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meir (Offline)
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Default 30-01-2008, 13:38

Thanks, I know about Betamax clones. Is there any better rate to call via VOIP using other German providers?
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 30-01-2008, 14:08

Originally Posted by meir View Post
Thanks, I know about Betamax clones. Is there any better rate to call via VOIP using other German providers?
not that i am aware off. Generally the VoIP rates in germany are higher than using "call by call" carriers on the normal landline. But also there 8ct/min is the absolute downlimit - cause of the quite high termination fees to the mobile networks.


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
International: xxSim+372, toggle +44/+49/+41/+31
Phones: Huawei Mate7, Huawei P9
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babble (Offline)
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Default More info about using MaxxSIM and solomo - 30-01-2008, 14:26

Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Luxemburg and Malta are in tarif zone 3 (incoming-calls to these countries are 28 cents/min.)

Tarifzone 3: Andorra,Äthiopien,Belgium,Bosnien-Herzegowina,Bulgaria,Estonia,Fidschi,Greece,Guadel oupe,Kap Verde,Katar,Kenia,Libyen,Liechtenstein,Luxemburg.M ali,Malta,Marokko, Martinique,Macedonia,Namibia,Reunion,Switzerland,S imbabwe,Slovenia,Zaire

Sorry, but I don´t know why Belgium is not in tarif zone 2.


solomo have been offering free voip calls to german landlines, but this offer ends tomorrow.
Voip voice quality is very good in my experience. I have never had any problem with it.

Solomo are planning to introduce new voip services in February. At the moment, solomo has software ready for billing incoming voip calls. Perhaps this charge will be for picking up incoming voip calls on a solomo mobile number - but this is only a guess on my part!

On Monday, I´ll check to see if any new voip services are available. Perhaps there will be a new possibility to call MaxxSIM numbers via solomo voip.


From 1st February, "Fonic" will charge 9 cents/min to all german landlines and mobiles. The great thing about the Fonic SIM is that you can buy it in any german "Lidl" supermarket or "DM" drug store. Perfect if you want to quickly buy a SIM to cheaply call someone´s MaxxSIM number.

"Simply" have a new 8,5 cents/min tarif to all german landlines and mobiles.

Last edited by babble; 30-01-2008 at 16:27..
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babble (Offline)
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Default Cheapest voip rates to MaxxSIM? Must wait and see - 30-01-2008, 16:25

Solomo are preparing different tariff rates for voip calls to:

German landlines,
German mobiles,
Solomo community (internal network calls),
European landlines,
European mobiles,
North American landlines/mobiles,
Rest of the world landlines,
Rest of the world mobiles.

No prices have yet been announced for any of these voip services.

Let´s hope that the community rate is especially cheap. At the moment, solomo internal network calls include calls to MaxxSIM.


N.B. The "minimum top-up" payment for solomo is FIVE euros, every 395 days.
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 30-01-2008, 17:20

Originally Posted by babble View Post
Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Luxemburg and Malta are in tarif zone 3 (incoming-calls to these countries are 28 cents/min.)

Tarifzone 3: Andorra,Äthiopien,Belgium,Bosnien-Herzegowina,Bulgaria,Estonia,Fidschi,Greece,Guadel oupe,Kap Verde,Katar,Kenia,Libyen,Liechtenstein,Luxemburg.M ali,Malta,Marokko, Martinique,Macedonia,Namibia,Reunion,Switzerland,S imbabwe,Slovenia,Zaire
Do you have a complete pricelist for all zones? I just found the calculator till now but its a bit messy to click all through it...


Germany: o2 blue all-in L, simquadrat
Thailand: truemove (phone+sms+wifi)
International: xxSim+372, toggle +44/+49/+41/+31
Phones: Huawei Mate7, Huawei P9
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babble (Offline)
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Default HOMEMADE list of MaxxSIM tariff zones - 31-01-2008, 09:07

Here is a HOMEMADE list of MaxxSIM tariff zones - use it as a guide. Use the online calculator to CHECK current prices.

Tarifzone 1: Ägypten,Australien,Bahrain,Bolivien,Costa Rica,Dominikanische Republik,Finnland,Gambia,Georgien,Israel,Japan,
Jordanien,Kasachstan,Kongo,Laos,Mongolei,Niger,Par aguay,Seychellen,Sudan,Togo,Trinidad & Tobago,Tschad,Uganda,Vietnam,Zypern

Tarifzone 2: Albanien,Algerien,Armenien,Aruba,Aserbaidschan,Bot swana,Burkina Faso,Chile,Dänemark,Elfenbeinküste,Färöer Insel,Frankreich,Französisch Polynesien,Französisch Guyana,Ghana,Gibraltar,
Großbritannien (United Kingdom),Irak,Irland,Island,Israel(Palestina),Ital ien,Jamaika,Jemen,Kamerun,Kroatien,Lettland,Libano n,Litauen,Mauretanien,Moldau,Manaco,Montenegro,Mos ambik,Neuseeland,Niederlande,Nigeria,Norwegen,Oman ,Österreich,Polen,Portugal,Rumänien,Sambia,Saudi Arabien,Schweden,Senegal,Serbien,Sierra Leone,Slowakei,Spanien,Südafrika,Syrien,Tansania,T schechien,Tunesien,Türkei,Ungarn,Uruguay

Tarifzone 3: Andorra,Äthiopien,Belgien,Bosnien-Herzegowina,Bulgarien,Estland,Fidschi,Griechenland ,Guadeloupe,Kap Verde,Katar,Kenia,Libyen,Liechtenstein,Luxemburg.M ali,Malta,Marokko,Martinique,Mazedonien,Namibia,Re union,Schweiz,Simbabwe,Slowenien,Zaire

Tarifzone 4: Brasilien,Brunei,Hong Kong,Indonesien,Kuwait,Malaysia,Malediven,Mauritiu s,Pakistan,Singapur,Taiwan

Tarifzone 5: Weißrussland,China,Iran,Macau,Philippinen,Tadschik istan,Thailand,Turkmenistan,Ukraine,Venezuela

Tarifzone 6: Afghanistan,Bangladesch,El Salvador,Guatemala,Kanada,Kirgistan,Mexiko,Panama, Peru,Russland,Ski Lanka,Usbekistan

Tarifzone 7: Anguilla,Antigua & Barbuda,Argentinien,Bahamas,Barbados,Bermuda,Domin ica,Grenada,Indien,Jungferninseln,Kaiman Inseln,Kambodscha,Kolumbien,Kuba,Madagaskar,Puerto Rico,St. Kitts & Nevis,St. Lucia,St. Vincent & Grenadin,USA

To the best of my knowledge, all of the vistream discounters (Che Mobile, PTT Mobile, sunsim, telesim, solomo, MaxxSIM, Tourist mobile, avanteje, igge & Ko, PhoneHomeMobile, 01051Mobile, turkuaz, etc) use exactly the same tariff zone structure. MaxxSIM is unusual because tariff zones 1&2 have the same price. Let´s hope tariff zones 1&2 remain free and that this is not a special introductory "bait & switch" offer.

Bad news: The "youni" free sms service is not working today.

Last edited by babble; 31-01-2008 at 11:57..
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babble (Offline)
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Default Solomo VOIP and 5 cent/min diversions to MaxxSIM - 31-01-2008, 18:04

Solomo is not really a vistream discounter. "Solomo" is the new brand name of vistream´s own SIM card. For this reason, anything learned from solomo can usually be applied to the vistream discounters. Here are some tips:

An example of a normal solomo phone number: 01570-1234567

Solomo mailbox number: 01570-99-1234567 (The mailbox can be dialled directly)
Solomo voip number: 01570-98-1234567 (The voip number can be dialled directly, if it has been activated on the website)

**** USSD codes for diverting incoming calls to solomo voip

To erase all normal call diversions and to disable mailbox: ##002#
Mailbox callers will then hear a cost-free service message saying that messages cannot be left in the mailbox.
Solomo mailbox menu instructions can be heard in either english, or german.

How to divert calls from normal solomo phone number to solomo voip number:
Method 1: **21*+491570981234567#
Method 2: On the solomo website, activate the option to divert calls from 01570-1234567 to voip number.

**** voip notes

1. There are reports that only calls from Deutsche Telekom landlines can directly call a 01570-98-1234567 voip number.
This is not quite true. I have been able to directly call 01570-98-1234567 voip numbers using a german vodafone SIM.

2. O2 Genion, Aldi, Simyo, MaxxSIM, 01051mobile, are not yet able to directly call 01570-98-1234567 voip numbers. However, if you use methods 1 or 2 above, you can then use Genion and all the others to indirectly call solomo voip numbers. The "internal" solomo call diversion is free at the moment, for a solomo SIM within Germany. This technique is wonderful if you want to receive calls to a solomo mobile (in Germany) on a voip phone anywhere in the world. I have no information about the internal diversion cost if the solomo SIM is moved outside Germany. Someone needs to test it. The cost of completed calls can be checked on the solomo website, within 24 hours of call completion.

3. You can use method 1 to divert a solomo number to a MaxxSIM number. MaxxSIM do not yet have voip numbers so don´t forget to delete the "98" in the middle of the USSD code given above. Your USSD code should look like: **21*+4915701234567#
The solomo (internal call) diversion costs 5 cent/min at the moment.

4. A solomo phone number can only be diverted to other german network numbers (+49 numbers). A solomo phone number can be diverted to other german voip numbers (for example, to sipgate-germany voip numbers, etc). As far as I know, a solomo phone number cannot be directly diverted to USA, UK, sipgate-UK, sipgate-Austria, etc. I tried several methods but without success.

5. As far as I know, the normal solomo phone number and solomo voip number cannot be made to ring simultaneously.

6. Solomo usually announces special promotions near the start of each month. If you are thinking of buying a solomo SIM, try to avoid buying it at the end of a month. New solomo voip services are going to be launched on 4th February.

7. Setup within Germany, MaxxSIM to solomo voip is possible, but probably expensive at 19 cent/minute. I do not know if this can be setup outside Germany.

**** A word of caution

Solomo is definitely not prepared for an influx of newbie voip users. Solomo has no voip userguide, no voip installation information and no contact number for voip support. If you have never configured a voip phone before, please wait for solomo to produce some voip documentation.

For people who understand firewalls, one-way audio problems, etc, setting up solomo voip should take no more than two minutes. Just logon to the solomo website and make a note of your voip username and password, and the voip server. That´s it. That´s all you need, if you know what you are doing.
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petkow (Offline)
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Default 31-01-2008, 18:55

Originally Posted by babble View Post
Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Luxemburg and Malta are in tarif zone 3 (incoming-calls to these countries are 28 cents/min.)

Tarifzone 3: Andorra,Äthiopien,Belgium,Bosnien-Herzegowina,Bulgaria,Estonia,Fidschi,Greece,Guadel oupe,Kap Verde,Katar,Kenia,Libyen,Liechtenstein,Luxemburg.M ali,Malta,Marokko, Martinique,Macedonia,Namibia,Reunion,Switzerland,S imbabwe,Slovenia,Zaire

Sorry, but I don´t know why Belgium is not in tarif zone 2.
There are other countries in Zone 3 I would expect to be in free incoming like Greece, Luxemburg, Lichtenstein, Switzerland, Estonia etc. Other countries in there I would not expect there as it seems very cheap (like Fiji, Mali etc.)
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babble (Offline)
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Default MaxxSIM offers free incoming calls in Greece - 31-01-2008, 22:14

Greece appears to be in Zone 2 (MaxxSIM: free incoming calls).

It is possible to find cheaper documented incoming rates to Fiji and Mali.
(Zone 3 incoming calls: solomo 15 cent/min, 01051Mobile 20 cent/min).

solomo tariffs:

01051mobile tariffs:

For those of you who don´t speak German, "Eingehende Gespräche im Ausland" means "Incoming roaming calls received outside Germany".

Hopefully, MaxxSIM will publish a full tariff list soon. And if we´re really lucky, in English as well.

Last edited by babble; 31-01-2008 at 22:35..
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babble (Offline)
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Default Belgium is a profit center - 01-02-2008, 10:13

Originally Posted by ygeffens View Post
Can you tell me (if you have any idea) why Belgium is excluded [from zones 1&2]?
Answer: Someone will visit Belgium, have a fantastic time, and help boost company profits.

Great country + one happy customer + quality tariff = significant benefit for all
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