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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 23-05-2009, 14:50

Got the card through telestial and putting it through some testing....

Am in the USA....calls to the +1 number complete fairly quickly...have no idea of the quality of the call as I am not answering it......

Calls to the +44 number also go through big big difference though...

Calling on the +1 number I do get the caller id of the calling number

Calling on the +44 number does not show caller id....this is a big problem. Is ekit aware of it???

(BTW got a 978 area code on US card...I think this is in Mass..(would have preferred NYC 212 or 718 or 917 or 347 or 646 for call forwarding purposes...can one choose the area code of the US number and can it be changed)

Finally I always change the pin number to one I use all the time...tried it with the ekit dual card and while it took the change of pin number, when I tried to turn on the card the next time, it said sim card fails to register...had to change it back to the original this a none defect?

Other than that, prices seems right.....
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FBlack_111 (Offline)
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Default 23-05-2009, 15:39


I was under the impression that you cannot change the password on the SIM but just the password to log on to your account.

Also, you said "Calling on the +44 number does not show caller id..". Do you mean that your number does not show up on the caller id of the other phone?
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 24-05-2009, 00:10

Originally Posted by FBlack_111 View Post

I was under the impression that you cannot change the password on the SIM but just the password to log on to your account.

Also, you said "Calling on the +44 number does not show caller id..". Do you mean that your number does not show up on the caller id of the other phone?
Well a normal part of sim card fact is that when the card comes with a PIN, you have the ability to change the PIN to anything you want. Have done that with several sim cards.......apparently ekit dual passport doesn't allow it.

As far as the lack of caller id....I used my home phone to call the +44 went through and cell phone rang but caller id showed unknown.....not good.
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schuster (Offline)
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Default 24-05-2009, 21:40

Originally Posted by MATHA531 View Post
Well a normal part of sim card fact is that when the card comes with a PIN, you have the ability to change the PIN to anything you want. Have done that with several sim cards.......apparently ekit dual passport doesn't allow it.
I have one of these on order, and was looking at the instructions in the meantine. It says to enter "1" or "2" to select UK or US IMSI, then the PIN number at startup. Is the SIM card interpreting the "1" or "2" as the first digit of an, effective, 5-digit PIN at startup? If so, a phone whose "change PIN" algorithm is only capable of understanding 4 digits might not handle a change properly. Just thinking out loud...
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inquisitor (Offline)
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Default 24-05-2009, 23:35

I don't have a dual IMSI from Telstial, but one from a German MVNO (solomo/vistream, who have their own MNC, but use a second IMSI from a MNO (eplus) for international roaming) and maybe Telestial's SIM is working the same way.
So with solomo the PIN itself has generally 4 digits. By prefixing 1 or 2 one can change the IMSI. If only the 4-digit-PIN is entered, the last used IMSI will be activated. The PIN can be changed in the usual way: enter the old 4-digit-PIN and thereafter a new one. Any change will apply for both IMSIs.

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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2009, 00:30

Originally Posted by mingelli View Post
Would like to know then if US service is not active and I go to US how can I make calls from US and reactivate the service to be able to make calls.
You can activate the US service for outbound US calling by going to the ekit website, entering your account details and activating, or you can activate from your mobile by dialing the shortcode 870.
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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2009, 00:36

Originally Posted by MATHA531 View Post
A call coming into my mobile phone (which has a US number) is forwarded to the US number and I am in the UK......what do I pay to receive the call in the UK?

(Inother words, if somebody calls the US +1 number, do I simply pay 19¢ to receive the call in the UK?)
Correct, if you revceive a call on the US number, while you are in the UK, you pay 19c. When you receive calls on the US number you pay 19c plus the normal cost of receiving a call (easiest to refer to the ekit rates page), which in the case of the UK is one of the 51 countries that cost 0c to receive a call on the UK number.
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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2009, 00:38

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
It looks like so from the post above. It says incoming on the US number incurs 19c plus whatever the incoming rate is in the country. So, since the UK is free incoming you pay just 19c. If it were another country that is NOT free incoming the cost will be 19c plus whatever the incoming rate is for that country.

Just speculating though, so we'll wait on JDEkit to clarify.
Thanks Bossman you are correct.
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JDekit (Offline)
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Default 25-05-2009, 01:15

Originally Posted by MATHA531 View Post
Got the card through telestial and putting it through some testing....

Am in the USA....calls to the +1 number complete fairly quickly...have no idea of the quality of the call as I am not answering it......

Calls to the +44 number also go through big big difference though...

Calling on the +1 number I do get the caller id of the calling number

Calling on the +44 number does not show caller id....this is a big problem. Is ekit aware of it???

JDekit: Yes we are aware of this. Unfortunately there are often issues with the information which is being passed through to us by many of the the international carriers. We're working on it, however, it will take some time to be resolved. Apologies.

(BTW got a 978 area code on US card...I think this is in Mass..(would have preferred NYC 212 or 718 or 917 or 347 or 646 for call forwarding purposes...can one choose the area code of the US number and can it be changed)

JDekit: We are working on the ability to select the area code of the number with the ekit SIM. We don't have it yet. We will provide an update when we do.

Finally I always change the pin number to one I use all the time...tried it with the ekit dual card and while it took the change of pin number, when I tried to turn on the card the next time, it said sim card fails to register...had to change it back to the original this a none defect?

JDekit: We have seen some variability with changing PINs in different handsets. A slightly different way to do this, which doesn't seem to be impacted by the type of handset, is the following. You must have your PIN and PUK. If you do not have the PUk do not do this. Enter the wrong PIN 3 times, then enter the PUK, when you have done this the SIM will ask you for a new PIN and ask you to repeat the new PIN. You will then have a personalized PIN.

Other than that, prices seems right.....

Please let me know if you have any other questions.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default Are Telestial rates and surchages for real? - 26-05-2009, 17:29

On the information for the passport sim, telestial has the following. These seem high compared to other sim cards.

- A one-time 35c connection fee applies to each call made or received (except when incoming calls are FREE).

- There is a $0.35 USD per minute surcharge when you make a call to a cell phone (does not apply when calling to a US or Canadian cell phone).
- Additional surcharges apply when calling certain countries. Please click here for more information.

Under additional surcharges, there is the following link that list ssurchages to a lot of countries. can this be true:

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