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ofono (Offline)
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Default 25-06-2010, 17:44

Thanks to all for this thread especially Evans summary (post #76).

I just purchased a Q card to use with my iPhone and just got the data working.

The tricky part was the apn: I tried the apns listed in this forum and was unable to vet anything to work until I called Q customer service at 1222 (press 9 for English)

I was instructed to set the apn to: myq

(no username or password) and this finally got things going. So far I'm only getting edge but not surprising as I'm on a small beach on Kefalonia.

Hope this helps someone.
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killbill831 (Offline)
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Default 29-06-2010, 21:07

The 15 of july going in Greece for 15days in Calcidica - probably in Sithonia can someone tell me how is the sutuation there with prepaid and also which is the best internet mobile operator?
Also I have found this on the big ebay:


If you come to Greece With your laptop this Summer, this is the perfect card for You

The packet include

a) A SIM Internet card for Internet access with your USB stick ,

b) and a scratch card for 11 days FREE internet

You just put the scratch code in following page and you have 11 days Internet limited to 10GB

If you need more days you can buy according following rules

Session time
Fair usage data allowance Cost
2 hours +12 minutes 500 ΜΒ 3.50 €
8 hours +48 minutes 1 GB 7 €
26 hours+24 minutes 1 GB 10 €
52 hours +48 minutes 2 GB 14 €
11 days
10 GB
19 €

Note :

The New session time is an +10 % offer Valid from June 5/2010 Until September 30/2010 according following announcement ( only in Greek )

You can top up from a scratch card that you can find in all Vodafone shop or from a Credit card (not available yet) ,or by asking for airtime from a Vodafone prepaid or postpaid cellular number .

Very soon I will offer airtime in my auctions

You need a Unlocked USB modem

If you need a connection manager you can download from folowing Vodafone Greece link - Vodafone Mobile Connect: all devices


APN web.session



username and password don't needed let it empty.

Happy Surfing and Perfect vacations In Greece to all of you

If you don't have a modem look to my other Auctions

Thank you
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Evan (Offline)
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Default 12-07-2010, 14:16

Another update of my older post about the currently available prepaid data plans and offers in Greece. The situation (and the pricing) is largely improved in all three major mobile operators since my last post.


NEW! 1. Data plan "Internet On The Phone 60", Internet (no proxy), 3€/month, 60MB volume included, 0.0010€/ΚΒ afterwards.

Detailed information (in Greek) here: COSMOTE: /??? '????/WHATSUP/????????????? WHAT'S UP

Activation and Settings:
  1. Buy and register a Cosmote prepaid card (Cosmokarta or What's Up) from any Cosmote, OTE or Germanos store.
  2. To activate the "Internet On The Phone 60", send an SMS with the number 60 to 1333. Soon after you will receive with SMS the settings for Wap & Internet. Use the Internet settings on your mobile, not the Wap ones.
  3. If you don't receive the settings automatically or you want to enter the connection settings on your mobile manually, just use the APN: internet (everything else leave it blank).
  4. To check the remaining data volume, send INFO to 1313.
  5. To check the remaining credit, send YP to 1314.

  • After subscribing to the plan, you get 40MB free, valid for the first 15 days.
  • Between 10/6 and 31/8/2010, you get double the volume (i.e., 120MB), every time you purchase a new packet.
  • The packet is deactivated automatically 30 days after its activation.
  • You can purchase as many packets as you like even before the end of the 30 days. Each time you purchase a new packet, the remaining data volume is added to your new volume (i.e. 60MB or 120MB until 31/8/2010) and the validity of the packet is extended for 30 more days.


UPDATED! 2. Data plan "Internet On The Phone 60", WAP (with proxy), 3€/month, 60MB volume included, 0.0123€/ΚΒ afterwards.

This is the updated packet of the old Cosmote "MyView'n'Web" and it is exactly the same like the above packet (1), with the difference that it uses WAP instead of the internet APN to connect. The other big difference over the packet (1) is that it charges 12.6€/MB when the included volume is over (the packet (1) charges almost 12 times less, i.e., 1.03€/MB).

It is NOT recommended in any way over the plan (1), except if you have a special reason to connect through a WAP server instead of an internet server. In that case, just save the WAP settings that you will receive with an SMS when you activate the packet, or use manually the following settings:

APN: wap
username and password: blank
Proxy:, port: 8080
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Evan (Offline)
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Default 12-07-2010, 14:29

I need to break the overview into multiple posts, since the forum software doesn't allow post with above a certain number of characters.


UPDATED! 1. Data plan "Surf & Email 60", Internet (no proxy), 3€/month, 60MB volume included, 0.0009€/ΚΒ afterwards.

Detailed information (in English) here: - Pricing & Bundles

  • After subscribing to the plan, you get the first month for free.
  • Until 31/8, you get double the volume, i.e., 120MB.
  • The subscription is renewed automatically every 30 days.
  • The data packet can only be purchased once every month.
  • For manually entering the internet settings use APN:, usermane: user and password: pass.
  • You can also use WAP instead of internet settings, APN:, usermane: user, password: pass and proxy:, port: 5080.
  • Again (like Cosmote), the WAP server is not recommended, except if you really have to use it. Unlike Cosmote, the pricing between the two APNs is the same, however when you use WAP with proxy, you won't be able to access many services like e-mail etc.
  • The Vodafone data plan, offers the same bundled volume and price like the similar plan of Cosmote. However the plan of Cosmote is more flexible, since (a) it is not renewed automatically and (b) you can purchase as many 60/120MB additional packets as you like.


UPDATED! 2. Data Plan "Vodafone on Demand", Internet (no proxy), 19€/10-days, 10GB volume included

Detailed info (in English) here: - Vodafone Mobile Broadband on Demand

  • The Starter Pack costs 49€ with an USB Modem or 19€ without a modem. Both starter packs offer free access to the Internet for 10 days and 10GB. You can also buy sessions for 2, 8, 24 and 48 hours but the 10-day session is by far the cheapest.
  • With every new connection (i.e. purchasing a prepaid card and activating the data plan) you get 10 days for free.
  • Until 30/09/10 you get 10% extra time on every new activation of the plans, i.e., instead of 10 you get 11 days.
  • If want to enter the connection settings on your mobile/modem manually, just use the APN: web.session (everything else leave it blank).
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Evan (Offline)
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Default 12-07-2010, 14:39


UPDATED! 1. Data Plan "Wind Plus Internet", Internet (no proxy), 4.12€/month, 40MB volume included, 0.5€/MΒ afterwards.

Info (only in Greek) here: Wind - ?????????????

Activation and Settings:
  1. Buy and register a Wind prepaid card ("New Wind Prepaid" or "Wind Free2Go") from any Wind store.
  2. To activate the "Wind Plus Internet", send an SMS with the text PLUS to 19349.
  3. To configure the internet settings manually, use the APN: (leave blank everything else)
  4. To check the remaining data volume, send CHECK to 19349.
  5. To check the remaining credit, send a blank SMS to 1269.

  • The plan is renewed automatically every month.
  • To deactivate the plan, send the word "STOP" to 19349.


UPDATED! 2. Data Plan "Wind Plus WAP", WAP (with proxy), 4.12€/month, 40MB volume included, 0.0123€/ΚΒ afterwards.

Notes: This is exactly the same plan like the above, but is not recommended over the previous one, because it uses the WAP APN instead of the Internet APN. That means that you cannot use services like e-mail etc. and also that after exceeding the 40MB of the included volume, you will be charged 12.6 €/MΒ instead of 0.5€/MΒ of the previous plan.

NEW! 3. Data plan "WIND Mobile Broadband with card", Internet (no proxy), 9.90€/30-days, 1GB volume included, 0.02€/MΒ afterwards.

Detailed information (in English) here: Wind - Mobile Broadband without contract

  • To activate the packet, send an SMS with the text 1GB to 19595.
  • To check the remaining volume, send yp to 19595.
  • To check the remaining credit, send a blank SMS to 1269.
  • The settings for the mobile/modem are: APN: (leave blank everything else).
  • According to their English page, if you consume the 1GB of the included volume, you can activate the packet again even before the 30 days are over. However, the same is not written on their Greek page, which makes me think that it's a lost-in-translation case, i.e., you have to wait 30 days before you activate again a new packet.

UPDATED! 4. Data Plan "WIND Mobile Broadband Non-Stop 7", Internet (no proxy), 14€/7-days, 12GB volume included, 0.02€/MΒ afterwards

Detailed information (in English) here: Wind - Mobile Broadband without contract

  • To activate the packet, send an SMS with the text NS7 to 19595.
  • To check the remaining volume, send yp to 19595.
  • To check the remaining credit, send a blank SMS to 1269.
  • The settings for the mobile/modem are: APN: (leave blank everything else).
  • According to their English page, if you consume the 12GB of the included volume, you can activate the packet again even before the 7 days are over. However, the same is not written on their Greek page, which makes me think that again it's a lost-in-translation case, i.e., you have to wait 7 days before you activate again a new packet.
  • There is another plan called "WIND Mobile Broadband Non-Stop 2" that offers 3GB for 2 days and costs 7€, i.e., much more expensive than the Non-Stop 7.
  • The two plans called NS2 (for 2 days) and NS7 (for 7 days) they actually give you almost 3 and 8 days respectively. For example, if you activate the NS2 on Monday morning, it expires at 12 midnight of Wednesday.
  • Currently, there is an offer Starter Pack which includes 7 days of free unlimited internet and USB Modem for 34.90€.



1. Data plan "1500", Internet (no proxy), 1€/month, 100MB volume included, 1€/MB afterwards

Info (only in Greek) here: 1500 ??? 1500

  • Q-mobile is now merged with Wind, so you can purchase and register a prepaid Q-card in any Wind store
  • To activate the data plan send "1500" to 12200.
  • To check the remaining volume send "υπ1500" to 12200 (not sure if "yp1500" works as well) or call 12200.
  • The data packet can be activated up to 4 times each month, giving you 400MB in total for 4€.
  • The settings for the mobile/modem are: APN: myq (leave blank everything else).
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AndyF (Offline)
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Default 18-07-2010, 22:54

I purchased a qcard sim at a wind store, but the lady there wasn't able to top up the balance since the sim wasn't alreadxy unlocked (she said the system was slow) and since I don't live near the wind store I purchased a 5€-code in a supermarket. But i don't undertsand the greek instructions. I called 1223, the number taht appears in the instructions, and tried to enter he code, but I think it didn't work since I can't activate the 1500-option and can't send any sms other than to Q numbers (haven't tried phoning though). Maybe someone here can give me some information on how to put money "on" the QCard with a predpaid code? That would be very much appreciated, thanks
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Schlips1 (Offline)
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Default 19-07-2010, 07:34


To top up dial 1223 and then listen to the announcement (that tells you that you have to register your Sim-card) then type in the 16 digit code and end with the hash/pound (#) key.

The Q-card menue may be changed to english. But I do not remember, how....
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AndyF (Offline)
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Default 19-07-2010, 19:06

Thank you.
Luckily, it worked just a few minutes after I posted the message yesterday. This time i tried pressing "1" before entering the code (didn't have to end it with #) and it worked. Apparently, there are different options availabe ánd you have to choose the first one. Anyway, it works fine now, tethering to my Archos 5 IT and to my netbook works fine as well.
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Evan (Offline)
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Default 27-07-2010, 11:39

An update on the previous posts. Cosmote has just announced its first prepaid plans for data connection on computer. The plans are quite more expensive than the similar plans of Wind and Vodafone but I post them here in case there is only 3G coverage of Cosmote on the place you will visit.

COSMOTE Internet On The Go with Card

They offer 3 plans, each with 1GB included volume, that differ on the connection time only. The 1-day plan costs 5€, the 7-day plan 10€, and the 30-day plan 30€. After 31 August 2010, they will cost 10, 14 and 50€, respectively.

You can get the SIM pack for 20€ or the Full Pack with 50€ (which includes USB modem) from any Cosmote or Germanos shop, activate and register the SIM and connect immediately. In case you need the connection settings for your own USB modem, the APN is "internet" and leave everything else blank.

More info in Greek here (after the middle of the page):
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gondrake (Offline)
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Default 28-07-2010, 13:36

Evan, do you know if the USB modem included is operator locked?
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cosmote, greece gprs, vodafone gr, wind gr

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