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chinaroam (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2010, 03:04

I trevel from mainland china to honk kong and use a maxroam sim. but now it not work. on maxroam page a message speaks no service to call or recive call from all the world.
what to do? you know other company?
thank you much
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GadgetKen (Offline)
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Default 03-06-2010, 21:56

Chinaroam, welcome to!
A few suggestions (others may have other thoughts they can share)
1) See if you can buy just a local prepaid gsm sim card at a mobile phone shop. There are several carriers in Hong Kong:
GSM Coverage Maps | Hong Kong (China)
Once you establish the sim chip will work OK in your phone(see if the dealer will let you test the sim card in the shop), purchase enough refill vouchers to last your trip. Even if you have to throw the card away when you return home, at least this will give you immediate wireless communication. If you travel frequently to Hong Kong you might want to see if you can refill the sim card over the internet to keep the account alive for future trips.
2) Buy a prepaid landline calling card and use it at payphones (hotel room phones likely add high surcharges, so a payphone is better). It's low tech but it's a quick, reliable and inexpensive solution.
3) If you are traveling with a laptop, try calling back home with Skype or another VOIP provider. Do a test call first to see if the wifi connection you have access to gives acceptable voice quality.
4) When you get home, order a different callback sim card that has a decent price per minute for your travels but is also reliable (it's a balancing act, it's sometimes worth paying a bit more to get more reliable service). This website has several providers reviewed. Read through comments on the forums to make sure the vendor will work for you.

Phones/Wireless Devices: Doogee S90, Isatphone Pro, Amazon Kindle 3G, SkyRoam MiFi device, Karma MiFi device, AT&T Liberate MiFi device
Sim Cards: T-Mobile (Mint), AT&T (Mifi device or Kindle), Koko
Satphone: InMarSat
Broadband US Wireless Data: AT&T postpaid, Sprint (Karma Mobility prepaid)
Broadband International Data: SkyRoam
VOIP: Skype
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chinaroam (Offline)
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Default 04-06-2010, 22:08

me travel a lot. so need global sim card. Maxroam change sim card 3 times allready and now not working. me lose money and time with this company. Today i buy a local card in Prague but too expensive call China.
Maxroam is finished for me. but whree can buy another world card?
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patphelan (Offline)
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Default @chinaman - 04-06-2010, 23:21

Please email me
I will sort out any issues you may have
we have no reported outages at present, please email me and I will check your account
thank you and apologies for any issues

Pat Phelan
6310i to Nexus and all in between
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chinaroam (Offline)
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Default 06-06-2010, 13:24

you say no outage it is no true. here is a photo of maxroam site on friday.
your service not working many days i cannot do business with company like this. not good for customers. keep my $10 gift to you.
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patphelan (Offline)
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Default 07-06-2010, 17:46

thank you for the gift
we have had no general outage and have had full service in Prague which is where you say you were.
Your writing style seems very familiar I would rather we gave you a perfectly working service as I said I am here and waiting

Pat Phelan
6310i to Nexus and all in between
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chinaroam (Offline)
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Default 07-06-2010, 20:40

So where card working only? Because China not working. Sorry for bad english me use google to translate.
我住在大陆的中国。一个SIM卡在中国的工作是不是对我没有用。我很对不起我的英文不好。我找到了最佳的翻 译是谷歌。如果你有一个更好的解决办法让我知道
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nycroam (Offline)
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Default How is Max Roam's service - 15-06-2010, 21:03

I'm a NYC non profit organization that has 8 groups of teens traveling to different countries this summer. I wanted to know if anyone has any feedback on this sim card. I see that the calling rates are reasonable but I've read some bad reviews about the sim cards being swapped out 3 times and service being choppy and DID's changing. Also will I have to pay extra to have the belgium # connected to a U.S. # 3 euros? I'm about to order 6 cards and I don't want to spend all this money on a flaky service.
We're going to Colombia, Peru, Dominican republic, Thailand, Senegal, Italy and South Africa. Or can someone recommend another good sim card with reasonable rates.

thanks for any advice
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