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ygeffens (Offline)
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Default Belgian/Dutch border - 12-12-2009, 11:42


I want to know what provider would give me the best reception at the border.
I live in Belgium (3km from the border), and I want a Dutch card. I set my phone to only connect to that specific provider, so I never have roaming cost in Belgium (at my house).
Is there a map with signal strenght ?


Belgium: Proximus Smart+ 15 (+32 496 contract)


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Ties Brants (Offline)
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Default 12-12-2009, 15:12

I think all the maps will make it look like the signal stops exactly at the border. So they are not really going to help you. But what about using your Belgium sim to roam on the different networks and see which one is best?
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ygeffens (Offline)
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Default 12-12-2009, 21:13

I want to be reachable for some Dutch customers on a +31-number while I'm in Belgium.
I can use a voip number (I already have one), but I like the ability to travel in the Netherlands, and be reachable on the same number, without me having to forward the call (on my expense).

Belgium: Proximus Smart+ 15 (+32 496 contract)


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Ties Brants (Offline)
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Default 12-12-2009, 21:21

I understand. But if you use a Belgium sim card that roams on the Dutch networks you should be able to find out if you have coverage on a Dutch network. And also how the signal quality is.

Or take a Vodafone NL card. With vodafone Buurlanden you can receive calls in Belgium and Germany for free (if I remember correctly it cost 4,95 per month) It is not really easy to find on the Vodafone site. But is there somewhere.

Last edited by Ties Brants; 12-12-2009 at 21:28..
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Motel75 (Offline)
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Default 12-12-2009, 23:01

Or even simpler, just look at the "available networks" on your present phone - especially if it shows the signal strength of each. (If it doesn't, just do as TB says, and log on to each Dutch network and see how good the signal is and if it stays that way - this will help you decide which ones will work best at your location so you can know which SIM to get.) I remember when I first got a multi-band phone about 10 years ago, I went to the point at which D, NL, and B meet, and I think there were 11 networks to choose from!

Current DE: Vodafone, Netzklub; PL: Klucz, Virgin; UK: Giffgaff, Vodafone; US: T-Mobile; CA: 7-Eleven; IT: Vodafone; UA: Kyivstar; FR: Bouygues; GR: Vodafone
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Ties Brants (Offline)
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Default 13-12-2009, 09:02

The buurlanden blox is actually 4,50.
See here (in Dutch):

(hope the link works. otherwise search for buurlanden blox)

off topic: Yes, that was really cool. 5 Dutch, 4 German and 3 Belgium networks all at the same time
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 13-12-2009, 12:37

Since KPN and Vodafone also use the 900MHz-band on their network, while T-Mobile run their network soley at 1800MHz (besides 3G at 2100MHz), which has a shorter signal range than 900 MHz (<36km vs. < 20km) and worse signal dispersion, KPN and Vodafone are likely to have further reaching coverage in Belgium, as their signals get deeper into Belgian territory.

terminals: Samsung: Galaxy S5 DuoS (G900FD); BLU: Win HD LTE; Nokia: 1200; Asus: Fonepad 7 ME372CG; Huawei data: E3372, Vodafone R201, K3765, E1762;
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Ties Brants (Offline)
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Default 13-12-2009, 15:38

If I remember correctly Orange actually had E-gsm as well. So T-mobile should at least have the possibility to also use (E) gsm 900. But I suppose that testing it where you need it is the only way to find out for sure. But if you want a Dutch number in Belgium the Buurlanden option sounds pretty usefull to me. And then you won't have to worry about signal quality since you will be using a Belgium network.
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Hank C Burnette (Offline)
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Default 13-12-2009, 21:17

Originally Posted by Ties Brants View Post
I understand. But if you use a Belgium sim card that roams on the Dutch networks you should be able to find out if you have coverage on a Dutch network. And also how the signal quality is.
I agree.

With such a small distance form the border, i guess at least one of the operators will have a good signal.

I travel a lot, and sometimes traveling on the motorways it took up to 10 km from the border before my phone "decides" to leave one network for another.

Anyway, you should try, because there is not a fixed rule.

Think even that - as far i had read in the news - in Ventimiglia, Italy near the French border people was angry because phones pick up often the more strong signal of French networks resultin in unnecessary international roaming.

Back in Italy!
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Last edited by Hank C Burnette; 13-12-2009 at 21:26.. Reason: forgot something...
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Motel75 (Offline)
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Default 14-12-2009, 00:46

Yes, it bears repeating. If you live in a border area, switch your phone to manual network selection (not automatic). That way, if it loses its home network signal for a short time it won't switch to a foreign network.

Current DE: Vodafone, Netzklub; PL: Klucz, Virgin; UK: Giffgaff, Vodafone; US: T-Mobile; CA: 7-Eleven; IT: Vodafone; UA: Kyivstar; FR: Bouygues; GR: Vodafone
Former DE: Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2, Blauworld, 01051mobile, Solomo, Lycamobile, Simyo, Congstar, Fonic, Edeka Mobile, Lidl Mobile; PL: Heyah, Era, Virgin, Sami Swoi, Orange, POP, iPlus, Carrefour Mova, Telepin Mobi, Play, Lycamobile, T-Mobile; UK: Vodafone, T-Mobile, Virgin; US: T-Mobile, AT&T, Lycamobile; CZ: Vodafone, Oskar; ES: Lebara; GR: Vodafone, Wind; UA: Vodafone; IL: Orange; TR: Turkcell
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