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Florin (Offline)
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Post 23-10-2009, 22:25

Originally Posted by TPA View Post
Dear Florin
I have just repeated the exercise hoping that indeed I was wrong. After entering all necessary data I was re-directed to Polcard where again I was re-directed as far as my own bank issuer of the card.

I attach the final result of "negative payment" (funny expression):

Szanowni Państwo,
informujemy iż płatność przebiegła negatywnie
Za chwilę zostanie wysłany e-mail z informacją o odmownej transakcji
Konto NIE zostanie obciążone kwotą transakcji: 25.00 PLN
Aby skontaktować się ze sprzedawcą wyślij do niego list: A-Gadka - doładowania telefonów on-line
Wszelkie pytania i sugestie prosimy kierować na adres podając numer transakcji.

Do you know the difference between debt and credit card? Perhaps your bank is a branch of a bank resident in Poland. Mine isn't. Check your facts and read "regulamin". The chalenge is still on - Anyone found the site yet?
Hey. i understand that you still have problems with that. I don`t know what to say. I know the difference between a debt and credit card since I am using them a lot. This one I recharged my heyah account I used it several times and every time worked and is a usual debt card,nothing interesting about it. And I don`t think this bank is related to some Polish one, since is national one(not like raiffeisen for ex)

Anyway, I wanted to ask you, this card you have is authorized for internet payments?

good luck again.
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Schlips1 (Offline)
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Default 13-12-2009, 14:38


to top up my Orange Pl (actually still idea) SIM I tried the following:
1. Blue: with my credit card:
Failed at the Polcard authorization

2. with banc transfer:
This is working, it is a little bit tricky, because you have to send it in EUR (no fees) and the automatic system only allows "full" PLN. So you have to send them an e-mail to let it done manually.

3. Dotpay: Dotpay - Bezpieczne transakcje internetowe
At the beginning it is working. You may pass the Polcard credit card check and get a dotpay authorization # like 61-PXXXX. But that's it. If you are lucky, they send you a cancellation, otherwise you "only" get deducted your credit card. On the Credit card records you will find " polska Katowice". Calling to Customer care: No response, E-Mail: No response

4. A-Gadka: A-Gadka - Do?adowanie telefonu on-line w Orange Go, Pop, Simplus, Sami Swoi, Tak Tak, Heyah, Play!
Everything works. After authorization from Polcard (!) and from Dotpay (transaction number like 15494-PXXX!!) it takes about 10 Minutes and you'll get a SMS. On the Credit card records you will find " polska Katowice"

So, quite interesting...
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Florin (Offline)
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Default 13-12-2009, 16:06

I always use A-Gadka! it workes very good for me and is so easy! I use Visa electron and Master card and everything went well with no problems. Exactly like Schlips1 said it ~10 min I received an sms on the phone that my account was recharged and when I chek the credit everything was there already.
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TPA (Offline)
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Talking 27-01-2010, 22:12

Dear ALL
I have tried A-gadka which is redirected to dotpay who transact through Polcard. My transaction was authorized by bank - have printed out proof. Appears on the list of approved authorizations on my card but the final result is still negative - see below.
All transactions are going through POLCARD or e-Card.


Szanowni Państwo,
informujemy iż płatność przebiegła negatywnie

Za chwilę zostanie wysłany e-mail na adres z informacją o odmownej transakcji

Konto NIE zostanie obciążone kwotą transakcji: 5.00 PLN

Aby skontaktować się ze sprzedawcą wyślij do niego list: A-Gadka - doładowania telefonów on-line

Wszelkie pytania i sugestie prosimy kierować na adres podając numer transakcji 15494-P1053
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Florin (Offline)
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Default 27-01-2010, 22:57

Originally Posted by TPA View Post
Dear ALL

- I have no idea why is not working at ur place.. I just took a ordinary debit card I find in my wallet, and use it to top-up the credit with 5pln. Here are the print screens I made.
ps: You should contact the bank though.. or make another card on other bank. just an idea.





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ms93 (Offline)
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Default 28-01-2010, 15:48

Have you tried to pay with Moneybookers on DotPay? There is such option - MoneyBookers shouldn't have problems with foreign cards.
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Schlips1 (Offline)
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Default 04-03-2010, 20:29

Today I tried it. Moneybookers is really working! But a little more expensive:

50 PLN => 12,83 EUR (
50 PLN => 13,16 EUR (moneybookers)
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TPA (Offline)
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Default Orange customer services - 10-04-2010, 23:35

Dear Fellow Sufferers
The whole point is to avoid any money transfers and giving anybody direct account details over the Internet.
A credit card is still safer option since it is a big financial institution who is at risk (card issuer) therefore you are safer in case of problems. They will take care of potential fraudsters.
I visit this site to see if things are improving or somebody found the way but the things in Poland are going worse, not better. I went as far as obtaining a Polish credit card to be able to “remotely” charge my phone (Orange in this case). It worked for a while but Orange changed the rules of the game again.
When I tried to charge my phone recently I was informed that I have to make a bank transfer first. It did not matter that I am a customer for many years and did credit card transactions before. I am also registered on Orange site where even if you are logged on you still get an SMS secret code for a whole lot of activities. One would think it is a bank and you want to transact in millions . Their, so called, Internet shop is another joke because you have to pay cash on delivery to the courier and cannot buy anything if you do not supply some other document e.g. electricity bill with you ID.
All those web pages offering recharging services are only middle men skimming money between customers, that’s us and the provider network. Each transaction in Poland has to go through the proper authorization requested normally by the merchant bank but in Poland there seem to be other middle men for this purpose e.g. Polcard. In my case the transaction is accepted by my bank and money set aside but it is rejected by somebody on the way or Orange. I really do not understand that circus.
Even if you do the bank transfer first then a middle man called PayTel allows you to do only one transaction per day, so many transactions per month etc., etc. and puts a cap on monthly payments as well.
Even better, informed me that paying by credit card for my phone is blocked altogether. Do they blacklist customers like in old, good, communist times?
I think it is time to give up this jungle and its savage habits. Hopefully EU regulations will eventually remove the differences in costs between member countries so nobody will have to deal with Polish crazy cell phone providers.
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Motel75 (Offline)
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Default 11-04-2010, 09:34

Have you tried buying topups on Allegro or

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