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woody1 (Offline)
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Default B&You Prepaid is dead... - 30-07-2013, 22:28

So, I got an email today about B&You moving its prepaid customers to Simyo. This was the first time I heard about this, although I see that willemijns discussed it here a few days ago.

I'm not too happy about this; I went to a lot of trouble to get the B&You card. Here's one thing that worries me: with B&You, it's possible to buy Bouygues recharges at many retail shops. I don't see anything on the Simyo site that indicates that regular Bouygues recharges will work with Simyo.

If that's the case, then the only alternative is a credit card. If it turns out that Simyo won't allow a foreign (in my case, a US) credit card, then there will be no easy way to recharge the account.

So, my question is, does anybody know if it's possible to recharge a Simyo card with a Bouygues recharge? Also, does anybody know if Simyo will accept US credit cards on their website?
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willemijns (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2013, 22:43

> although I see that willemijns discussed it here a few days ago.

this morning UTC

the old method are still possible.

FYI i sell ID numbers to top-up. my family give up this enterprise. PM me as usual

price is -25% the official value. my regular conditions (T&C) still applies. exp date of my own ticket is 5/17/2014. maybe i will have other top-up tickets dunno amount.

FR volunteer specialist in mobile.
Looks for free SIM with FR roaming Orange, Bouygues & SFR.

Delight mobile OK. Piranha mobile OK until now with a bad issue at the beginning.
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woody1 (Offline)
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Default 30-07-2013, 22:59

Originally Posted by willemijns View Post
> although I see that willemijns discussed it here a few days ago.

this morning UTC
Oh, I didn't look too closely at the date of your post. I see that it was today!

the old method are still possible.
So, you are saying that it is possible to use a Bouygues topup on the Simyo account? That's good, because I bought an extra topup to use when my B&You account gets close to expiration. Hopefully, I will be able to use it with the Simyo card.

FYI i sell ID numbers to top-up. my family give up this enterprise. PM me as usual

price is -25% the official value. my regular conditions (T&C) still applies. exp date of my own ticket is 5/17/2014. maybe i will have other top-up tickets dunno amount.
What method could I use to topup in the US? If I can't get a network connection, is there an alternate way to topup?
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tamla (Offline)
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Default 31-07-2013, 07:09

If you change your mind and decide to sell your second sim I would be happy to buy it from you. Simply name your price.

Sent from my GT-P6210 using Tapatalk 2
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willemijns (Offline)
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Default 31-07-2013, 20:04

Originally Posted by woody1 View Post
What method could I use to topup in the US? If I can't get a network connection, is there an alternate way to topup?
after the 27th august 2013, please wait... we try to understand what will happends exactly = in reality = in fact.

this migration smells not good...

FR volunteer specialist in mobile.
Looks for free SIM with FR roaming Orange, Bouygues & SFR.

Delight mobile OK. Piranha mobile OK until now with a bad issue at the beginning.
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tux (Offline)
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Default 31-07-2013, 22:43

Originally Posted by willemijns View Post
after the 27th august 2013, please wait... we try to understand what will happends exactly = in reality = in fact.

this migration smells not good...
What do you mean?

Inviato dal mio C6603 con Tapatalk 2
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willemijns (Offline)
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Default 01-08-2013, 06:08

Originally Posted by tux View Post
What do you mean?
we wait what will really happend the 27th august.

FR volunteer specialist in mobile.
Looks for free SIM with FR roaming Orange, Bouygues & SFR.

Delight mobile OK. Piranha mobile OK until now with a bad issue at the beginning.
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jildo (Offline)
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Default B&You experience - 12-08-2013, 13:45

What's interesting is that when I had some problems topping up my two B&You SIMs in Paris, I visited several Bouygues Telecom outlets to troubleshoot (the problems stemmed from the fact that you need to enter the codes into a French voice prompt and I speak zero French). The BT workers told me that the the B&You SIMs use their network, but it is not the same company. But in the end, they did help me.

I'll be curious to know what happens after Aug. 27th -- I am holding on to my SIMs, and other than navigating the French voice prompt system, was happy with my experience, including assistance from willemijns (thanks again!).
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willemijns (Offline)
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Default 12-08-2013, 16:26

Originally Posted by jildo View Post
What's interesting is that when I had some problems topping up my two B&You SIMs in Paris, I visited several Bouygues Telecom outlets to troubleshoot (the problems stemmed from the fact that you need to enter the codes into a French voice prompt and I speak zero French).

Until the 27th august 2013 and maybe after dunno...

Choose a "bouygues telecom" top-up ticket of 10€ minimum
call 630,
wait 15s,
type "1",
wait 10s,
type "2",
type the voucher number and "#" at the end,
wait 1 mn max i think and wait a SMS confirmation after ? => dunno what's happend in fact on this line i have no tickets in advance

FR volunteer specialist in mobile.
Looks for free SIM with FR roaming Orange, Bouygues & SFR.

Delight mobile OK. Piranha mobile OK until now with a bad issue at the beginning.
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Lucy (Offline)
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Default 20-08-2013, 17:28

let me tell you about my experience with B&You this summer.
I was subletting a Paris apartment. I asked the apt owner to upload the form with her credit card and address but with all my accurate personal information.

The card came in 2 days!

this means that anyone going to a hotel can ask a concierge or desk person (perhaps for a small tip) to upload the request and you will get the sim card right away.

second, the card is moving from B&You to Simyo

this is the message I received. I think it is only access to the account that will change:

Vous recevez cet e-mail car vous êtes utilisateur B&YOU. Consulter la version en ligne.

Bonjour KOMISAR,
Dans 7 jours, votre Carte prépayée B&YOU passera à la marque simyo, l'expert du prépayé
recommandé par B&YOU. Comme B&YOU, simyo bénéficie de la performance du réseau
Bouygues Telecom.
Vos recharges sans durée de validité
Les tarifs prépayés les moins chers*
Des recharges prépayées disponibles par téléphone, dans plus de 50 000 points de
vente** et en ligne
À partir du 27 août, vous vous connecterez sur pour gérer votre compte, suivre votre
solde ou recharger votre Carte prépayée.
Vos identifiants resteront les mêmes que sur !
Depuis 2009, simyo est l'expert des offres prépayées low cost 100 % en ligne.
En juillet 2012, l'offre simyo a été rattachée à B&YOU.

* Source interne : étude des offres prépayées commercialisées en France métropolitaine par des opérateurs nationaux au 12/07/2013. Carte SIM 4€99 avec crédit valable 1 mois.
Carte B&YOU sans durée de validité : Recharge sans durée de validité (hors crédit inclus dans la carte SIM) sous réserve d'émettre 1 communication payante par an. A défaut, résiliation de la ligne et perte du crédit à date anniversaire de la dernière communication payante. Tarifs prépayés les moins chers : décompte des communications métropolitaines (hors n° courts, spéciaux, SMS+ et MM+) hors crédit inclus dans la carte SIM, promotions ou bonus inclus dans la recharge ou tarification spécifique liée à l'utilisation d'une plage horaire, d'un opérateur ou d'un réseau.
** Tickets Recharge Bouygues Telecom

Pour être sûr de recevoir nos communications, merci d'ajouter l'adresse à votre carnet d'adresses

simyo est une marque enregistrée du Groupe KPN.

B&YOU une idée de Bouygues Telecom - 32 avenue Hoche - 75008 PARIS.
S.A. au capital de 712 588 399,56€ - 397 480 930 RCS Paris.
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