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davidtheprof (Offline)
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Default 22-11-2015, 04:17

thanks, yes, I have a pair of piranha sims, in fact, I often use their VOIP even without the sim! But I find their texting unreliable with the UK numbers, some issues about changing the primary. Same for Truphone. for the UK, I tend to carry 2 phones, the Tmo and a local orange sim I keep active. But the problem is more when I'm in France, Israel, Netherlands. I suppose once Euro roaming is free, we'll be fine with a UK Orange sim throughout Europe. Even if Schengen comes to a sad end!
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squawk1200 (Offline)
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Default 23-11-2015, 01:44

Originally Posted by davidtheprof View Post
- friends and family in UK, etc get upset when they reply and pay $2-3/min, because they are calling US number
Would it be possible to have them message you (text or WhatsApp, etc) when they are ready for a voice call? That would save the cost of dialing back to the US...???
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snidely (Offline)
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Default 23-11-2015, 05:25

Originally Posted by davidtheprof View Post
I've been using TMo's international roaming since it first came out, saves a lot of hassle. But:
- friends and family in UK, etc get upset when they reply and pay $2-3/min, because they are calling US number - so I'm looking for reasonable call forwarding so that I can give people a local number.

- if I'm on wifi calling abroad, I understand it looks like I'm on US network, which is fine for calling back to US, but for local calls to UK when I'm there, it costs me a fortune - right? had trouble getting a straight answer on this..

I can't believe it costs UK phone users $2+/min to call the U.S.!!! When you are in the UK on cell tower - it costs 20 cents/min to call U.S., UK or any of the 120+ eligible countries. When on wifi U.S. is free. Other countries (incl. UK) would be expensive. I think if you are paying extra for an intl calling plan - you get free or reduced rates when on wifi. Many users have reported being able to use Skype and Hangouts (etc.) to make calls for free - using the unlimited free data you get when on cell tower.

Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
A/o Oct 20, 2013 no need for intl prepaid as T-Mobile U.S. includes voice roaming at 20¢/min (in and out)., unlimited text (in and out), and unlimited data in 140+ countries.

My Plan -[6 lines] U.S. T-Mobile unlimited minutes (incoming and outgoing), unlimited text, fast data on each line. that $145/mo. total! . (In U.S. no surcharge for calling a cell.) If a line exceeds 2G of data in a month, pay $10 more for that line. [That only happens a couple times/year.
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andy (Offline)
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Default 24-11-2015, 06:55

Originally Posted by snidely View Post
I can't believe it costs UK phone users $2+/min to call the U.S.!!! When you are in the UK on cell tower - it costs 20 cents/min to call U.S., UK or any of the 120+ eligible countries. When on wifi U.S. is free. Other countries (incl. UK) would be expensive.
Nor can I.

Most UK brands have cheap int'l calls, albeit somerimes as a free add-on option, amd 20 cents looks a bit expensive to me.

My cheapest rates to USA on a SIM are pronably two pence a minute. But I can call for free using accrued points on some VoIP apps plus wifi or free 3g data.

Last edited by andy; 24-11-2015 at 07:10..
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