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Stu (Offline)
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Default 03-04-2008, 16:06

ATT is probably your best plan. The question is do you want a 3g card for your collection. If the answer is yes, buy an unlocked card off e-bay. Then go to ATT buy a SIM and put it on month to month. If you bring your own equipment you can go month-to-month. Most people at ATT don't know this, so bring in an article off the web. There is a USA Today article that I pulled up on Google a month ago.

You can also buy an unactivated SIM off e-bay and then call and 800 number and fight to get activated with them.
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 16-05-2008, 18:28

Originally Posted by zgadgeter View Post
so ATT is probably the best? When i rang them they said i can orde the card a few days before we arrive, an have it sent to the hotel. Then i can cancel the card prior to the next month's charge getting on my credit card.
The plan would be for both data and voice.
When i arrive in the US, and put the card into the phone, the voice part works automatically.
But, i need to setup the phone to use the data options.
Here in Europe there are cab files for the different data carriers in the various countries to help set up the phone.
Do you have any idea how i would set up the phone in the US to use ATT?
Google on "wap.cingular"
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real_goose (Offline)
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Default 18-05-2008, 03:15 has several threads with details of a lower cost data option from ATT that does not appear to be documented on the website. I have not tried this option yet, but plan to test soon. Here are some details that I've pulled from the forums.

ATT Go Phone Pay As You Go now has Unlimited MediaNet for $19.99 per month. The $1 daily fee only applies when a voice call is made or received. It does not apply to texting or data usage only. does not currently document monthly MediaNet.

Connection Settings
Connection Name: MEdia Net
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Access Point Name: wap.cingular
User Name:
Prompt Password: No
Authentication: Secure
Homepage: http://device.home

MediaNet has to be purchased every 30 days. To purchase packages, simply call Automated Customer Service (611 from your handset or 1-800-901-9878 from a landline phone) and select the option 'Buy Features.' The cost of the package is taken from money you have on the account.

AT&T does not charge for SIM cards in-store. Just go in, tell them you want to set up a new Pay As You Go line... and the SIM card is free. Usually, to save time, they won't even set up the account in-store, and will just hand you the card (it helps to ask... they don't want to waste the time in-store to do it). Note: This only only applies to corporate-owned stores.
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 18-05-2008, 19:54

Good to know. ATT is pretty relaxed about the data usage on contract Medianet accounts. Let's hope they are the same way on prepaids.
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monkeyboy (Offline)
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Default 19-05-2008, 00:46

Nobody seems to have mentioned the Tmobile alternative: FlexPay. Of course Tmobile only has EDGE working in most areas, but the Flexpay method is a reasonable alternative to prepaid.

Basically FlexPay is an intermediate payment arrangement between prepaid and postpaid (with contract). Flexpay allows you to choose normal postpaid plans, but without a contract (and of course no subsidized phone purchase either).

Here's what I did: went to a Tmobile store and signed up for the most basic voice plan $30/mo for 300AT PLUS unlimited Tzones data for $6/mo. With taxes, it comes out to be about $40/mo. They normally want to tack on an extra $5/mo BUT if you give them a credit card number, this charge is waive. There is no activation fee and they give you a new SIM with a new number.

So that's $40. No contract. I paid them for ONE month of VOICE+DATA (unlimited). I never paid them again. BTW the data STILL works. I never canceled the account either.

So one $40 payment and I got 300AT minutes for one month and unlimited Tmobile data for the past 8 months.

Now the $6 Tzone data is a little squirrelly -- it is proxied web + email and no other ports. If you need full data, it is $20 instead of $6 (so the total would be about $57 instead of $40). But if all you need is web+email, then the $6 Tzones is fine (and there *is* a way to get stuff like Slingbox by playing with ports).

Anyways, it is a pretty cheap way to get unlimited data on Tmobile for a few months. (And if you feel bad about the arrangement, you can always pay Tmobile $40/mo, which still isn't too bad for unlimited data without a contract).
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Stu (Offline)
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Default 11-06-2008, 13:07

This is a belated update, but you now get most TMobile contract items on Flexpay which is a prepaid solution where you basically purchase contract style services ahead of time.
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