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BBB (Offline)
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Default yackie mobile changed min usage - 13-06-2008, 09:02

Haven't seen this before - kinda kills it off for light usage - and unlike a IOM or Jersey sim number it is expensive to forward to via voipcheap etc

It used to be one call or text

(*) To keep your DID number active minimum usage of $5 USD every 90 days is required.
Failure to do so will result in the expiration of your DID number.
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 13-06-2008, 09:50

Originally Posted by BBB View Post
Haven't seen this before - kinda kills it off for light usage - and unlike a IOM or Jersey sim number it is expensive to forward to via voipcheap etc

It used to be one call or text

(*) To keep your DID number active minimum usage of $5 USD every 90 days is required.
Failure to do so will result in the expiration of your DID number.
do you have a link to where on their website this information can be found as I was unable to find it.
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amroe (Offline)
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Smile I have also a problem with yackie DID - 13-06-2008, 13:01

Me too , i received an e-mail that i should make one call to keep my did number , and i had do it , but after three days i got a massage that my did number has expired due to inactivity i try to chat with live support but it always offline .
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 13-06-2008, 13:57

When did you receive this email? I would think they should hacve sent it to all their customers. I understand an activity every 90 days, however a $5 minimum usage is totally insane!

In my opinion, yackie mobile is just about to price themselves out of competition.

bbob, when you login to your account, click on personal phone number, and it's right there. As of last week it just said a usage is required every 90 days. It now says a minimum usage of $5 is required.

(*) To keep your DID number active minimum usage of $5 USD every 90 days is required. Failure to do so will result in the expiration of your DID number.

Originally Posted by amroe View Post
Me too , i received an e-mail that i should make one call to keep my did number , and i had do it , but after three days i got a massage that my did number has expired due to inactivity i try to chat with live support but it always offline .

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Last edited by Bossman; 13-06-2008 at 14:11..
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 13-06-2008, 19:56

I logged in and my number was expired. I was than presented the option to select another number.

And yes indeed it now says: (*) To keep your DID number active minimum usage of $5 USD every 90 days is required. Failure to do so will result in the expiration of your DID number.

The yackie site also says:

Since this is a prepaid solution, there are no contracts to sign or monthly bills – EVER!
Personal phone number of your choice from a list of 24 countries!

So clearly they are misinforming people here and should mention this when buying the card. Not a very nice move.

On the other hand I can understand there move. Voip did numbers as yackie has still cost money even for them. So what they are saying is you have to spent $20 a year to keep your did number.

When you go shoping for a voip did number $20 is a realy fair price. Yes it could be a bit cheaper for some countries. Netherland for example $15 per year but other countries are more expensive.
When a customer is not using their card yackie still has fixed cost to keep these numbers alive. When you have lots of customers, like me not using their card it will cost yackie money every week.

Even when you setup your own call forward you have to pay for voip did numbers and keep them alive yourself. So yes I understand the move on yackie but they should mention it on their website clearly readable for everyone and not only when your have bought the card and see it in your menu.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 13-06-2008, 20:08

I concur, they should clearly state that your have to use at least $5 every 90 days. However, I am sure they know if they do, some people will think twice about making the purchase. Other international sims similar to yackie just require an activity ever 6 or 9 months.

I am assuming if the DID expires, the +354380 number still works. If that's the case, you can get your own DID and forward it to the +354380 number. Unfortunately, a lot of carriers cannot or just do not want to connect to a +354380 number. And if they do, it's at a very high rate.

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dg7feq (Offline)
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Default 13-06-2008, 22:06

Originally Posted by Bossman View Post
I concur, they should clearly state that your have to use at least $5 every 90 days. However, I am sure they know if they do, some people will think twice about making the purchase. Other international sims similar to yackie just require an activity ever 6 or 9 months.

I am assuming if the DID expires, the +354380 number still works. If that's the case, you can get your own DID and forward it to the +354380 number. Unfortunately, a lot of carriers cannot or just do not want to connect to a +354380 number. And if they do, it's at a very high rate.
Yes, the +354-Number always stays active.
I did exchange some emails with the customer care when my DID expired and they switched it on for me again. But he said the same: If you dont use the DID they cancel it. If you want to use a DID again (lets say in next years holiday) you can just log in and click yourself a new one and forward your landline to you new DID. I think its rather fair to do it that way. DID rental in several countries is quite costy.


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PhotoJim (Offline)
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Default 14-06-2008, 15:47

One other thing Yackie could do that would be better is to not require $x of activity, but to charge a fee of $x less recent activity. This way no intervention would be required by the user, except if the balance on the account is insufficient. Right now the user has to get out the SIM and actually make calls to use up the $5, which for some will be a bother.

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GadgetKen (Offline)
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Default 16-06-2008, 18:39

Don't like the new $5 minimum policy.

Use the Yackie sim primarily for November to January trips to non-US Caribbean destinations(supplementing my regional Digicel prepaid sim card and an Iridium handset). They cancelled my local DID despite doing a test call/SMS after they sent a warning email. I activated the local DID again, and they cancelled it a second time. I just reactivated it a second time.

Don't like the way Yackie is playing games with their customers. While I understand that a local DID number does have costs, a minimum useage policy is not a "free" number. A more palatable solution to me would have been a cellular PBX, where everybody would have the same local access number but a different 5 or 6 digit internal exchange number. Think I will just use up my Yackie sim card, and not add any more airtime.

Thinking of just getting one of the new UM +423 Data sim cards as a replacement.

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VladS (Offline)
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Default 16-06-2008, 18:47

Originally Posted by GadgetKen View Post
I activated the local DID again, and they cancelled it a second time. I just reactivated it a second time.
Same here. I had the second number for 3 days and got a cancelation email this morning.

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