
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Effendi (Offline)
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Default 04-06-2007, 07:59

Originally Posted by YackieMobile View Post
On the paper, anyone are the any business we will see in in few months....who will still be in this GSM business
by now we saw that Yackie is on the business since months (or also more than 1 year) but still most people hasn't been able to receive a single call... that's not what I call a reliable service...

Originally Posted by YackieMobile View Post
We will not make any advertising here, because some peoples acting in this forums are also in the board from one other company, and we will allways have this in front of us, we will let the clients be the judge.
I'm sorry but it seems that almost all your messages ARE of the advertising-type and the clients here already judged very negative your offer, which is expensive and unreliable. You keep on advertising instead of solving the problems, that's not a very good way to work, at least looking with the eyes of a customer

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