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TheMadBrewer (Offline)
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Default 04-12-2005, 14:16

I arrived in Switzerland last night. Tried to call back to the US with CallBackWorld. I got the first call back (from Riiing) but never the 2nd. Tried all evening with the same result. Eventually just called using Riiing (which worked fine). Figured CBW was having problems.

Where I am at today, I don't have access to a land line, so I tried calling with VOIPBuster (VOIP service I use now and the). VOIPBuster tells me the call goes thru (and I get charged) but I get no ring on my Riiing and no voice mail. So maybe the problem isn't with CBW.

So I switch over to my Sunrise Pronto (Swiss) SIM and called my Riiing number and the call goes thru to voice mail (as it should, since I only have one phone).

I realize I have Net2Phone on laptop, so I use it to call my Riiing phone and the call goes thru! Still no joy with CBW, though.

So something strange is going on. Anybody have any ideas?

Oh, and my CBW toll free number (which forwards to my Riiing number) doesn't seem to be working either.

Whole bunch of SIMs, mostly dead, some still working...
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 04-12-2005, 15:12

Unfortunately, this is an ongoing problem with cbw (and enlinea) works well for a while and then dosn't can of course use the naitive calling with riiing which isn't too bad for a roaming situation, 0,39?/minute with a 0,25? set up fee and of course you are able to receive calls (although if you gave everybody the 800 number that's not good)...

I sort of rely on cbw and enlinea too when in Europe and I have to tell you the reliability varies almost by the week...sometimes good sometimes putrid.

Send an e mail to CBW and Barry will do his best to resolve the matter....incidentally have you tried ringing the trigger number with your Swiss prepaid???
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TheMadBrewer (Offline)
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Default 04-12-2005, 16:12

I don't think the problem is strickly CBW, since I also have the problem with VOIPBuster (which has worked in the past). The paranoid in me wonders if the recent "merger" of Riiing and UM has anything to do with this. I will email Barry, though.

I tried triggering a call with the internet (with no luck). I've also tried triggering the calll with VOIPBuster also without any luck. (I can't use the Swiss SIM because I only have one phone )

I did give out the toll free number but also the Riiing number so I should be OK.

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TheMadBrewer (Offline)
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Default 04-12-2005, 16:32

Another datapoint -- I changed my CBW to call back on my swiss SIM and it worked fine, So the problem is not CBW directly, but some combination of them and Riiing.

Anybody else used CBW and Riiing recently (since Dec 1) with sucess?

Whole bunch of SIMs, mostly dead, some still working...
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 04-12-2005, 16:57

I don't think the "merger" of riiing with um has anything to do with it...riiing was a subsidiary of um before and used whatever agreements um had albeit with a slightly different rate simply changed its rate structure to the riiing rate structure with the free incoming....

I always, being a paranoid myself, wonder whenever this happens whether this is being done by um to try to combate cbw undercutting of their rates or its just a problem of internet providers (which cbw and enlinea use) trying to connect with FL carriers......
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TheMadBrewer (Offline)
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Default 05-12-2005, 11:46

Originally Posted by MATHA531
I always, being a paranoid myself, wonder whenever this happens whether this is being done by um to try to combate cbw undercutting of their rates or its just a problem of internet providers (which cbw and enlinea use) trying to connect with FL carriers......
I think that last part may be true here. I had setup a "Virtual pbx" ( so that I could seemlessly transfer calls to my US mobile when in the states or my Riiing mobile when abroad (so far I haven't been anywhere that Riiing doesn't have free incoming -- except a day spent in Vaduz, Lichtenstein ) Anyway, ringcentral would not connect to my Riiing number. I would get silence (but get charged for a 1 minute call to FL). Exactly what is now happing with my CBW toll free number. But I know the CBW toll free worked fine on Wed of last week, so something happened recently.

So now the people at thing I am crazy because they insisted that the problem was with my mobile and I said "call this toll free nunber because it works" only now it doesn't doesn't let you forward to a toll-free number, so as a workaround I tried using for local number but it didn't work any better.

UPDATE: CBW and my CBW Toll Free number are now working again as of 1130 CEST.

Whole bunch of SIMs, mostly dead, some still working...
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tivoboy (Offline)
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Default 07-12-2005, 16:38

I have often found an email to CBW or ENLINEA clears this up quickly . they DO have some routing options then can setup, at least it works
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 10-12-2005, 21:40

According to what I read on another board, I tried my enlinea 800 number to united-mobile and am getting a fast busy signal....this person says cbw and enlinea are down again to united-mobile and my experience would seem to indicate so.

Anybody else with info regarding this....
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snaimon (Offline)
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Default 11-12-2005, 00:07

Originally Posted by MATHA531
According to what I read on another board, I tried my enlinea 800 number to united-mobile and am getting a fast busy signal....this person says cbw and enlinea are down again to united-mobile and my experience would seem to indicate so.

Anybody else with info regarding this....
All I can say is WEIRD....

Used PIN2DEST from cell. Was told I entered invalid PIN. [ I doubt that as it is PRE-PROGRAMMED as extra digits.]

Used PIN2DEST 800 service..... Tried to from land line. Rings busy. Automated answer to enter PIN. Rings busy. PIN entered. Rings busy. Automated answer to enter phone #. Rings busy. Rings once normally. Rings busy.

I hung up. Don't know what to think.

Used PIN2DEST from cell again -- same one as above where I was first told invaldid PIN. Call rang thru to voice mail and I left a voicemail.

Was billed 14 cents.

Maybe it is working again. 1810 EST USA.


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Przemolog (Offline)
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Default 11-12-2005, 01:15

Originally Posted by snaimon

Maybe it is working again. 1810 EST USA.

I lent my Riiing sim to my brother who went one week snowboarding in Italy.
Before he left, I did a test. I tried on Thursday (8th Dec) about 17:20 Central European Time (GMT+1) - this was a callback connection via CBW from a Polish landline to Riiing roaming on the PlusGSM network. No problem with getting through but there was some echo when talking. Charged 011423663XXXXXX Liechtenstein - Spec 0.90 0.21. What the hell is the unit for 0.90 - minutes? The real connection time was about 20-30 seconds. But if to count dialing time, then it would make sense 0.90 min = 54 sec and 21 cents is a rounded 0.9 * 0.228 cents/min.

PS. Haven't called to my brother after his arrival so I can't tell how is the status CBW 2 Riiing any later. The reason is he took only one phone and he prefers keeping his Polish sim inside (he receives a lot of SMSes on his Polish number) so I have to ask him via SMS to switch sims before I can talk .

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