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Ukap (Offline)
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Default United-Mobile on Cruise ship - 31-01-2008, 04:15

I am traveling to Europe from the USA on a cruise ship. The ship provides cell service for $2.99 a minute.

If I use my United-Mobile sim on this trip, will I be charged UM rates (approx 40c outgoing) or the Cruise-ship rate of $2.99?

Last cruise, the ship did not offer cell service. My UM worked continuously picking up the signal from each country we traveled to, even while at sea.

I have been reading other posts that if your phone displays "cruise ship roaming" watch out because you are charged $2.99 @ min
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GSM_student (Offline)
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Default 31-01-2008, 04:37

Hi Ukap. Till I know the system in the ship is a special roaming agreement with few companies, like Cingular, Manx Telecom, and TIM Italy (in those websites you find it) controled by the operator MCP (Maritime Communication Partner) the say everything and only in some cruise.
The Ship has an MCP Erb that is turn on when it is far of the seaport. Those Erb make calls by satellity, that is why it is so expensive. Usually you pay the $2.99 to make or receive call. I will be very suprised if any of this prepaid system has agreement with those people.
What shows in the display is very different from operator to operator, in the MCP could apears MCP or 901-12, in the Manx will be 310730or Seamobile. So don't follow your display.
Check the website

Good luck and let me know if it works, because I will be surprised but happy.
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MrEd (Offline)
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Default 31-01-2008, 11:01

Use caution.

You may be charged as if you were in the country the vessels "home" network is.

E.g. If you are in the middle of the Med and the vessel uses a US network and you are out of mobile range but locked on the the vessels network, you may be charged as if you were in the US. Plus any other charges the vessel may like to charge.

Check you balance, make a call over 1 minute long and check your babalnce afterwards to see what the approximate charge is.

Do the same for incoming.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 31-01-2008, 11:27

AS I posted in the thread below, I was charged exactly the US rate listed on their website when I used my IOM sim. Carriers have specific rates listed on their websites for cruise ship roaming. But with these prepaid sims like UM+, yackie, etc. may be it depends on the country provider of the service is registered in. In my case it was provided by WMS which I think is US based.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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MATHA531 (Offline)
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Default 31-01-2008, 11:58

My question is this (and I'm not a technology geek)....

Let's say you're crusing in Europe....can't you set the phone to manual selection of carrier and if you're within range say in Norwegian waters of a Norwegian roaming partner, wouldn't you get the UM+ rates of free reception of calls????
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 31-01-2008, 12:09

Absolutely! Also the ships turn off their network (They have to by law) once they get within certain miles of a port. Since they do not have roaming agreements at any ports...just at sea. So, in my case once we got close to Aruba, St Marteen, etc. the local networks show up. Once we set sail, the ships also turn on their network once they reach certain miles from the port. But, I sometimes noticed I can still get the ship and the local networks, so I just manually select the local one before making a call. However, if a call comes in during this time, it's no telling which network you will be on. So, it could either be free, or very expensive.

Originally Posted by MATHA531 View Post
My question is this (and I'm not a technology geek)....

Let's say you're crusing in Europe....can't you set the phone to manual selection of carrier and if you're within range say in Norwegian waters of a Norwegian roaming partner, wouldn't you get the UM+ rates of free reception of calls????

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile

Last edited by Bossman; 31-01-2008 at 12:30..
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bbob (Offline)
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Default 31-01-2008, 13:52

so I just manually select the local one before making a call. However, if a call comes in during this time, it's no telling which network you will be on. So, it could either be free, or very expensive.

Bossman, to my knowledge if you are logged into a local network but still on the ship you are logged into that network and can't receive calls through the ships network.

On most phone's if you set the network selection to manual and select the local network. Ones out of range you would have to select the ships network manually.
when set to automatic than you would indeed have the risk of the phone switching to the ships network.
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Bossman (Offline)
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Default 31-01-2008, 14:58

That's definitely correct. I was actually refering to the fact that if the network selection was on auto.

In my experience, even up to 1 - 2 hrs after leaving some ports, the signal from the local network is sometimes stronger than the ship's. Also, some of these islands are so close to each other, so most of the time one will get a local network.

Originally Posted by bbob View Post
Bossman, to my knowledge if you are logged into a local network but still on the ship you are logged into that network and can't receive calls through the ships network.

On most phone's if you set the network selection to manual and select the local network. Ones out of range you would have to select the ships network manually.
when set to automatic than you would indeed have the risk of the phone switching to the ships network.

Phones: Xiaomi Mi Mix 2, Samsung Galaxy A50, ASUS zenfone 3,
Sim cards: AT&T (Contract), 3 UK, Piranha Mobile
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Ukap (Offline)
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Default 31-01-2008, 23:39

I think I understand what you mean. I just checked UM rates to/from the US and it is $2.15 instead of the 40c from Europe to US.

I am traveling on NCL Jewel (registry Bahama's if that means anything).
Anyone else had experience with UM on cruise ships? I don't travel until April so I am thoroughly doing my research ahead of time
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MrEd (Offline)
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Default 01-02-2008, 00:18

Port/country of registry will have no relevance to what GSM network is on the vessel.
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