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meneedsleep (Offline)
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Question 10-04-2015, 08:53

[QUOTE=MBK;43754]Keep in mind that I am talking about worldwide roaming (the subject of this thread), while you are talking about regional roaming.

But let's see:

Onesimcard with callback (Single SIM - only onesimcard): US to UK

US Incoming: FREE
UK Landline:
€0.07 incoming callback + FREE landline UK = €0.07 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
UK Mobile: €0.07 incoming callback + €0.005 mobile UK = €0.075 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)

How do you do this with a just 1 sim? I wanna learn.

Onesimcard with callback (dual-SIM - callback on 2nd local/regional SIM, showing +372 caller ID or any other caller ID): US to UK

US Incoming:
UK Landline:
FREE incoming callback + FREE landline UK = €0.00 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
UK Mobile: FREE incoming callback + €0.005 mobile UK = €0.005 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)

Oh! This will be easier but do I need an Android/iPhone for this one?

In any case, for data the best is a 2nd local SIM with local data bundles in the dual-sim phone (but if only to trigger the callbacks the Onesimcard is good enough).

Canada to UK: same rates as US above.


I'm a new member here. Pardon me for any ignorance of forum rules as I have encountered this thread while doing a research on the benefits of using onesimcard and I saw this information you have provided amist all the argument with another member about the international SIM card you were using and another regional SIM card that bloke was seemingly supportive of.


Onesimcard with callback (Single SIM - only onesimcard): US to UK

US Incoming: FREE
UK Landline: €0.07 incoming callback + FREE landline UK = €0.07 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
UK Mobile: €0.07 incoming callback + €0.005 mobile UK = €0.075 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
SMS UK using SIM menu: $0.15
SMS UK using Fishtext with WebSMS app on android: €0.03 (+ ~€0.03 data to send the SMS if not on WIFI)

Onesimcard with callback (dual-SIM - callback on 2nd local/regional SIM, showing +372 caller ID or any other caller ID): US to UK

US Incoming: FREE
UK Landline: FREE incoming callback + FREE landline UK = €0.00 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
UK Mobile: FREE incoming callback + €0.005 mobile UK = €0.005 (+ one time €0.01 data to trigger the callback if not on WIFI)
SMS UK using SIM menu: $0.15
SMS UK using Fishtext with WebSMS app on android: €0.03 (+ ~€0.03 data to send the SMS if not on WIFI)

In any case, for data the best is a 2nd local SIM with local data bundles in the dual-sim phone (but if only to trigger the callbacks the Onesimcard is good enough).

I intend to use onesimcard with a local callback card. I may also be considering using my current local prepaid card for data and receiving notifications of missed local calls to my international number, and this option could be useful at other countries.

How do I go about doing the above callback at €0.07 incoming callback and without €0.01 for data to trigger it?

Assuming I initiate a call to the recipient and I dialed the recipient's phone number with the country prefix together into the phone. Upon acknowledgement, the call will be hung up and I will be expecting a callback. However, whom would next call pan out and I am wondering whether I need 2 callback attempts to reach the recipient with my onesimcard and local callback card. How do I do this? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Another thing is about using INUM, google voice and ipkall/kall8/anveo (but without the monthly fees, just pay as you go). How do I set this up to link with my onesimcard number?

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Default Best solution for data? - 12-04-2015, 23:45

Many worldsims seem to be made for voice. Data is mostly a bit expensive.

The only sim width cheap data I've found so far is Piranha sim.

Are there more good sims for data (EU + rest of Europe)?
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 20-04-2015, 14:22

After many searchers have have not found any cheaper especially outside of the EU, and i see they have improved Data rates in Kuwait, Macau, Panama and Qatar, thats according to their last facebook ad. On another tact I am visiting the US in June, if there is anyone out there with a piranha Sim can they test the Data speeds in the US for me, as i intend to use it quite a bit. Thanks in advance.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Data advice for USA - 21-04-2015, 07:07

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
On another tact I am visiting the US in June, if there is anyone out there with a piranha Sim can they test the Data speeds in the US for me, as i intend to use it quite a bit.
I don't do data so I can not test speeds.
BUT make sure you understand how to choose which network you will want to use. T-Mobile and AT&T have different data rates and coverage.
Know where you will be and how the coverage will or will not work for you.

As far as I know, the only place you can choose which network to use in the USA is from the website. Know before you go. Choose before you lose [choice of coverage and rates].
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snidely (Offline)
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Default 21-04-2015, 15:15

TMobile rates seem to be a lot lower than ATT. My carrier in the U.S. IS TM. I have used TM all over the U.S. and, unless you will be in rural areas a lot, coverage should be fine. ATT has somewhat broader coverage. IF you are going to be in metropolitan areas, TM works very well.
Can't test data speed for you as I no longer have need for an intl. SIM. TMobile, U.S. has had "free" intl. roaming in 100+ countries for 18 months. (Data and text free, voice 20¢/min.)

Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
A/o Oct 20, 2013 no need for intl prepaid as T-Mobile U.S. includes voice roaming at 20¢/min (in and out)., unlimited text (in and out), and unlimited data in 140+ countries.

My Plan -[6 lines] U.S. T-Mobile unlimited minutes (incoming and outgoing), unlimited text, fast data on each line. that $145/mo. total! . (In U.S. no surcharge for calling a cell.) If a line exceeds 2G of data in a month, pay $10 more for that line. [That only happens a couple times/year.
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gkeeper (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2015, 09:18

Thank you for info, i will keep the Piranha Sim on the T-Mobile network and update on return.
I received an email about rates in Canada, they seem to have lost Direct Dial, but they now have reduced rates on Call-Back, which are pretty amazing for roaming.
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wolfbln (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2015, 14:52

As you come from UK, why don't you simply take a Three UK Sim card for the US? It roams on BOTH T-Mob and AT&T. I could verify this in 2014. Speed is up to 3G only. The US is a so-called feel at home country.
I know Three is tricky as a recommendation for the UK, but roaming in the US is great. UK domestic rates are much lower than AT&T's.
Coverage depends not only on network but on the frequencies your devices works. AT&T is generally better. T-Mob on 1900 MHz in key markets on 3G, in other areas on 1700 MHz AWS which is not supported by many European devices.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2015, 21:08

Originally Posted by gkeeper View Post
Thank you for info, i will keep the Piranha Sim on the T-Mobile network and update on return.
I received an email about rates in Canada, they seem to have lost Direct Dial, but they now have reduced rates on Call-Back, which are pretty amazing for roaming.
You just need to keep the default profile for T-Mobile.
Glad you got the email about Canada.
So the rates are lower now, then?
I did not have a record of what they were to compare.
And now, no having to switch profile to get Rogers anymore.
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