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international (Offline)
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Default Best SIM anywhere to receive SMS verifications, no ID (preferred), ships worldwide - 27-05-2017, 13:30

Virtual numbers are not always working for this purpose (real SMS either, but that's a different story), and it seems I still need a SIM card just for bank stuck in the 19th century still only offering SMS codes, thinking it's all safe and all good. It isn't but whatever.

So the SIM card I'm looking for, ideally has the following features:

It can be from any country

It is relatively inexpensive to maintain for my humble purpose: it's just to receive some codes

I can order it online without much hassle, it ships worldwide

Optional: no ID is required. Some countries require, some don't. Why give out my ID to every company, if I don't necessarily have to?

This setup is for long term travel, where any local SIM card used internationally for crucial stuff can be the weak link.
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powerlifter (Offline)
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Default 27-05-2017, 14:34

Have you looked at WhatsApp? They are encrypted and is free. You can change your number anytime you want. I have used it in a lot of countries. You also get free calls to anywhere in the world as long as you both have the app. Hope this helps.

[size=1]Prepaid cards, Moldova Tempo, Kyrg Republic BiTel, India Hutch, Bulgaria Mtel, Vodafone, UK. Etisalat. UAE. Afghan Wireless, Afghanistan. Three, UK. T-mobile post-paid.

Phones Gsm Iphone6+
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international (Offline)
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Default 27-05-2017, 18:45

Huh? I was asking for a real SIM card (with a real phone number, and certain other features preferably), and you were recommending me a chat app to chat with real people. It's apples and oranges. Sorry, I don't quite get it.
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DRNewcomb (Offline)
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Default 28-05-2017, 15:26

I might suggest Piranha Mobile. It has both US & UK numbers, has free incoming text and from what I understand only requires that you expend some small amount of your balance (e.g. 1p) every 400+ days. About the only country I don't see listed on their website is Solomon Islands. They don't require that you provide a photo ID but do need a verified e-mail address. As I recall, you can even pay in BitCoins.
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international (Offline)
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Default 29-05-2017, 20:06

Thanks for the Piranha Mobile tip! Never heard of them, but it sounds good.

I'm also thinking about maybe one of the more liberal minded (read: more international minded, nothing to do with politics) UK SIMs could do the trick as well. Such as Lebara, handed out at airports. As far as I understand, they should also ship overseas. this one requires a registration first, I can find out where it ships later. But similar ones ship overseas these days. Not as international as Piranha Mobile, but maybe international enough for most practical purposes.

I haven't yet done any detailed comparison between Piranha, Lebara, and what else, though. UK-based SIM cards also traditionally don't ask for an ID.
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international (Offline)
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Default 26-06-2017, 13:11

Have you heard anything (good news or bad news) from UK-based Lebara in the OP context?
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Have you considered Three UK? - 26-06-2017, 19:21

Originally Posted by international View Post
Thanks for the Piranha Mobile tip! Never heard of them, but it sounds good.
I'm also thinking about ........ UK SIMs could do the trick as well.
My experience with Piranha in California is that the UK phone number is flaky for receiving SMS.

Have you considered Three UK?

Here is a source for UK SIM cards. You can order 2 of the same ones at a time.
SIMs are free. BUT shipping outside the UK is £3.00
[Customers outside the UK = £3.00 (anywhere in the world)]
You can also purchase UK topups for a 10% premium.
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andy (Offline)
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Default 28-06-2017, 00:15

Does it have to be an actual SIM card?

Some text and call applications give a number that stays the same if used periodically, so you might get by with just data access and no need for an extra phone.

Or did you lose patience with the various providers on your previous thread?

Note that although the FreedomPop roaming SIM you mentioned there seems to be no longer available (well the former UK supplied one anyway) it is possible to use the service even without a SIM - just install the app and sign up.

Last edited by andy; 28-06-2017 at 01:05..
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