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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 30-06-2011, 05:47

Originally Posted by davidtheprof View Post
....the excruciatingly slow rollout to more countries.................. Abroadband managed to launch with dozens of countries in February (data only).
My impression of Tru is that they are well capitalized for a company of their size. The 'slow rollout' is of great pain to them also. The no membership fee thing will be nice as more countries come online. As soon as they get some golden countries they will have an amazing product.

Who knows how long it took Abroadband to get their idea out to market?

Starting a telecom company is not for the faint of heart. Waiting for dozens of countries or two before starting is no doubt a terrifying choice when no money is coming in.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default One minute minimum on all US calls. - 22-12-2012, 06:09

Did not want to start a new thread so I have put this here.
A long while ago, Tru announced that they were charging 1 minute rates on all calls. My US to US experience was that US outbound calls were charged a minimum of 30 seconds ==9cents. Received calls were always 1 minute =17cents. In the last month or so that has changed. Outbound calls are now also charged the one minute rate of 17cents.
[This is all US$ and for US to US calls.]

I had been making short outbound calls to keep my [8] SIMs alive. I will be sending SMSs now.
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davidtheprof (Offline)
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Default 23-12-2012, 18:18

Tru is still a decent option for PAYG in the US for a short trip, esp. if you need data - have lent a visiting friend a tru sim in an old samsung Vibrant. 15c/MB for data, Piranha wants 40c/MB.
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 23-12-2012, 19:04

Originally Posted by davidtheprof View Post
Tru is still a decent option for PAYG in the US for a short trip, esp. if you need data - have lent a visiting friend a tru sim in an old samsung Vibrant. 15c/MB for data, Piranha wants 40c/MB.
Hi, are you sure it’s only 15 US cents per MB. I have used both Sims and I was charged £0.20 per MB with Truphone and £0.25 Per MB with Piranha, I prefer to use my Piranha Sim in the US as it has cheaper outgoing and incoming calling rates with same SMS rates, but that is a personal preference. I am UK based.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 23-12-2012, 22:30

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
Hi, are you sure it’s only 15 US cents per MB. I have used both Sims and I was charged £0.20 per MB with Truphone and £0.25 Per MB with Piranha, I prefer to use my Piranha Sim in the US as it has cheaper outgoing and incoming calling rates with same SMS rates, but that is a personal preference. I am UK based.
Two issues:
1. US rates are
Rates shown in U.S dollars are exclusive of all applicable taxes and surcharges.
US rates 15cents is really 17cents.

2. You UK SIM rate is:
Data usage will be: £0.20/MB
UK rate _is_ £0.20/MB.

Everyone is right, kinda!
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 23-12-2012, 23:25

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
Two issues:
1. US rates are US rates 15cents is really 17cents.

2. You UK SIM rate is:

UK rate _is_ £0.20/MB.

Everyone is right, kinda!
if i am reading this right you are saying, there is one rate for US citizens and one for UK citizens, this all seems a little confusing and if they are defining cost on which country you come from a bit disturbing. I take the same applies in reverse. If this is the case I think I will stick with my Piranha Sim.
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 24-12-2012, 01:16

That is my gripe about Truphone. They claim that we get local rates when we visit the other country but they find ways to ding us.

If I take my Truphone SIM to France explain why I don't get EU minimum rates (which any British prepaid SIM will give me) or EU Minimum rates + say eight cents a minute to cover the fact that the US doesn't have surcharged mobile rates.

Tru is cheaper on phone data than Piranha, but Piranha seems better in most respects.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default OK, the answer[s]! - 24-12-2012, 03:09

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
if i am reading this right you are saying, there is one rate for US citizens and one for UK citizens, this all seems a little confusing and if they are defining cost on which country you come from a bit disturbing. I take the same applies in reverse......
It's not who you know, but what you have. The two SIMs have different 'home country' phone numbers. UK & US. I am going to be charitable and say that the costs _are_ different for these SIMs. If the cost are different, it seems wise to me to charge differently. The main issue then seemsto me is the inability to buy the 'other' SIM that we really, really want.

Originally Posted by Stu View Post
That is my gripe about Truphone. They claim that we get local rates when we visit the other country but they find ways to ding us.
If I take my Truphone SIM to France explain why I don't get EU minimum rates (which any British prepaid SIM will give me) or EU Minimum rates + say eight cents a minute to cover the fact that the US doesn't have surcharged mobile rates.
but they find ways to ding us.
I think this overarching system of price differences is more than just dinging us. Its the way their system works. I think long term survival of their system requires them to do it.
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Default 24-12-2012, 06:03

Originally Posted by Stu View Post
That is my gripe about Truphone. They claim that we get local rates when we visit the other country but they find ways to ding us.

If I take my Truphone SIM to France explain why I don't get EU minimum rates (which any British prepaid SIM will give me) or EU Minimum rates + say eight cents a minute to cover the fact that the US doesn't have surcharged mobile rates.

Tru is cheaper on phone data than Piranha, but Piranha seems better in most respects.

I am starting to understand how this works now, with my Piranha i get 2 numbers free one US one UK, if i want another number on my Truphone, say a US number, I have to pay an extra £5.00 per month, which seems very steep. As for Data Rates it depends where you are traveling, in Europe the Piranha rates are much cheaper than Truphones, £0.35 per mb to Truphones £0.60 per mb, outside of the EU some countries covered by Piranha are very cheap, but most are silly prices and i would definitely leave data off if i travelled to those countries. On the whole the voice prices inside and out of Europe are much cheaper on Piranha. Anyways thank you both for your explanations, you have opened my eyes and made my mind up for me.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Further advice/observations - 24-12-2012, 06:50

Most of the 'old pros' seem to always have at least two different SIMs with them when they travel. One will have a better rate. [My motto for digital photography is "Take two photos---one will be better." Of course one will be better, not necessarily good, but better than the bad one.]

Also, and more crucially, sometimes one will not work at all. For many various reasons.
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