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petkow (Offline)
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Default New SMS notification service: Arrived OK - 25-03-2009, 10:42

A tool for travelers to instantly notify friends and family when you arrive at your destination

I think this might be an interesting but not particularly useful idea. It is a paid service and doesn't even appear to be that cheap! The idea is that it somehow monitors a foreign network, and the moment that you switch on your phone in the destination country, and it registers into a network, a nominated list of recipients gets some pre designated SMS notification. All it really does is save you typing an SMS to that paranoid family member. However, how many paranoid family member does the average person have?

If you chose to do it the old fashioned way, you can chose to send the SMS at a socially acceptible time for the recipient. There is also of course the cheap work around, where the paranoid family member sends you a blank SMS inflight, and then the moment you land, he/she gets the delivery notification. (Incidentally, I wouldn't be surprised if this is just how their system works... i.e. their SMS gateway sends you an SMS, and waits for a delivery notificaton!)

I haven't thought this through, but there may be other potential uses for this service. I think the Arrived OK SMS can be customized and contains your new location, so perhaps a notification could be sent to a server for puposes of changing a callback number to a local SIM or something along those lines.
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 25-03-2009, 18:19

OK, so just how does it work? I can't imagine wireless carriers giving this outfit access to their VLRs. It's probably based on them sending you a SMS 30 minutes before landing and getting the delivery receipt. Any guesses?
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Ties Brants (Offline)
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Default 25-03-2009, 23:54

The question is of course: does the fact that your Phone registered on a foreign network really means that you are okay? Maybe someone stole your phone or worse.
And if your flying with Ryanair with their coverage on the plane the system doesn’t work at all. (if it really Works with a text message, which would be most likely option)
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