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milokat (Offline)
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Default Vodafone prepaid sim Zoogerloos Internet Blox - VOIP calls with SIP client - 18-02-2010, 08:51

Hi there,

I'll be in AMS for 10 days and am planning to obtain a Vodafone prepaid SIM pack for use in my iphone.
I would need experienced user out there for advise on the the Carefree internet (zoogerloos internet Blox) that can be activated with EUR9.50 (unlimited internet on phone for a month).

My question is, I'm an avid user of VOIP, like skype, nimbuzz and others on SIP phone clients as well, and I've heard that the Vodafone EUR9.50 internet blox addon does not support voip calls (or rather, Vodafone blocks it, is this true?), and one will have to purchase the EUR34.50 Vodafone Zoogerloos Internet Totaal Blox instead for VOIP to work, as indicated by Vodafone.

Any one who's used the prepaid service and successfully used VOIP on the EUR9.50 3g internet blox on the prepaid Vodafone sim?

If not, any kind advise would be appreciated (heard that there are other choices such as KPN pay per day internet access plan for prepaid?)

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Ties Brants (Offline)
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Default 18-02-2010, 17:25

There is of course the difference between will it work and is it allowed.
I just tested it with a post paid sim card with the zorgeloos blox and it does work with voip.

The problem is that the prepaid blox isn't really that much care free. Apparently they will cancel it after you used 250 MB. Sometimes even without letting you know. (I don't have first hand experience with this, but it is something to keep in mind). So when you voip a lot they might cancel your blox just because you used too much data.

There is indeed the way more expensive blox and with that one you are allowed to use voip. But as far as I could tell for checking the Vodafone website it isn't available for prepaid users.

T-mobile might be an option. It seems like that you will never pay more then euro 2,50 a day. But their upload speed isn't very high: 64 Kbps. And it seems like voip isn't allowed there either. (altough that isn't completely clear)

KPN pay per day isn't going to help much because it only gives you 20 MB. They also have an monthly option. But there doesn't seem to be that much information about it on their website.

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milokat (Offline)
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Default 19-02-2010, 02:39

Hi Ties,

Thanks for the good information. I suppose if I keep the voip activities to a min it should not exceed 250mb in the 10 days.

I don't think the telephone shops that I go to in the city centre will be able to provide me with honest assessment as to the best choices that i can take, or would they.

Thanks again.
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Ties Brants (Offline)
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Default 19-02-2010, 23:47

you're welcome

Not sure about the telephone shops. I actually think it really depends on the salesperson that happens to be helping you. The thing is that what you want to know is not so much how it is supposed to work (they should be able to tell you that) but how it actually works in reality. And that you usually only know when you tried it.
So share your experience after your 10 days.
I think you should just buy a vodafone sim, use it and see how far you will get.

There are also some phone shops at Schiphol airport. So if you arrive there you should be able to get the sim card there as well, I suppose.
Make sure you have enough credit to be able to activate the blox. I think the come with only 5 euro's.

BTW: I just red somewhere that the post pay KPN internet option has a FUP that is something like 215 MB. So prepaid should be the same or less. Also not really unlimited.....

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