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Sophia (Offline)
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Default 12-03-2010, 18:11

Originally Posted by mingelli View Post

What kind of speed do you get in data downloading with
The sim in Canada. Is it 3g speed or much lower?
Much lower, it's only EDGE, but then again I don't think where I am right now there is any 3g available at all, it's rather out in the bush and I was surprised to get a signal at all, but in a few weeks I'll be traveling to Europe and will post an update then

Originally Posted by easyroam- View Post
Have a look at truphones terms and conditions. They clearly state that you cannot use 911, 112, 999 emergency services on there sim card.
Easyroam, I'm truly not sure what you are trying to prove here... Are you that desperate for customers that you need to badmouth the competition?

Here: Cheap Calls using VoIP with Truphone - Your Mobile VoIP Provider

In particular:

If you are in an area where your Truphone is searching for a wireless signal or there is no wireless signal or wireless service, it is highly probable that a call to 911 will not go through. Do not rely solely on your Truphone in an emergency situation. In an emergency, locate the nearest landline phone and call for help.
Now, where exactly does it clearly state that you cannot use emergency calls on their sim card?

Originally Posted by easyroam- View Post
You can test the number. call 911 and see if it connects and if it does, just say sorry I pressed the number by mistake. I was cleaning the phone.
You MUST be joking...

Last edited by Sophia; 12-03-2010 at 18:41..
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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 12-03-2010, 20:46

Originally Posted by Sophia View Post
You MUST be joking...
not really. at least here in germany no emergeny dispatcher will argue with you if you simply tell them that you wanted to make sure that the 911 service will work with this phone.
Better than finding out that it doesnt work when you will eventually (hopefully never) need it...


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Sophia (Offline)
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Default 12-03-2010, 22:50

Haha, well it's a bit of a silly "argument" really... point is Truphone does NOT say it doesn't work, and I see no reason to take 'm to task just for the sake of proving some dealer wrong who is trying to spread untruths...
But by all means, somebody take 'm to task if it's that important, me, I have lived without a cell phone most of my life and still consider it a decadent luxury to some degree, not to mention it stops working 5 minutes out of town where we live due to no cell towers, no emergency can compete with THAT
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snidely (Offline)
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Default 13-03-2010, 01:49

I am willing to bet you can connect to 911, 112 etc with ANY SIM card - even one long dead. I know you can here (US). Also, don't at least some phones allow you to connect w.o. any SIM?

Make use of T-M's UMA/wifi free calling from any place in the world with access to wifi. I use an LG G6, wife an S7)
A/o Oct 20, 2013 no need for intl prepaid as T-Mobile U.S. includes voice roaming at 20¢/min (in and out)., unlimited text (in and out), and unlimited data in 140+ countries.

My Plan -[6 lines] U.S. T-Mobile unlimited minutes (incoming and outgoing), unlimited text, fast data on each line. that $145/mo. total! . (In U.S. no surcharge for calling a cell.) If a line exceeds 2G of data in a month, pay $10 more for that line. [That only happens a couple times/year.
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Sophia (Offline)
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Default 13-03-2010, 04:10

I think they all do, snidely, and that is why I call BS on that statement, as well as a few other lies in this thread that were easily proven wrong. I really don't understand why some people feel the need to kick others in order to promote their own products... it sure makes the choice easy whose SIMs I shall never buy!
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andy (Offline)
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Default 13-03-2010, 11:53

Originally Posted by snidely View Post
I am willing to bet you can connect to 911, 112 etc with ANY SIM card - even one long dead. I know you can here (US). Also, don't at least some phones allow you to connect w.o. any SIM?
This varies quite a bit between countries. In some, making emergency calls without a SIM card is not possible.

This includes the UK, where in addition it has only fairly recently (last October) been made possible for the phone to roam to a different network to make an emergency call.

Germany recently made it necessary to have a SIM card in the phone, to reduce prank calls

It is said that in some other countries, credit is needed on a valid SIM, though the call is free.
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Some good news: TRUPHONE SIM CARD - 14-03-2010, 07:59

There are some TRUPHONE LOCAL ANYWHERE CALL SIM CARD being sold for $3.99 on eBay. No shipping. And $7.50 credit.
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Sophia (Offline)
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Default 15-03-2010, 01:22

Great I saw Australia got added too as local place, so the ones heading there are in a bit of luck then
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rfranzq (Offline)
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Default Just so you know....... - 15-03-2010, 04:45

Originally Posted by rfranzq View Post
There are some TRUPHONE LOCAL ANYWHERE CALL SIM CARD being sold for $3.99 on eBay. No shipping. And $7.50 credit.
Since there might be some here who have now bought more than one SIM card: I asked the seller if, "Is there a time limit for activating the SIM?"
Yes, there is a time limit for activating. Within 14 days of receipt or within 30 days of dispatch from Truphone or their distribution partner. Normally, it take 10 - 15 business days to the U.S
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RTuesday (Offline)
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Default 27-03-2010, 01:51

Originally Posted by petkow View Post
they are now giving away free SIM's which come loaded with 5 GBP or 7.50 US$ of call credit.
I've just received the free sim, with $7.50 in calling credit on it (sent to a US address). (thanks for mentioning the offer).

Activated it OK on the website. I could choose a US number for it at activation time. Pick a state and you're given a number to either accept or roll the dice again. After a few tries I got a reasonable 213 Los Angeles number (appears to be from a T-mobile block).

Prices look excellent in the US, but in Mexico it only roams on Movistar (not Telcel) and the prices are too high for any use (as I knew, it's for other countries). Roaming doesn't seem to be seamless, had to manually select a network each time, wasn't picked up on an automatic search. Received a test SMS from Google Voice OK (free), sent a reply OK - but the outgoing sms was billed 15% higher than the website prices. (they do say the prices exclude tax, but it is unclear what taxes if any would apply in this case).

I noticed there was no email address, online chat, or web form ticket system when I went to the web site to ask about the rate difference. Seems it's phone calls only (which is a bit tricky if your support request involves not being able to phone!). I haven't tried a support call as it's unclear whether that is chargable.

Next time I'm in the US I'll test it properly. That's if sending one sms a month will avoid the (undefined) inactivity fee, the terms do say it has to be a "call" each month.

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