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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 18-04-2010, 14:21

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
Thanks for the info.

Next question.

What about incoming call cost. When someone calls the dutch +31 phone number will there be free roaming ?
I understand that when someone calls a did number this has to be forwarded to the dutch number and will cost extra.

Can you comment on this ?

As the dutch mobile number is a regular one, and will cost few cts to be called, it's no room for a free incoming, so we charge the terminaison fees + the technical cost we have for receiving the call, same for the DID, and it's no extra call to receive the call to the DID in place of the Dutch number

We will publish a new rates tables monday or tuesday with the incoming call rates lowered .

Have a great week end

We make your Money Mobile

Sent from my Iphone with my Paytoo Mobile Sim Wallet
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 19-04-2010, 09:08

That explains why you don't have competitive incoming call rates. Using a dutch provider and number you are also bound to the maximum EU roaming rates and as I said before the rates you have are undercut by many EU other providers.

Mobile roaming: ?0.40 per minute cap from summer 2010

Also you might want to look at your EU incoming call rates. The maximum excluding VAT is set for 16 eurocents per minute (see above document). Your incoming call rate for Germany is 27 eurocents which is against regulations. Spain 28 cents, not good. Other EU countries are ok, so you might want to take a very good look at that.

SMS is set to 11 cents excluding vat. You charge 15 cents which also seems to be against the maximum set eu rates. The maximum rates are law for all EU providers. You might want to argue that you are not an eu company but you are using an EU platform and are therefore by law bound to maximum rates.

But this is just an advice and I would look into it if I were you.
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snidely (Offline)
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Default 20-04-2010, 00:17

Not being a licensed carrier, I don't think he is bound by EU regs. He seems to be selling a value added service. If you don't like their prices, get a card directly from the underlying Netherlands carrier if you want (and can).
That said, for incoming, it will cost a U.S. user about US35 cents + about US23 cents to forward his incoming to a NL number for a total of under 60 cents. Not cheap - but less than the $1/min. charged by US carriers to roam in most of Europe.
The main feature of this card is that it is a regular NL number. The problem with many other cards in the past is that you had to dial a very expensive Estonian or other premium number. These numbers were so expensive to call, there was no savings on incoming calls although some savings on outgoing.
It will be interesting to see their new rate schedule when it is posted.

A side note: It sure will help those of us in the U.S. and Canada when Google Voice allows call forwarding to intl. numbers. Their intl. calling rates are quite low. In the U.S. you can program many smart phones to automatically route intl. calls via Google and pay one tenth of what you would pay your carrier to handle the call.


P.S. The main thing that bothers me about Paytoo is they do not have a physical office! I may be old fashioned, but question a business that has no real office and no real (landline) phone.

Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
A/o Oct 20, 2013 no need for intl prepaid as T-Mobile U.S. includes voice roaming at 20¢/min (in and out)., unlimited text (in and out), and unlimited data in 140+ countries.

My Plan -[6 lines] U.S. T-Mobile unlimited minutes (incoming and outgoing), unlimited text, fast data on each line. that $145/mo. total! . (In U.S. no surcharge for calling a cell.) If a line exceeds 2G of data in a month, pay $10 more for that line. [That only happens a couple times/year.

Last edited by snidely; 20-04-2010 at 00:39..
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 20-04-2010, 10:11


I have been using another roaming free card for some time.

I think we can argue if they are a licensed carrier or not. Fact is in Holland and other EU countries there are many Virtual Mobile Network Operators like Yackie is. Whenever they use an EU based network they are bound by maximum EU rates, it's simply the law that applies to anyone.

If it were as simple as you said. Carriers would move their main office outside the EU and would charge any rate they want.

I am just making a point that some of yackies incoming call rates are higher than the EU maximum that is allowed.

I agree that it's easier calling a Dutch mobile number than an Estonion or Lichtenstein. On the other side there is still a +44-7 based platform that works very well and many offer free roaming.

I just wanted to compare rates against the +44-7 Platform. Many offer free roaming or a fixed amount per day to receive an incoming call. Looking at the rates now the Yackie platform seems to be more expensive.

It also seems strange that incoming call cost for a did number are the same compared to calling the number directly. Any did number needs to be forwarded and this cost money. his is unless yackie has found a way to connect the did number directly into the network operator platform.
Also what is very strange that on their website they have incoming call cost for the netherlands. If you dial a dutch mobile number directly there are never incoming call cost when you are traveling through holland and registered on a dutch network.

It's strange that they don't have a physical office. Any company needs to be registered somewhere. A normal company should also have that registered company address on their website. Whenever there is a complaint or you want to sent them a letter there needs to . That said on the yackie mobile website their is an po box address.
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prion (Offline)
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Default 20-04-2010, 10:30

Originally Posted by bbob View Post

I have been using another roaming free card for some time.

Also what is very strange that on their website they have incoming call cost for the netherlands. If you dial a dutch mobile number directly there are never incoming call cost when you are traveling through holland and registered on a dutch network.
When looking at their roaming list partners in the Netherlands they appear to have aggreements with other carriers not only vodafone. That implies that the issue is more complex than what one might think
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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 20-04-2010, 11:46

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
That explains why you don't have competitive incoming call rates. Using a dutch provider and number you are also bound to the maximum EU roaming rates and as I said before the rates you have are undercut by many EU other providers.

Mobile roaming: ?0.40 per minute cap from summer 2010

Also you might want to look at your EU incoming call rates. The maximum excluding VAT is set for 16 eurocents per minute (see above document). Your incoming call rate for Germany is 27 eurocents which is against regulations. Spain 28 cents, not good. Other EU countries are ok, so you might want to take a very good look at that.

SMS is set to 11 cents excluding vat. You charge 15 cents which also seems to be against the maximum set eu rates. The maximum rates are law for all EU providers. You might want to argue that you are not an eu company but you are using an EU platform and are therefore by law bound to maximum rates.

But this is just an advice and I would look into it if I were you.
Hold your rating horses, the regulations are not as bad as they seem!

The EU roaming regulations prescribe certain maximum prices/rating intervals that can be charged top the consumer for voice, data and SMS. Every year in the summer, the maximum prices are adjusted downwards. In addition to the pricing ceilings, there also are regulations about informing the customers via SMS about the tariffs when they cross a EU border. This summer, additional rules for maximizing data usage will be introduced.

The EU roaming regulations do not automatically apply to newly sold roaming subcriptions.

Providers are allowed to sell subscriptions with different pricing. For example, Vodafone is selling a subscription called passport that will cost the user € 0,69 for the first minute receiving a call and € 0,99 for making a call within the EU.
The EU roaming regulations state that a provider has to offer users the EU maximum pricing upon request of the user within a day. In case the user wants to switch back to the 'normal' tariff (or back to the Eurotariff again), the provider may oblige the user to stay with the chosen scheme for a maximum of three months.
For data roaming, this summer a € 50,- ceiling will automatically apply, unless the user has stated he wants the ceiling lifted.

In summary, as far as rating is concerned, there are two obligations that are relevant at the moment:
1. Extra rate deck with EU pricing, to be activated upon user request
2. Standard data ceiling of € 50,- to be lifted upon user request


We make your Money Mobile

Sent from my Iphone with my Paytoo Mobile Sim Wallet
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benjeff (Offline)
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Default anyone receive this SIM yet? - 22-04-2010, 02:51

I'm just wondering if anyone has received the new one in the mail. I had credit on my old Yackie SIM before it went dead (maybe a year and a half ago) and Yackie hasn't contacted me to confirm my address.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2010, 03:09

No, Not yet on this end. May be they are mailing it from Eyjafjallajokull.

Originally Posted by benjeff View Post
I'm just wondering if anyone has received the new one in the mail. I had credit on my old Yackie SIM before it went dead (maybe a year and a half ago) and Yackie hasn't contacted me to confirm my address.

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YackieMobile (Offline)
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Default 22-04-2010, 11:25

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
No, Not yet on this end. May be they are mailing it from Eyjafjallajokull.


Cards will be shipped today for the first one who allready answer to our email......

If some one did not receive this email and think he can apply for for have a new Paytoo Mobile SIm card, please feel free to send me a PM

thank you

We make your Money Mobile

Sent from my Iphone with my Paytoo Mobile Sim Wallet
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 23-04-2010, 14:39


I would still want to know where there are incoming call cost for the netherlands. When calling a dutch cellphone number and the phone being registered on a dutch network this should not cost anything for incoming calls ?

Hello Sir

Yackie Mobile and Paytoo / Paytoo Mobile are registered brand of Paymotech, which is a tradable company and we do have one office, and more than one

We have one office to FLorida, Fort Lauderdale, One in Australia, Brisbane and One in EUrope, Paris....



link to this company on the stock exchange.

Yackie this doesn't look very good. When looking at the value of the stock
Introducetion around end 2008 ant 2.00
1-7-09 around 0.6
19-2-10 around 0.28
23-4-10 around 0.001

Seems like the value of the stock is worth almost nothig. Also there is no finacial information on the website. Normally a company registered on a stockexchange would publish this information on their website.

Last edited by bbob; 23-04-2010 at 14:55.. Reason: new info
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