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  (#1) (Offline)
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Lightbulb gt sim / UM+ - 09-04-2009, 11:51

Last year i buy a UNITED MOBILE sim card (UM+) and when they decided to improve their prices i changed to GT SIM
This is my experience of this two global sim cards

UM+ seems to have better quality calls than GT SIM specially in Europe country (one exception LITHUANIA), calls are more stable (time and quality) and it's more easy to use, GT sim seems more difficult to use specially with the phone that i use a NOKIA 6680

FRANCE: UM+ always ok / GT SIM works better with ORANGE and BOUYGUES
ALL the other countrys booth works , the only big problem is in lithuania where i cannot use the UM+ to call or get called and they charge me (i get my money back)
GT SIM quality calls are not perfect in any country some times you cannot call or get call because they delete your number from the database, some times you cannot call some country for any reason and it's easy that your call drops, UM+ seems better with a lot less problems
Nb GT sim gets usually a better coverage for example TUNISIA, and SERBIA there is only one network available for UM+ and all for GT sim

GT sim seems to be cheaper the prices are for fixe lines 0,29 Euro with a lot of exceptions but not in th UE. UM+ tell the same but a lot of UE country are more expensive and get a connection charge for ALL the calls (booth ways)

GT sim gets a better web site where you can listen your Voice Mails for free (if internet it's free)
with UM+ you can record a personal message but you have to use your phone to get the VM

This two cards are prepay cards then you only put the money you need (good) but you have to take care of the following
UM+ you can only had money on your account using paypal or moneybookers in GT sim you can use a credit card but you can only charge your account after they send you some amount and then you log on your account and tell them how much they send you (it's always less than 1 Euro) this process takes minimum 3/5 days

It's easy to get the customer service from UM+ and quality of the answers always nice but not from GT sim because it's at Hong-Kong and a lot of hours from UE, the good thing it's always free to get get the customer service with one internet acces you can ask them to call you back in any phone.

Right now GT sim seems to do not offer free incoming calls (9 cents /min) it seems only for the new customers. But the good part the calls that you make for the fixe lines are at 19 cents instead of 29
For UM+ they do not change the prices for the calls since January the bad thing is the prices that are high

If you are like me just look at the price it's better to use GT sim because in almost all the times they are cheaper, the only thing to consider it's that you can stay with no network because of the quality then i suggest you to use another big network (i use SFR)
If the quality is what you need then use UM+ and in this case you almost can use only them (take your home cellphone network with you , you nether know)
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 09-04-2009, 16:33

Given the recent outage of the +423 UM platform I would be very carefull buying a card from them or have an high credit account.

There are some ather alternatives to UM+ at this moment.

GT-SIm will keep the 9 cents incoming. They used to have free incoming but than you needed a minimum usage per 3 month or pay an amount per 3 month. Looks like they stopped that and now finance this by charging 9 cents for incoming.
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amroe (Offline)
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Default 10-04-2009, 08:19

Me Too i use Both UM+ and GT-Sim and before Two days i had Ordered a new One of TravelSim , as said United Mobile is Good but they charge you a connection Fee , GT-Sim have more service like DID number you can use it plus the Voice Mail .
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 10-04-2009, 09:32

As for the did number, I suggest to setup your own system using did number. Buy your own did number, use a voip forward, cost less than 10 eurocent to a uk mobilene number.

This way even when the roaming card provider has problems, you just buy another roaming card and forward to that number. As we have seem some of these problems the last few years, companies going changing platforms, changes are this will happen in future, UM +423 is the lastest proof.

It's like having a mail address from your internet provider or having 1 under your own domain. If you internet provider goes out of business you will still have your domain and that mailaddress.
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default 10-04-2009, 09:54

How much did numbers cost at gt sim for 1 year? Is or
Possiblle to add numbers for only 1 month?
Also does the sim has al expiry date or a montly charge
For not using it ?

Originally Posted by amroe View Post
Me Too i use Both UM+ and GT-Sim and before Two days i had Ordered a new One of TravelSim , as said United Mobile is Good but they charge you a connection Fee , GT-Sim have more service like DID number you can use it plus the Voice Mail .
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  (#6) (Offline)
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Post Cost of DID number - 10-04-2009, 10:28

It depends which country you want to use
Personally i get a French one but non geographic number and i get a promotion it was for free now it's something like 1 Euro per month
But if you want to use a Russian number it can cost till 100 Euro
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  (#7) (Offline)
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Post price of DID number - 11-04-2009, 14:07

The ones who ask for GTsim DID numbers this is only examples from their website

Real prices for FRANCE is now /
on non geographic number 1,90Euro/month but if you buy it for one year it cost only 12,58 Euro then (1,05 Euro/month)

For Russia the cost in Moscow area is :
314,51 Euro/year
and for only one month 47,86 (one year will be 574 Euro)

If somebody like :
Germany, Munich, 1 year : 68,62 Euro
Autralia, South west, 1 year :71,48 Euro
Lethonia, Riga, 1 Year :24 Euro
Ukraine, Lviv, 1 Year : 500 Euro
United kingdom, London, 1 year : 8 Euro

But it seems that only the actual customer can use the service no new cellphone numbers for customers who try to get a new line
To be followed
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default 11-04-2009, 14:50

how much or cost in eu to receive calls
on the did numbers?
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mingelli (Offline)
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Default calls ho did numbers - 11-04-2009, 15:07

Originally Posted by mingelli View Post
how much it cost in eu to receive calls
on the did numbers?
would be interested in london number
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  (#10) (Offline)
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Post Cost of call to DID number - 13-04-2009, 11:23

The cost to RECEIVE a call to any DID number is 0,1 Euro
Of course this does not include the cost for the person ,who call your DID number.
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gt sim / um+

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