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Sebastian (Offline)
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Thumbs up Positive changes at - 28-07-2009, 14:06

You all remember that period when all IoM numbers ceased to exist, some temporarily, some for good. I decided to keep my +447624 SIM (you can find my review in Global Prepaid Overview sticky thread) in hope for better future, which seemingly just arrived.

After several months of inactivity I blew off the dust from the SIM and gave it a go. It worked. But not only that, my outgoing call has correctly transferred my IoM caller ID, for the first time ever. Their somewhat outdated website still claims caller ID not being present at all. For the sake of completeness, I tried to ring my IoM from my local mobile phone. I've got caller ID even on incoming call. Life's just getting better. And on top of that, SMS delivery reports are now available as well.

The story does not end here. While home in Croatia I've been used to always select T-mobile network because that other operator (VIPnet) did not allow USSD signaling to go through. That situation is no more, I'm not sure who is to credit, but the SIM now works flawlessly on two main operators here.

So thumbs up for!
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 28-07-2009, 15:59

Did you check the costs for calls?
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hcernl (Offline)
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Default 28-07-2009, 16:27

In the Netherlands no positive change!Itried it on three networks but no caller Id at all.(Incoming both outgoing)
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hrgajek (Offline)
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Default 07-02-2010, 14:04


latest News on

M. Cesmeci, Sales Director of informed his customers that he had tried to transfer his customers to a spanish lady, but she had an traffic-accident and couldn't do that task any longer, so he transferred his customers to GT-SIM (Global Termination). Customers are asked to sent their sim-cards (+44-7624-xxxxxx) to a special (german) postal adress for exchange. Cesmeci promises they wil get a brandnew sim-card from GT-SIM with a new phone-number (+44-7924-yyyyyy) and a starting credit of 2,95 Euros. As soon as the customers recharge 25 Euros via GT-SIM they will get their old credit from back, promises Cesmeci.

Customers who switch on the old Globalsim SIM-Card and try to ask for the current balance (call 187 or *125*1*187# with older phones instead) will get an Short-Message from GeoSim World Wide Sim Cards | Cheap Overseas Mobile Phone Calls & Free Roaming International Sim Card | Geo Sim Card Saves 85% On International Call Charges to go with them. M. Cesmeci ( says, that is not authorized to do this. offers to maintain the existing number, but there seems no way to get the old credit back, which was paid to

You still get through this mess?

GT-SIM (GT-SIM) offers interesting prices, but care of surcharges which could apply on page 2 of the PDF-Document. charges in US-Dollars, while gt-sim charges in Euro.
Globalsimcard asks for "fair use policy", i.e. if you get more incoming calls than you do outgoing calls they could charge for incoming calls at 13 US-Cent per minute.

GT-SIM asks for 9 Euro-Cent per minute incoming unless some countries are a little bit more expensive - the top three are India, Mexiko and Cuba with 1.29 Euros incoming per minute.

The third solution could be putting the Globalsim-Card in the cupboard leaving it there for the discovery of later generations ...

73 & 55 (Regards)
Henning Gajek
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